▐┊THEE GUARDIAN : au aff-roleplay — open & accepting!



Thee guardian


au aff roleplay



Thee Guardian is an alternate-universe roleplay that takes place in aff. It aims to give para roleplayers the chance to roleplay with people who match their lengths and/or quality in writing. This is not only a roleplay that aims to be active but it also wants to let the players be able to escape reality with the help of Thee Guardian. So what are you waiting for, come and join us. Everyone has problems - but the guardians will make sure to take care of you. 
open and hiring one experienced male admin (preferably one who can deal with graphics, since the roleplay will be needing it imensely.) pm or comment.


male admin

now playing

Song: Blue acoustic
Artist: big bang
cover: sungha jung


In a big city like Seoul, you won't be surprised that everyone has problems, may it be big or small everyone has them. But there will come a time when one cannot deal with their problem alone. That being said, the heavens having favor on humans decided to send 'guardians' for humans. Although a human can never force a guardian to make a contract with them, they can choose to at least seek help from them. Guardians cannot live alone without forming a contract with humans, although they can only form a contract with one human at a time, this contract greatly helps them gain more abilities and strength. But guardians aren't all that good, they too were humans once, they have vices, problems of their own and some are jjust plain grredy. They aren't the angels you read in bedtime stories, no, they are completely different. And thus - humans and guardians now live side by side. Helping & supporting each other, in contracts.


one. subscribe and upvoting is very much appreciated. two. respect is a must, selective replies, bashing or face-chasing is not tolerated. three.  and yuri relationships are not allowed, sorry. four. relationships are allowed 3 days after arriving. five. hxh, gxh, gxg relationships are permitted. six. 1st/3rd pov are the only styles allowed. seven. be active. eight. have fun always! if you have problems, just message the admins, we'll help you out and listen to you. nine.  cursing and is allowed, so please beware.

Guardians were humans that lived before, may it be yesterday or a few hundred years ago. But nevertheless, they do have one task, and that is to help humans they are in contract with. (they can only help one human at a time) If they are not in contract with a human, they have lesser powers and abilities, compared to when they are in contract. Guardians take the form of humans and live like them. Only those they are in contract with are aware of their real form, that is simply to protect themselves.


one. check the rules and about first, then the masterlist. two. comment below with your desired application. three. once you have been approved, you only have 24 hours to make your account. four. be sure to add a bio in your profile or info about your  character. five. password: water / juice. 
name, age & group: 
angel/human: state 2 powers only 
occupation: even though you're an angel
(put your password somewhere in your app)

Humans are all aware of the existence of guardians, although not everyone has seen them in their true form. (when you are planning to be a human, be creative in creating your greatest problem/dilemma) Guardian for humans are not only their helper/advisor, but guardians as well become great friends with them and some even result to having an intimate relationships with. Not all humans desire to have a guardian though, not everyone requires having them as well.



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