Who am i?

Key in Wonderland

mianheyo everyone,

i can't update so soon because i am too busy with school projects and such things . . .

and i just broke my heart today (aw, so sad) );

but anyways here's my update

"What~!" key was shocked by what jonghyun had said. "You are joking, right? there is no way a shortie like you would be

any older than me"
Key eyed him skeptically.

"Yah~ take it easy with the height thingy . . . .  and i've been drinking milk recently" he stomped in front of Key then pouted

after mumbling the last words.

But Key simply just laughed it off and walked back to his balcony, but this time Jonghyun silently followed him eyeing the

surroundings as they passed by the rooms.

"You've got a nice house here key, do you live alone?" Jonghyun picked up a glass jar to examine it's contents.

"Hey, don't touch anything!" Key spun around to warn him, but his been cutted off by another thud at the door.

[ THUD** THUD**]

"ANYEEEOOOONNNGGG~! Keyyyy~!! Kibummmiiiee~!! are you home??" Key heard a familiar voice from the treshold.

"" key breathed.

"Wha~ What happened!? What is it key?"  Jonghyun turned to face the main door when his hand slipped the glass jar.

"YAAAAAH~!" key raged. "Why do people keep on coming here today!! AND YOU, you better clean that up now!" he

approached closer to jonghyun and pointed his finger at him. "You know what, shortie? forget about cleaning that up,

your OUT!"
key flicker his finger from him and pointed the back door by his thumb, signing him that he was kicked out.

. . .

[sounds from the door:]

"Kimbummie~~, yaaah~! Bummiiiieee~! you there!? i'll knock down your door if you don't open it within 30 seconds!!"

. . .

"SHUT UP ONEW-HYUNG!! WAIT~ I'LL BE THERE!!" Key shouted back.

"Waaah, waaaiit~! key please don't kick me out!" jonghyun kneeled suddenly and grasps key's thigh and started to grovel.

"WO~AH~! YAHHH~ shortie what are you doing!? just shut up your mouth and hide, I don't care where you should go

just go somewhere where they can't see you. Go down to the beach or something! just go and disappear for a while!!"

Key hysterically explained dragging ( limping) jonghyun to the back door.

"Uhh~ ahh, okay . . . araso" jonghyun suddenly let go and stood up, but when his about to walk, they heard a sudden boom.


"Ya, Bummie i opened the lock for ya!" Onew went inside.

"mianheyo key-hyung onew-hyung is a little bit cranky since he didn't eat a chicken on his breakfast, . . . key-hyung whose

Minho questioningly asked as he hesitantly entered while carrying taemin at his back. (wakokoko~ 2min xD )

"Yeah, key-hyung who is he?" Taemin blinked from minho's back.

"And i heard a crashing sound, what's that key?" Onew added.

"Uh~ ohhh~" key dumbfoundedly answered.

"That guy, who is he?" Minho insisted to ask while setting taemin slowly in the sofa.

_____________________________________________________CONT. Ü

ugggh, i don't know if i wrote this right.

i think my eyes is kinda swollen ╦ .╦

yeah, but i hope you enjoyed it... mianheyo for updating so late.


BTW, i wonder how will key introduce jonghyun to the others??? do you have any idea??

would you like to share it to me??? yeah, i am speaking to you my beloved readers ^_^


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lilacpeachpuff #1
I have absolutely no idea to be honest XDD<br />
ummm as his pet? hahaha >w<
lilacpeachpuff #2
sho cute <3<br />
I love teasing jonghyun >w<
eeehh..who this stranger?jonghyun?<br />
but why he call key hyung?aissh make me curious<br />
<br />
i wanna know more<br />
<br />
lilacpeachpuff #4
awww so cute :)<br />
I like it ^^