
Last Fairy

Jaejoong felt his head spin a little, he felt dizzy so he held on yunho's sleeve a little for support and yunho threw his arm around jaejoong's waist pulling him up and walking him to his seat and helping him down, both kibum and changmin were still standing facing each other not even noticing yunho and jaejoong who sat beside each other looking at the pair, jaejoong was still frowning

'You killed him twice and turned him into a rat, enough already' whispered yunho

'He kissed him! He kissed bummie!!' whispered jaejoong angrily in yunho's ear a frown on his face

Yunho noticed that he hated when his master frowned because it ruined his heavily created face

'I think kibum shi loves him too' yunho whispered back

'Bummie is still too young!!' jaejoong hissed boiling now as he looked the other way frowning not wanting to face yunho while crossing his hands in front of his chest, somehow he wanted to yell at yunho that it was not his business and that he is just a slave but the words won't come out of his mouth, he had to admit that letting yunho have some power and control over him was a very scary thought but in the same time it was new and nice? He felt relaxed and safe to let someone else be in control

'There is no age limit for love, you believe in that too… I think you are just being an overly protective hyung that is all' whispered yunho soothing jaejoong to look back at him

'But…' jaejoong tried to argue

'But nothing… they fell in love, it is their fate and even you being all powerful can't change fate, right?'

Jaejoong puffed out his cheeks, he hated this! He hated not being able to shut yunho up now! He hating admitting yunho might and I repeat MIGHT be right, he was not done fighting over it!


Kibum and changmin were still watching each other; kibum looked away from changmin biting his lip, he could still taste his hyung's flavor on it and he had to admit that he liked it, he wanted to taste it more and the fact that he can't, that he must not ripped his heart apart

'I…' kibum finally spoke looking down at the ground

'Bathroom' he mumbled and rushed out of the class at once leaving changmin there to notice jaejoong and yunho's presence for the first time and widen his eyes wondering how much did they really watch?

Changmin looked at jaejoong and saw how angry the boy seemed, he did not know why but he felt horror wave run through his spin as he tried to take a step away but for some reason all his body ached him so he almost fell on the ground but instead he hit one desk and grabbed it tightly not to fall

'AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!' the yell from outside the classroom followed by the sound of a crash startled everyone as they knew at once who the voice belonged too

'KIBUM!!!' jaejoong and changmin yelled together both wanting to rush out already to the boy's aid

Just then a figure flew by the window; it was the figure of a half lion half eagle monster and it was holding on a bleeding kibum in one of his front leg's between his claws

'Heir of Aresad! If you want your baby brother back come to my lair and surrender your powers to me!' the griffin spoke and flew away holding onto kibum tightly

Jaejoong was shivering with anger again, he wanted to summon his broom stick, he wanted to follow the demon and kill him the worst way ever, he wanted his baby brother back and now!!

'Wait!' yunho pulled onto jaejoong keeping him in his seat

'WHAT?' yelled jaejoong

'Let’s have a plan first; you can't just go like that into his trap!'

'He has my brother!!' yelled jaejoong and changmin blinked, his brother? What was going on?

'How did he know kibum shi was your brother? Did not you cast a memory spell on everyone that ever knew him? No other demon ever knew right?' frowned yunho

'He… could it be? Could he be the same griffin I vanished to the lava dimension all those years before? But then who set him free?'

'I think I have an idea of who might that be… but still you are weakened by all the time reversing spells you just casted, you can't fight him!'

'As if I care!!' hissed jaejoong angry

'I will go… I will get him back I swear or I will die trying, you make sure everyone else is fine especially the fairy, it I am right then this is a trap so the evil king will lure you away and try to kill the fairy, if he manages that we are all gone' tried yunho to reason with jaejoong who still tried to protest

'Please~ you taught me well; I will fight for you and your baby brother'

'But you did not master your powers yet!'

'It does not matter, I got the main idea and I got the hunter skills, I will mix them together' frowned yunho assuring again as he stood up wanting to go

'Wait!' this tine jaejoong stopped him and as yunho turned to look jaejoong used more of his powers giving himself a headache but he did not care, he whispered something and focused, a large sword with wide blade made out of pure light appeared in front of yunho

'Take this weapon with you'

Nodding his head and holding the sword which felt light despite his size yunho opened the window and jumped out, they were on the second floor so it was not a big deal and he just ran after the griffin which of course was unseen to normal human eye


Changmin turned around, still lost and unsure, torn between the desire to rush after his baby brother and protect him and the want, the need to know what the hell what jaejoong talking about. What did he mean by calling kibum his brother and what memory spell did yunho speak off

A few seconds later he made up his mind, he was about to run out of the classroom when jaejoong hissed at him:' stop right there! Come with me!'

'KIBUM…' changmin began

'Will be saved soon' answered jaejoong trying to assure himself more than assuring the boy, changmin struggled for a few ore seconds not wanting to obey but lastly he sighed and walked after jaejoong, they left the classroom just as students began to come in

Walking two stories down they found Yoochun and Junsu both red in the faces standing facing each other, jaejoong ran to Junsu and pulled his hand:' let's go its dangerous here!'

Junsu did not have the chance to speak, an electronic fireball was shooting his way, Yoochun pushed him sideward just as it was about to hit him and instead it hit Yoochun fully in the chest and the boy fell on the floor covered with his own blood and with half his chest ripped out shivering unstoppably

Jaejoong just could not take this anymore, he was about to use his powers no matter what when Rin rushed to their side, looking at what was going on the little pixie sprayed everyone with her pixie dust and they vanished at the spot with a soft pop missing another electronic fireball even Yoochun with them and with another pop they reappeared in jaejoong's house

'What…?' whispered changmin shocked as he looked around

'Key's pixie' whispered jaejoong to himself looking at Rin that had fallen asleep on the nearest surface she could find

'Help move him into the bed, I will make a potion to heal him' ordered jaejoong and both changmin and Junsu held onto Yoochun's both ends and pulled him into the bed

'Will he be alright?' whispered junsu worried

'I used too much power killing that jerk today and reversing time so I can't heal him with a spell but the potion might take an hour or so' frowned jaejoong pointing at changmin who blinked

'But he won't survive till then! He lost too much blood' Junsu began to cry now

'Then you heal him! Use your powers as a fairy!' frowned jaejoong

'I don't have any…sob… I was not assigned to any job'

'But you got your first charm, that means you got it in you already, just focus deeply in you and you will find it… what thing that is connected to nature that feels most pleasant to you, most familiar?' tried jaejoong to help

'I…' Junsu closed his eyes and thought hard looking in his heart for the answer, it took him some minutes before he opened his eyes again and looked around; it began to snow inside the house now, not so cold soft snow so smiling he reached his hand out gathering some snowflakes and whispered:' the snow'

'The snow?' repeated jaejoong, he went to his books and began to read:' the snow fairy… mmm…here it is… the snow fairy is a powerful one, one of the four fairies to control the weather. Snow fairy can cause multi types of snow to fall down, icy cold snow when he is sad or hurt, soft not so cold snow when he is happy, and angry snow that would destroy everything when he is angry. The snow fairy can use snow to save and protect too as ice is one way to protect things… the snow fairy got the power to control winter animals too as white bears, silver dragons, unicorns, whales and much more…this fairy can freeze an entire ocean and use it when he reaches the full fairy level, he is stronger in the winter and around the full moon, he is the strongest when there is water around as he can control water too by causing his own snow to melt into water or freeze water to snow…' jaejoong did not go on but stopped and turned to look at Junsu

Swallowing Junsu just walked upstairs again to Yoochun, it had stopped to snow already and Junsu noticed how the white bed sheets had all turned bloody red now

Reaching the bed he touched Yoochun's hand with is shivering hand and closed his eyes; all he could think of is the need to protect Yoochun, the need to help him live for more, keep him safe till jaejoong finishes his potion and save him…

Slowly both Junsu and Yoochun were glowing, Junsu had turned into his fairy mood, his wings appeared and his cloth changed into the silky white ones, his hair longer and braided together loosely backward, it was shoulder length

Silvery light wrapped Yoochun and he turned ice cold at once, he stopped bleeding and hurting, he was frozen, protected for now…

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Lia00027 #2
Chapter 13: Some parts of this ch is missing. Too bad i wanna read it.
tsubakisworld #3
Chapter 45: Wished to read about yoosu's kid T^T
jetizen #4
Chapter 45: Magical story, i wish theres part 2 with yoosu's kid, promised by mother nature
Chapter 45: daebakkkkk <3
moonjoy #6
Chapter 45: Wow oh wow I really love this! The story and everything...thank you for this :)
sujuELF1315 #7
Chapter 45: OH MY GOD
this thing can be a drama i tell you
and i love it
love it
love it
never read anything like it before <3 and i'm glad i did
GREAT JOB really i enjoyed it so much
if u want u can look her lj
Chapter 14: looks like part of the story is missing in chapter 13, as it has just few phrases and chapter 14 starts with events we have not seen
Happy ending. Horay! ^ㅅ^ reading this made me wish that i was a fairy like Junsu too lol ^^