
This Girl and This Boy


[Peter Pan(EXO)]

You snapped your neck to look at him again.
Had you heard him correctly? Did he just offer you his signature?
Who was him, a worldwide celebrity?

Not believing your ears, you responded as politely as you could.
"Pardon me?"
He hesitated, asked you again.
"Aren't you... My fan?"

What the heck was this guy thinking about? Okay, so he was good-looking. But that didn't make you his fan. For all you knew, he could be a good looking shoplifter.

You asked him again, slightly curious.
"I-I don't know who you are. Am I supposed to?"

The boy peered at you, with a look of surprise clear on his face. The hat had moved itself out of his face, so you could finally see his facial features.
Other than having elf-like ears, he also had huge, gorgeous eyes that seemed to pull you right in. It was so pure-looking.

Before you could start swooning at him, you abruptly stopped yourself. What were you doing? You had to remind yourself; you had hated boys, especially good-looking ones. They were always so arrogant and smart-assed.

He seemed to open his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You stared at him with your head tilted sideways while he opened and closed his mouth again, like a goldfish trying to breath on land.

He seemed to think very hard before finally talking.
"I'm- actually, never mind. I confused for a second. Um... sorry."

You paused amd thought about his words.
Should you believe him? He sounded like he was damn serious about you being his fan. But you brushed it off, thinking it was just a mistake. You began to walk around him to end this weird conversation and get going, when he suddenly stopped you.

"You know, I come here every week, but it's my first time seeing you. Are you new here?"
You thought it wouldn't hurt to answer that question, and replied wisely.
"I guess you could say that. Yes, I'm new."
"Are you... from another country?"

You froze in your spot. Was this creep a stalker after all? Was he planning to follow you home, and murder you there?

He saw your surprised expression and quickly added,
"It's just that your Korean accent is a little off. It sounds like Kris hyung trying to speak-"

Chanyeol caught himself. What was he saying to a girl he'd just met? She didn't know EXO, so if was obvious she hadn't lived in Korea for a while.
He also felt something special about this girl. He had seen thousands and thousands of fans every day screaming their love for him, yet he felt a tug at his heart, just listening to this girl talk.

You stood up a little straighter, getting a little comfortable around this guy... who you didn't even know the name of. Nonetheless, you tried to keep up the conversation.
"You said I sound like your friend Kris? Kris sounds like an English name... is he from the States?"

"No, from Canada."
You unconciously jumped up in excitement.
"Really? That's where I'm from! I wish I can meet him... I need a tour guide who speaks English to show me around Korea."
Chanyeol felt a short pang of jelousy in his heart.
'Man, if only I could speak English, I could show her around.'
He asked,
"Hey, I could be your tour guide, only if I could speak English..." He made a pouty face, sincerely saddened over the fact that he could just lose you right now.

You laughed at his expression. Seeing you laugh, Chanyeol's heart instantly warmed up.
'She just laughed.'

"It's fine. And thanks for the offer; it's really nice of you to offer. I'd better get going, my friend should be here soon..."
You trailed off, wondering where the heck Mackenzie could be right now.
You were about to say goodbye to this guy when he quickly tapped your shoulder. You turned around and asked,

Chanyeol nervously asked, figeting in the process.
"Um... could I maybe get your name and number? I could definatly show you around, I could introduce you to my friend Kris, and-"

You cut him off.
"Sorry, but I don't give my number to strangers."

Chanyeol's shoulders sank.
'So that's what I am to her; a stranger.'

You continued, with your lips tugging to a smile.
"But my name is Jamie. That's my English name, but I go with that one. And what's your name?"

Chanyeol grinned from ear to ear, and happily replied,
"I'm Chanyeol. Nice to meet you!"

He grabbed your hand and shook it.
'Her hand is so soft and warm... if fits right in my hand.'

You shook his hand also, and laughed at his wide grin.
"Alright, I'd better get going. I hope I see you again, bye!"

With that, you left the album shop, looking for Mackenzie.

Chanyeol stared at you until you were out of his sight.
'Bye, Jamie. I only know your name, but I'll find you someday. I'll see you again. This isn't the end.'

But he then remembered that the only thing he knew about you was your name.
'Great... how am I supposed to find you again?'

He leaned on an empty rack and sighed.
'If only I could see you again...Jamie. Is this what people call love at first sight?'

He stared into space, trying to imagine your face again when he heard a girl say 'excuse me' to him.

Tired, Chanyeol turned to face the owner of the voice.

-  -  -  -

Gosh... does no one like this fanfic? I was checking all my fics and this one had zero comments and not that much subscribers and tiny views... i wonder if this is even worth continuing... If you like this fanfic, comment is so I know how many of you still like this one:(

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HansolChwe #1