little red jonghyun!?

Key in Wonderland

"what a nice weather~" key mumbled while blowing his earl grey tea in his hand.

he was enjoying his afternoon tea at his balcony, looking at the horizons...

A clear blue sky touching the endless body of the sea, few clouds rolling across the heaven with birds soaring up high with the cold

calming spring breeze. His house is surrounded with lively greens and silent sounds of animals who lives in the nearby forest. the

threshold had many little vines with little budding flowers crawling upward towards the roof , from a far view you can mistake it as a

small greenhouse in a vast meadow between the forest and the ocean.


Key hear a faint knock on his door.

"COMING~! who is it??" key wondered who might it be, since he seldom gets a visitor because of his house location and it is quiet

far from civilization. the only guys he knew that was crazy enough to trek a secluded place was his old friends Onew, minho and if its

fortunate he'll drag taemin along.




As he soon opened the door a guy burst inside and tumbled Key along.


"UGH~" Key groaned, and shocked from sudden tackle from the stranger.


"Hey, if you intended to rob my place. drop the idea man. i don't have anything that might interest you or neither does

have any precious value on it." he tried to struggle from the stranger's grip but failed, that guy was quite muscular than he




The guy first nuzzled in Key's chest, and then as soon as he heard him. he raised his head and stared at Key.

His face turned red but didn't budge to let go Key.




' his face is quite good looking'    key thought.   ' his face a little bit childish yet it's kinda looked mature enough,

his lips are full and plump and his cheeks . . . quite flushed .  and his built  . . . his is somewhat muscular. i am quite sure

that his height is smaller that me, somehow . . .'




Key train of though apprehended when the stranger open his mouth to speak.

"H~Hyung, i think . . . i think i like you!" the stranger burst his sudden confession.


omo~ who might that be?? haha i bet you guys already knew ... kewl


i wonder what would happen next??

i also don't know, so why don't you tell me what should happen next? xD


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lilacpeachpuff #1
I have absolutely no idea to be honest XDD<br />
ummm as his pet? hahaha >w<
lilacpeachpuff #2
sho cute <3<br />
I love teasing jonghyun >w<
eeehh..who this stranger?jonghyun?<br />
but why he call key hyung?aissh make me curious<br />
<br />
i wanna know more<br />
<br />
lilacpeachpuff #4
awww so cute :)<br />
I like it ^^