

The cheers of the fans filled their ears and hearts as f(x) made their way out of the SMTown stage with claims of gratitude to the audience, huge smiles plastered in their faces and the usual sigh of relief that took over them after every single successful performance, but there was no time to celebrate yet, SooJung was going to make another duet with Jessica and she better get her breath back and the tight hot pants on because she knew the dance stage wouldn’t last too long.

Before she had gone left to the dressing room where her sister and the make-up artist would be waiting patiently, her members cheerfully shouted “Fighting SooJunggie!” and group-hugged her, an act that left her smiling and mumbling the words “thank you, unnies” as she ran as fast she could to the room that had the “Girls’ Generation” written on the door.

Everything went smoothly after that. Her outfit was already separated and Jessica helped her putting it on, some of the girls were performing the dance stage and some were just walking around, the only ones there with her were Sunny and SooYoung, both of them too busy with their cell phones to mutter a word to the undressing sisters, she heard the dance stage was half done when she sat down to re-do her make-up but before she could even worry about it the lady was done with her face and Jessica was hurrying her out of the door. She guessed luck was by her side today as she held her sister’s hand and ran to stage entrance to wait for their call.

Both sisters used the precious seconds to pray and to wish each other a successful performance and just before they were finished the light went out and the dancing team of SM went out of stage looking blissfully tired and happy, especially him.

SooJung did tried to not stare at the sweaty brunette that came as the last in line and she did tried to greet all of her workmates equally with a single bow and a mumbled “you’ve done well”, but that was quite of hard task when his smile could light up the whole stadium; without mentioning that he was sporting a white tank top that let out his gorgeous arms out to admiration. A girl shouldn’t deny eye candy when it’s offered so freely, a little voice reasoned and she looked up just a bit to him to have him grinning even wider at her.

“Good luck in your performance!” He said and before she could even react, he ruffled her head in an affectionate but quite fast way, ruining the perfect waves the lovely make-up lady had set for her.  “Try not to miss too many dance steps!”

He laughed. TaeMin laughed along. And even Jessica –that traitor!- had her own set of giggles. SooJung was probably the only one who found the situation more nerve-wrecking than funny.

“Kim JongIn!!!” She whined, groaned and tried to fix her once-beautiful hairdo with her own hands. “Oh God, that bastard.”

“Hey watch your language.” Jessica warned and helped her sister to make her look more like an idol and less like a girl who had just woke up. “But you have to admit that was kind of cute. Whatever that was.”

“That was Kim JongIn and his classic antic of messing up my hair every single time he sees me.” SooJung furrowed her eyebrows and scrunched up her nose.

“Now you’re making a real attractive face. You should stop before you get wrinkles from it.” Jessica giggled and poked her sister’s forehead which only contributed to SooJung’s pout.

“Jung Sisters!” One of the staff called them and they got into their respective places. Jessica’s mind lost in thrill of being on stage and SooJung’s lost in thoughts of a tanned boy.

“Bastard.” She muttered under her breath before the lights flickered on and the music began to play.


“And 1,2,3,4.” Victoria said as she repeated the choreography along with Luna. SooJung and Amber were sitting down in the corner savoring the break to rest and drink some water while Sulli roamed around the building.    

“5,6,7,8.” SooJung watched as the group’s main dancers did their job marvelously and bit back a proud smile and when they were done she joined Amber in the act of over-excited clapping throwing the dancers in a laughing fit.

“Thank you, my lovely fans.” Luna giggled but seeing the absence of one of the maknaes she asked: “But where’s Sulli? She should have come back already.”

Just as cue the tallest member entered the practice room but surprisingly she wasn’t alone, behind her were three boys that SooJung recognized as JoonMyun, Zitao and basta… I mean JongIn.

“Sorry to interrupt your rehearsal, sunbaenims, but Yixing forgot his cell phone here while we’re practicing.” JoonMyun excused with the brightest of all smiles and a deep bow.

“And you felt like bringing a small brigade of your army here.” Victoria teased and rejoiced seeing the blush spreading through the boys’ faces.

“Err… I’m sorry, they just followed me here.” JoonMyun replied looking frantically to the taller boys that merely shrugged and rolled their eyes to him.

“Actually the three of you followed me here, but I guess it’s okay, right, Vic-umma?” Sulli cleared up before sitting beside Amber and snatching the water bottle from SooJung’s hands.

“Oh, stalking my precious baby Ssul? I see, I see. And I thought you were a decent man, JoonMyun, someone worthy of being the leader but clearly I was wrong.” Victoria started babbling while taking her seat next to her as stated precious baby and hugging her tightly as if to protect from the man whose eyes were nearly bawling out of his head.

“No! It’s not like that, Victoria-sshi!” He tried to explain but shortly noticed the giggles from all the girls in the room and even from his own members. “Ah God! Why are you all being like this?”

“Because you’re fun to mess up, hyung.” JongIn said while looking for the lost cell phone in the sound system and coming distastefully close to SooJung’s liking.

“Am Not.” JoonMyun mumbled under his breath and went for the opposite corner probably in the search for the lost object but most likely to sulk alone while everyone still laughed at him.

With the small (lost) battle SooJung had with the other maknae for the precious water bottle she didn’t even notice JongIn inching closer and closer to her, only acknowledging the fact when she felt strands of her hair flying to her face.

“Excuse me; may I know what are you doing?” She asked as he continued to pull up her hair softly enough to only annoy her.

“I’m looking for Yixing-hyung’s cell phone, SooJunggie.” He replied matter-of-factly as she tried hard to focus less at how cute he looked calling her SooJunggie and more on how he was getting under her skin with his fingers’ work in her head.

“Well, it’s definitely not on my scalp.” She said trying to shake him off but he just chuckled and replied with “just checking” and a side-smirk.

“Not on your scalp, but definitely under your , Krys.” Amber said rescuing the lost cell phone from behind the mat they were currently sat on.

“Oh well, thanks a lot, Amber.” JongIn said grabbing the phone from the tomboy’s hands and pulling one more strand to the front of her face he chuckled a “Thank you too, SooJunggie.”

SooJunggie blew off that strand with a low mutter of “bastard”.

The cheers of the fans still filled her ears and heart after another successful SMTown.  She let out a satisfied sigh and snuggled closer to the warmer body beside her in the pink-sheets bed she owned since childhood. He chuckled and enveloped her with one of his firm and tanned arms while the other went directly to her head to ruffle the already messed brown locks.

“I thought you were sleeping already.” He said and she smiled, adoring that she could hear his voice and his heartbeat so closely at the same time.

“Why? Planning to do something while I was asleep?” SooJung asked with smirk, taking deep breaths to inhale as much of his scent as she could.

“Yeah, now you’ve mentioned it… I may and may not have thought of attacking secretly the chicken’s leftovers in the refrigerator.” He whispered and she laughed quite loudly, giving him a soft punch in the chest.

“You’re ridiculous.” She stated still a little breathless. “A ridiculous idiot, Kim JongIn.”

“But you love me anyway, Jung SooJung.” He stated with the widest of all grins and a light pat in her head that returned to the soft caressing of before. “Plus it’s not my fault we ordered the best chicken of the town for dinner.”

“You and your obsession for chicken are utterly ridiculous." The girl scoffed and buried her head deeper in his chest. “Without forgetting you’re wrong about me loving you. I just like your company. It’s different.”

“No, I’m not.” He singsong and she felt like punching him again, but this time harder, because of many reasons, mostly because he was right. She loved him and every single thing about him. SooJung loved the smell of his clothes that lingered in her even hours after their meetings; she loved his voice, always so rich and luring; she loved how he would always call her SooJunggie or SooJung but never Krystal; she loved the way he walked and did every single move with an unbelievable grace; she loved how one day things just clicked and she realized she has been in love with the handsome bastard that was her label mate all along but most of all she loved how he would stay beside her even if it was just to and ruin all of her perfect hairstyles with his slender and quick fingers.   

Wow, thank you for all the views and subscriptions even though i didn't have anything of concrete posted ♥ I just hope you've all enjoyed this stupid word vomit, don't forget to comment saying where i can improve and if there are any mistakes in this don't be afraid to tell me :D I guess i can only say it's nice to write Kaistal again and i'll try to come up with something better next time (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ 

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Chapter 1: Part 1 a (was actually planning on putting a comment and then deviding it in 2 parts as a reply but for some reasons aff doesnt allow me to reply my own comment lol)

Woot! I am going to comment now. Sorry for making you wait for so long. I try to give you a feedback that hopefully can reflect the thoughts of your readers.

The title is simple and actually interesting. Depends on the taste of the readers it might or might not attract readers. I usually judge on the description and first chapter, but unique titles never get out of my head. 'Hair' definitely has something to do with the story, but it's not hard to forget. It's not a big deal, though.

There are some really small errors - but hey, I'm not a pro at talking or writing in English either, besides you're easy to understand so it doesn't bother me (as a fellow none English speaker) at all.

I realized you only tell the readers about what is happining in the first pharagraphs. You didn't give that much of emotions for the readers since it's like situation a + sit b + sit c + sit d etc. I understand you want to tell the readers about the surrounding. Maybe you thought you wanted to get to the as soon as possible. It is not bad. Espicially because this is a oneshot. It was just a lil bit confusing since you wrote the first pharagraphs in the 3rd Pov as a distant narrator. I would have added some thoughts of Krystal, then again, I guess it depends on the different writing styles.
Chapter 1: Part 1 b

I admire you for the descriptive writing. It was easy to follow and detailed enough for me to have certain images in my head while I read the one shot. The scenes were not messy written (like how mine usually are heh).

The pace went slower the time Soojung met Jongin and you started putting more about her inner feelings (and I totally love it btw. I just love the way you described it)

I thought it was a pity that you didn't tell more about what Soojung felt when Jongin messed up her hair for the first time since I believe it's one of my fav scenes in this story - however it was short and sweet. Something that made me smile and imagine how sweet it must be.

You often make comparisons like
-- Jessica warned and helped her sister to make her look more like an idol and less like a girl who had just woke up. --

You started showing us how the characters react to different situations and all of them are a great help as a reader. I tend to be too lazy to show more than telling so good job on that!

This sentence: -- Jessica’s mind lost in thrill of being on stage and SooJung’s lost in thoughts of a tanned boy. -- got to be one of the most memorable ones I've read in this story. Thank you for writing this it's perfect!
Chapter 1: Part 2

Starting from the jump from the concert to f(x)s practice, I realize you explain the surroundings first when you enter a new scenario. You could've put what he girls do in another way if you have a question on what I mean here, just ask me :)

I'm glad you seldomly start your sentences with 'she, Soojung, the girl etc.' ine after the other because it's one of my biggest problems as a writer. I was able to learn more by reading your story.
I also learnt some new vocabularies (but duh, I'm too lazy to write them all down.

I believe the only thing that distracted me was that you didn't really use figurative languages that much so that it appears to be telling on scene after another scene after another... Since your story is descriptive it was acceptable for me. No big deal. But if you want to get better at writing in a figurative language, why not trying it out?

Of course, it could also be that your main point is the plot instead of characterization or writing style etc. Since I don't know whether it is like that or not, I can't only judge based on what I know as a reader :)

According to what I've seen regarding the plot, I can only say that I am totally satisfied with how her hair somehow is the main point in each scenes. And I've tried to be objectiv, but uff, it's kaistal and like, I can imagine them quarelling over silly things and him messing up her hair and... I love it. Since I adore people messing up my hair, I can only nod and smile after reading it.

Okay! I hope I didn't write only about bad things and if you think so, it is not like that. I enjoyed reading this one shot a lot :))
Chapter 1: so cuteeeeee~~~
Chapter 1: LOL Kim Jongin you chicken (and soojung) lover...
This is cute btw ^^
gorjesshend #6
Chapter 1: oh my god i love idiot jongin hehe
kaistaal cute as always :)
Chapter 1: /smiles like an idiot

THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: If this story will real happened in their life!! It will be totally awesome!!
Chapter 1: Oh my god. Please excuse me while im flying to the cloud nine. This is soooooo sweeet.