
With My Dolls

I do busy work, anything really. I can't think about him. Cleaning, sketching, torturing, sewing, anything to get my mind off of him.

"Lucy, I have your homework," Minah says, as I let her in.
"More busy work. Good," I say as she sets it on a table.
"You've been busy," she says.
"Yeah, it keeps my mind off things," I say, looking at the piles of work.
"I'm going to go; I have my work," Minah says, leaving.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," I say shouting the door. I look at the amount of homework from the past two days, and sigh. I sit, and start to work my way though the pile.
*knock knock*
I get up, from my halfway finished work.
"Yes," I hiss as I open the door.
"I thought you'd like some help on the homework," he says. Hakyeon?
"Sorry. Come in," I say opening the door. Why must he be here? He isn't going to help.
"Thanks. Nice place," he says, walking in.
"Thanks," I say, trying not to look at him.
"Shall we work?" He says, walking over to the table.
"I guess," I say, sitting beside him. I attempt to work, but people are distracting.
(-<) <3 ^_^
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I finished it. Crying now. ;-;


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Chapter 17: HOLY COW! i loved it so much!
Chapter 17: Wow I loved it ^^
Chapter 6: NNNNNNNNNNNNN wow... so good...
nasomi2011 #4
Chapter 4: Haha, yes, it is a bit disturbing, but I appreciate your hand mixing horror with a bit of sadism. Disturbing but interesting.
striped-cat #5
Chapter 16: omg N!!!! ASDFHGzjk
Yeohana1733 #6
Chapter 16: ;-; so sad yet so good~
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 16: Am I crazy if I wish Lucy to come back? ^^
But being a better person who controls Hakyeon with "love" and not the voodoo doll.
Poor Lucy.
yuu_sama #9
Chapter 15: Ohh nooooooooooo...
so Lucy killed herself!? >_<
If she did it to save both of her and the boys, then it was so saaaad~~~
this ending is sooooooo sad.
Nobody could save her, so she chose to kill herself.
Chapter 16: Aw that was sad but she did it to save them that's sad it made me cry a little :')