♣New Beginings♣

♣Ηαunted Ϻԑmories♣

Krystal walked down the school halls with her head hanging. She's new in Crimson Rose Middle School. She has just turned 15 last month. Suddenly she felt an arm curl around hers. "OMG I can't belive Ms. Bennet let us out late AGAIN!!",screamed Yuri who had scooped her arm through Krystal's arm and headed to the cafeteria. Yuri had long black scruffy hair that bounces on the shoulders. Yuri is very confident and had a couple of boys chasing after her. Yuri and Krystal headed to a table filled with girls chatting. "Hey Avril!!", Yuri called out to her friend. "Hiya Yuri! Is that girl beside you new?" Avril asked. "Oh yeah! This is Krystal!", Yuri replied. Every head turned to Krystal. "Erm... Hi.", Krystal said shyly. Soon, Krystal was talking and chatting with all her new friends. "Guys don't slouch!!", Jess suddenly shouted to the others. "Why? Did your ballet teacher come or somethin'?", Yuri said as the others giggled. "No silly! The hot dudes are looking at us!", Jess shouted. Krystal looked at the other table where there were a couple of friendly faces looking at her. "They're not looking at us Jess. They're looking at Krystal!", Avril said. "Oh~Looks like someone has some admires~" Yuri said as she winked at the girls. Krystal wasn't listening to all this. Instead, she was looking a boy who caught her eye. He was sitting with the other guys talking and smiling happily. But Krystal saw something that no one noticed. There was a dark figure behind him. It was a spirit of a teenage boy. He wearing a hoodie so it was hard to see his face. Spirit boy turned to look at Krystal. Krystal couldn't see his face but she could feel him staring. "Krystal? Krystal? Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost or somthing!", Yuri poked her shoulder. Krystal almost fell of her seat when she felt Yuri's poke. RRRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!! "Well that's the end of lunch! See you guys later. Come on Jess we have Maths together!" Yuri said as the bell rang. Krystal stood up at headed out of the cafeteria. On the way, she threw away her empty cup of grape yogurt and wondered, -Who was that boy? And why was there a spirit following him around?-.

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