16.Fears and desires 1

Last Fairy


Junsu opened his eyes and looked around; the bubbles bath did him good last night, kibum was right, he felt more cheerful after spending an hour in the bathtub with the warm water and the bubbles but all the time he could feel as if someone was watching him, someone spying at him while he was bathing but Junsu could not tell who, he was afraid but if he learnt something by now is that he is to trust jaejoong and jaejoong said he had set a barrier around the house so nothing demonic would be able to enter and so it will be just a human or an animal

Pouting Junsu just wanted to know what or who was watching him so he got dressed and walked out of his room wanting to go to the backyard and see if anyone was standing there so tiptoeing he opened the door and walked out, it would be a nice chance to go to the store too to buy some milk and bread for breakfast

Walking to the backyard where the bathroom window was Junsu saw the flower pot underneath the window broken, as if a heavy weight was standing on it and it made Junsu frown, it just confirmed his fear, someone was watching him and it was not an animal

Frowning jaejoong walked out of the yard to the street, he had only took a few steps when he walked into someone

'Oh sorry' mumbled Junsu pulling away to see who did he walk in to

'Oh jaejoong ah~' smiled Junsu eagerly, his eyes widening at once wanting to ask the question that was worrying him all night

'Let's get kibum and changmin and go to my place today, someone is waiting for you there' grinned jaejoong

Junsu's eyes were filled with tears at once, he shook a little with a mixture of emotions and did not know what got into him he just hugged jaejoong and sobbed on his shoulder

'It's alright, let's go' smiled jaejoong softly. He knew what it felt like to lose what you care about most so he understood the feelings of the fairy

Nodding his head happily Junsu walked or more likely skipped beside jaejoong back to the house, he ran into the living room to see changmin up already and in the kitchen looking into the fridge and scratching his stomach still yawning sleepily

As the main door opened and closed changmin looked up with half a biscuit in his mouth still dangling out and smiled weakly

'Wake kibum up' frowned jaejoong not liking the fact that kibum was still sleeping in the same bed as this boy even if they were believing they are brothers

'Err… let him sleep a little it's a weekend after all' frowned changmin swallowing the rest of the biscuit

'Wake him up!!' ordered jaejoong with fire in his eyes now so frowning changmin did and five minutes later kibum walked downstairs still rubbing his eyes and looking around, as he saw jaejoong he grinned and rushed to him:' morning hyung~'

'Morning' smiled jaejoong happily to see his brother's cuteness at the morning

'Let's go already~' pleaded Junsu unable to wait

'Oh right, get dressed you two and lets go spend the day in my place'

'Really~?' grinned kibum not believing

Jaejoong nodded

Kibum smiled full heartily and pulled changmin upstairs to change at once, ten minutes later they were surprisingly all set and walking out of the house already, Junsu was walking with jaejoong behind kibum and changmin who were marching in the front, kibum was marching and pulling changmin beside him

'What is wrong?' frowned jaejoong seeing the look in Junsu's eyes

'Last night… someone was watching me…taking a bath' frowned Junsu blushing a little

'Really~?' grinned jaejoong to himself having a pretty good idea who was spying on the fairy, you see he knew the second he entered the barrier who he was and he spent a hour standing still not moving watching the fairy for sure and then he left

'I am afraid it will be…'

'It's no one bad, the barrier won't had let them in if they were, it must be a usual human for sure, a secret admirer or something' smirked jaejoong wanting to know what he is going to do now

Reaching the house jaejoong opened a hole in the first floor wall sop everyone could enter since not all could fly

Entering the house kibum's mouth was wide open as he ran around at once checking everywhere; changmin went after him while Junsu looked around wanting his pixie, hoping to see it anywhere around zooming toward him but it was not there

'Aaahhh!!!' the yell came from upstairs startling everyone; soon they saw something small and so cute, zooming in the air toward them holding something in its tiny hands, it's wings made a very unique sound of Rin- Rin as it flew straight toward Junsu dropping what it was holding and rushing to hug his face or more likely his cheek

Junsu started to sniff at once holding the fairy with its small tiny body and perfectly cute face and looking at her, she was alive again and smiling at him, Rin was a baby pixie so she could not speak yet and could not fly for three hours without napping plus she was naughty and playful like any baby

'OMG~' kibum ran to Junsu smiling, it was his first time seeing the pixie as he could not see her before, not until Junsu sprayed him and changmin with his fairy dust so they could see ghosts too

The pixie left Junsu's face to go to kibum and stand on his nose bridge giggling happily, she began to fly around while both Junsu and kibum ran after her playing, and changmin went to watch the TV not taking his eyes off his brother

Jaejoong however happy to see his brother excited about the pixie and playing with it walked to pick what she dropped, a white shirt that he knew very well so frowning he walked upstairs

Jaejoong saw him at once; yunho was looking everywhere for something while being shirtless that he did not even notice him coming near him

'Here!' jaejoong threw the shirt at yunho who startled turned and caught it at once wearing it, again jaejoong felt his body heat up at the sight in front of him, as yunho stretched his hands upward wearing the shirt his muscles formed clearer making him swallow hard and look away

'Take the picture beside the bed and hide it before coming down, no one is to see it' ordered jaejoong walking away at once wanting to cook his brother some breakfast and nodding yunho went and held the picture and hide it magically, he had been reading all morning and by now he knew some of the basic spells

Walking downstairs all eyes were on yunho at once, he flinched uncomfortably but carried on to the bathroom and entered


Kibum frowned looking at jaejoong, he did not know why but he did not quite like the sight of yunho here walking bare feet as if living here

'Hyung~ why is he…?'

'He is my slave bummie~ don't worry I'm training him to be a wizard that is all, he won't hurt you' smiled jaejoong ruffling kibum's hair softly while kibum nodded trusting the elder boy

A few seconds later yunho walked out of the bathroom, he wanted to eat something but jaejoong did not allow him too so he could not, he stood by the door not knowing what to do but watch the kids, as he did he made eye contact with jaejoong who was watching kibum too.

Again the colors went gray and jaejoong glowed this time blue and yunho saw something strange, the house around him vanished and he was standing on the beach and there in front of him were jaejoong, his master, but way younger, when he was a kid and a younger boy, both were running, something like a black scary fog was chasing them and younger kid was bleeding, he had a wound on his chest, a griffin was chasing them and had scratched his chest

The kid was crying and holding tightly onto jaejoong's hand as they ran but suddenly he fell and the griffin cornered him but jaejoong turned around and started whispering things and a huge wave from the sea formed itself in front of them shielding them from the monsters…

The griffin was trying to fly above the wave but it kept getting higher and higher and as it got higher the older jaejoong panted more finding it more difficult to keep this up

Yunho wanted to help, to protect his master but he could not move his body, this was not real he knew it, it was something his powers were showing him

Suddenly jaejoong widened his eyes in a shocking way, he yield some weird incantation and the wave blasted, the griffin and the scary fog were trapped in a fiery cage as they slowly burnt and disappeared…

Yunho shivered a little and blinked, he was back in the room, there in front of him was a frowning jaejoong, he ordered him something and he did not hear for sure but looking around yunho realized something, could it be?...


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Lia00027 #2
Chapter 13: Some parts of this ch is missing. Too bad i wanna read it.
tsubakisworld #3
Chapter 45: Wished to read about yoosu's kid T^T
jetizen #4
Chapter 45: Magical story, i wish theres part 2 with yoosu's kid, promised by mother nature
Chapter 45: daebakkkkk <3
moonjoy #6
Chapter 45: Wow oh wow I really love this! The story and everything...thank you for this :)
sujuELF1315 #7
Chapter 45: OH MY GOD
this thing can be a drama i tell you
and i love it
love it
love it
never read anything like it before <3 and i'm glad i did
GREAT JOB really i enjoyed it so much
if u want u can look her lj
Chapter 14: looks like part of the story is missing in chapter 13, as it has just few phrases and chapter 14 starts with events we have not seen
Happy ending. Horay! ^ㅅ^ reading this made me wish that i was a fairy like Junsu too lol ^^