Too Personal

Love And Be Free

Chae Min studies Young Do curiously on the way home. He is sending her back with his Lambo because her father will be furious if he finds out that she rode on a bike. 

'He has such a fine jaw line.' she thinks. 'And those killer eye brows oh god.'

She is trying to not think about what Kim Tan said earlier. To be honest, she isn't entirely sure what he meant. About changing Young Do. She knows he is a dangerous business man, a powerful one too. She just found out about his dark teenage days too. Kim Tan insisted that he was the one who came up with the idea of establishing a hierarchy system in high school and Young Do was merely supporting him because they were best friends. Still, it is hard to imagine how two young boys can be so mean and cruel.

'Everybody has a dark side. We all have a painful memory and story. You should know that better than anyone.' Chae Min reminds herself. 'That's right, I can't judge him before even knowing the whole truth.'

The car stops at a traffic light. Young Do's eyes move to their corners trying to sneak a glance at her without turning his head. She smiles. She places her hand on his which is on the gear. He turns to look at her, she sees the wariness in his eyes. Or maybe it is guilt. She squeezes lightly in assurance.

'What am I doing with my life?' She thinks.

Chae Min is 19 years old, she is still in high school, but she already knows some of the richest people in Korea, she even goes to school with them. Right now, next to her, is the most desirable man she has ever laid eyes on, and the best thing? He likes her. She must have been a saint in her past life because karma is too good to her. She couldn't help but distance herself from him previously because it all seemed too good to be true. But now, she realizes she is probably the dumbest person on earth. And it is about time to let him know she likes him no less than he likes her. Chae Min needs to let Young Do know that he belongs in her heart.


"What did you say?" Young Do's eyes pop wide open.

"Oh gosh, that sounded cheesier out loud than I thought." Chae Min covers her face with her hands. She just wants to clear the tension but now she is just plain embarrassed.

"Oppa?" Young Do repeats. She moves two fingers from each hand to her temples, as if she just made the worst mistake in her entire life.

"Well, you are kind of older than me and I've been calling you by either shouting 'yah!' or 'Choi Young Do!' and I mean that's fine if we are in the States because yeah nobody really cares and it isn't even that rude but we are in Korea and you know how things are so I feel rude sometimes and I don't want to come off as a snob okay and yes I know I am blabbing but I don't know how to stop so you have to just -" 

She never get to finish her sentence. Young Do does what he does best by leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her lips. 

"I know." He whispers and continues kissing her until a car honks loudly as the light turns green. He reluctantly pulls away but keeps his hand intertwined with hers tightly. There is a pause of silence. 

"Nobody has ever called me that." Young Do says. "Too personal. Too much affection attached to it."

"Oh. Okay." Chae Min tries to keep the disappointment out of her voice. She is sure he has had plenty of girlfriends but if none has ever oppa-ed him, it is almost impossible for her to ever get close enough.

"I've always preferred 'Young Do-ah'," he says. "Only people who are very dear to me calls me that. Erm, and several others because I allowed them to."

Something about his tone sends a chill down her spine. 'Because I allowed them to.' keeps repeating in her head. Why is Young Do so afraid of intimacy? It seems this man is full of secrets, which she hopes one day he will open up to her. 

"But you can call me whatever you want. No matter how cheesy or silly it is." Young Do glances over. "Because you're my girlfriend."

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

"Hey, do you want to join me for dinner tonight?" Chae Min asks as soon as she sees Young Do. He is looking as hot as ever leaning against the school gate. She glares at the girls ogling and batting their lashes at him. 

"HI!" A few juniors shouts as they walk past. Chae Min holds up and curves her index and middle fingers, a threatening gesture to gouge out their eyeballs. They hurry off in lightning speed.

"I'm really starting to enjoy waiting for you after school." He does a little wave at a couple of girls. She puts both hands on his cheeks and turns his head to face her. 

"Eyes. On. Me. Please." 

"Are you actually acting jealous right now?" Young Do chuckles. "Now I'm enjoying myself a whole lot more."

"And you can forget about dinner too." She stomps off.

Young Do smiles but follows her from a distance. He calls out. "Yeap, look everybody, that's my girl, walking away from me like a supermodel! Ain't she saucy!"

Just as he is about to run to catch up with her, a bunch of boys appear out of nowhere and blocks Chae Min's way. They all have the similar smug look on their face, they remind Young Do of him and Tan back in the days. He recognizes Jong Tae among the bunch. He walks slowly towards them, ready to stop their nonsense. 

"Hey, we are going to catch a movie, wanna come along?" One of the boys asks Chae Min, Young Do eyes his hand on her shoulder. "You never hang out with us after school."

"That's because she's too busy for you kids." Young Do removes the boy's hand from touching his girl.

"Busy with what?" Jong Tae challenges.

"Busy going on dates with me, of course." He replies calmly, he sees the confidence wavering in Jong Tae's eyes. 

"Oh, you must be the Choi Young Do then." There's only one guy with his shirt tucked in, looking like the smart type, he asks boringly. "Don't you have a company to run or something?"

"Don't you have exams to study for, little boy?" Young Do is getting annoyed real quick. 

"As a matter of fact, we do." Jong Tae interrupts. "And Chae Min should join us. I'm sure she'd prefer spending time with people her age."

"Okay, you guys." Chae Min finally speaks up. She glares at all the guys, including Young Do. "I've had enough of your childishness. I'm not interested in hanging out neither of you! I'm going home." 

With that, Young Do's beautiful girlfriend storms off again, leaving behind the hottest and richest men in Korea. 

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

"Wait, which is broccoli and which is the cauliflower again?" Young Do asks, holding the two very different vegetables in his hands.

"Yah, you sure you have an IQ of 150?" Chae Min questions him, frowning.

Chae Min is the type that forgives a little too quickly. Now, they are grocery shopping and he keeps asking the stupidest things. She is doubting he is actually serious, maybe he is trying to get rid of her anger from earlier.

"What happened to 'oppa ~'???" He says.

"I'm still mad! And you're making me madder!"

"Hey to be fair, I've never done grocery shopping before. You're basically taking away my ity!!"

"What ity?!" Chae Min chortles, totally aware that people are staring at them though.

"My grocery ity." Young Do mumbles and pouts, full of aegyo.

"Stop it," She giggles. "Your ity is robbed for a good reason."

"Dinner better be good." He says, planting a smooch on her cheek. Before pulling away, he whispers something that sends a pleasant but scary chill down her spine. "Since your parents are away, maybe we can have some dessert too."

Chae Min gulps. He definitely does not have ice cream in mind.


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kurovillganee #1
Chapter 20: This is amazingggg <3 <3 hope you will finish itt
Chapter 20: I hope that you finish this story if you ever come back. I fell in love with it. It perfectly captures what went on in Young Do's life after the end of the series. <3
lcar19 #3
Chapter 20: What happen with this story!!? I miss it and anticipating for what’s next
Saarrah #4
Chapter 20: I love this story
Please update soon, please.
Angie_7251 #5
Chapter 20: Love this story! I hope you can update soon!
riwanritwo #6
Chapter 20: Oh nice story authornim,hope you will update soon!fighting!!!!
Chapter 20: ooh can't wait to see what jongtae does..
KissMeFanny #8
storys #9
Chapter 20: The update was marvelous, thank you very much <3
alexa29 #10
Chapter 20: Thank you for the update :)