Flash back [4]

My Mischievous Trio


???: its me... Hyukkie,  your cousin... 

You: hyukkie? 

Hyuk: *sighs* its me LEE. HYUK. JAE.

You: Ah! monkey oppa *hugs* sorry i didn't recognize you .. you look so different now

Hyuk: different?

You: i mean you look so handsome now.. 

Hyuk: *giggles* wll i can't blame you, the last time that i saw you was when you were 6 *laughs nervously while scratching head*

???: yo! monkey lets sit Sir Park is com-- oh! hi there *waves* *whispers to hyuk* your new girl?

Hyuk: What?! anio.. this is my cousin .. _ _ _ _ _ _ meet donghae, donghae this is my Gorgeous cousin _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 

You: annyeong *bows* _ _ _ _ _ _ imnida. nice to meet you *smiles*

Hae: Annyeong *kisses your hand* Lee Donghae imnida. *smiles* hope we can be friends *wink* well can i borrow hyuk for a while? 

You: n-n-neh *blushes*

Hae: nice meeting you :) see ya later 

-Hyuk's POV-

hmm.. something smells fishy between these two.. especially Donghae.. hmm... but i can't lay a finger on it.. *sigh*


-Hae's POV-

so this is hyuk's cousin.. hmm.. looks kinda cute.. hihihi.. i'll try my charms on her *smirks*


-Back to Your POV-

wheres sungmin oppa *pout* hmm.. its boring here now that hyuk oppa left .. hmmm.. oh! theres wookie oppa... 

YOU: Hi wookie oppa! *waves cutely* 

Wook: hi! lets sit already the teacher is goona arrive any minute now *smiles*

You: ok *pout* 

Wook: whats wrong?

You: wheres sungmin oppa?

Wook: he just left awhile ago .. why?

You: i'm bored *bubble face*


comment and subscribe ^^

sorry if the story is not that interesting... 

i promise i'll improve my work .. hwaiting


in the next chapter or so i'll introduce some of the other characters.. 

in the next chapter kyu will make an apperance but not that often so maybe a few morw chapters then he'll make his full appearence.... sorry for the short update

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Yeolah #1
Chapter 7: omg.. updateee
Yay! Yay! Sunny-sshi is here :D oh! I'm mean Sunny unnie hehe **embarrassed laugh** so cool story^^ I hope Sunny is the only one SNSD here (JOKE I want all of them except _______) hehehe well UPDATE soon^^
oohh... so that how _____ met the other character. hahaha! and i really thought that minnie is her boyfriend. but i'm wrong though. lol. so how will kyuhyun and _____ meet? i can't wait for it! ^^
The only person Kyuhyun is meant to be with is me!!! <3
Woaw~ Cool start! What a cute story ><!<br />
Please update soon ;)
@suju26kamz : thanks for subscribing ... hahaha.. i'm already updating the second chap. so you'll know soon enough whats gonna happen next :)
i got interested at your plot so i subscribe! hahaha! wanna know what's next. update soon! ^^