Behind The Scenes



Short Synopsis:

Clarissa Hope came to Korea to direct a music video...but a lot more than that happens when she meets SHINee. Follow Clarissa on a complicated journey of making a name for herself, making a fool of herself, maybe falling in love and most definitely making memories that will last a lifetime.


This Story Has:




+Inside jokes for Shinee fans


Longer Synopsis:

21-year-old Clarissa Hope has gotten where she is today with hard work, talent, and yes..more than a little luck. Networking like no tomorrow has landed her as one of the youngest in her field: a music video director. Nobody knows who she is - just yet - but she is slowly but surely impressing those who do end up working with her. When an employer's friend's acquaintance sees her portfolio of music videos everything begins moving fast. First there's the meeting with him over coffee. Then she's on a plane to South Korea. Then she's nervously speaking broken Korean in an interview. Then she's...on the set of a soon-to-be debuting girl group's music video? And that's just her career that's skyrocketed. Her social life gets a bit more riveting when a few familiar famous faces pop up on the set. Follow Clarissa on a complicated journey of making a name for herself, making a fool of herself, maybe falling in love and most definitely making memories that will last a lifetime.


Subscriber's Comments:


"this story is driving me crazy!!

in a good way xD"



“Wow. And I do mean wow.

Hands down, this is the most entertaining fanfic I have read. Your descriptions, events, and character dynamics are impeccable. This is one of those stories where you really feel like you become a part of envision everything that's happening and long to be there. And when I say long to be there......I really mean long to be the female lead.

I totally ship them together.”



"SO CUTE that I'm going to get cavities


Update soon"

"(I feel so emotionally invested in this character... she's like my sister or something.)


"YOU UPDATED. YOU UPDATED AND I'M SO HAPPY I WANT TO CRY. Everytime I left the house, I would come home and check to see if you updated. It was all kinds of pathetic, BUT I JUST COULDN'T HELP IT.
BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT. sla;sglkajsd;fl ka;sflsf;l"



"omgomgomg!!!!!! this is very, really, extremely good!
I read it all this morning.

Seriously, your story's addicting.
<3 <3 <3

This is, like, the most I've gotten into a story. <3"


"lol I was almost screaming at the computer!

the chapters are great and aren't filled with mistakes! <3"




OKAY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW I WANT TO HUG YOU. ;A; I love this fic so much, you won't believe... TT^TT Please update really really fast, because I want to read more~!!! Your AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER. UPDATE SUPER DUPER SOON!!!"



JaeJoonglove at


"Cut!" Clarissa yelled, her eyes squinting slightly as she looked at one of the girls standing on the set. The girl swayed a little as the music stopped and all of the camera crew and staff looked towards Clarissa, waiting for their next task to be dished out. Clarissa ignored all of the eyes that were focused on her, however, and got out of her director chair. She coolly walked over to the girl and smiled at her. "Anyasayo," she bowed at the girl. The girl immediately bowed back to her and as she came back up her face looked really worried. "Lazer, is it?" Clarissa asked carefully. She had spent a few minutes each day in the week leading up to the shoot trying to memorize all of the girl group's nicknames. There was Lazer, Lightning, Flash, and Ray. Once she got each of the names down she wrote the names over a picture of each girl. She was pretty sure that who she was talking to was Lazer, however, she had been pretty stressed preparing for today. Maybe she didn't get it right.

"Yes." Lazer replied hesitantly. Clarissa nodded and smiled a little, noticing that Lazer was talking to her in English. Her Korean wasn't the best...if you could even call it existent.

"Baegagopayo?" Clarissa asked. Lazer and all of the other girls in the group looked at her really strange and all of a sudden Clarissa realized that she'd completely messed up what she had meant to say. "Haha...umm..." she looked around for the translator that SM Entertainment had hired for her and spotted her standing at the edge of the set, one foot stretched out in front of the other as if ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Clarissa motioned with her hand to come over.

"What can I help you with?" Sun asked.

"Can you ask her if she's hungry?" Clarissa said. Sun nodded and began talking with Lazer then looked back to Clarissa.

"She said that she can wait until a break." Sun said, relaying Lazer's response.

"Has she eaten today?" Clarissa asked. She'd heard about the strict diets that girl groups underwent right before a debut or comeback. She had noticed that throughout the last take Lazer was losing her balance a bit and unable to keep up with the intense choreography. If Clarissa was being honest, she thought that Lazer looked like she would pass out at any moment.

Sun was talking to Lazer again and this time Ray chimed in saying something and all the girls nodded hesitantly. Sun looked back to Clarissa. "None of them have eaten today." she said as she bit her lip but then stopped as she realized what she had done. She moved her lips into a straight line, trying to stay professional and not acknowledge any emotion. Clarissa sort of wished that Sun would loosen up though and be more friendly. She just felt like she was using a walking dictionary when she acted so straight-faced.

Clarissa frowned slightly as she looked down at her watch - it was 10pm. She nodded, "Okay. Let's take a 20-minute break. Can you tell the intern to announce that in Korean?" she asked. Sun just nodded and immediately went off to find the intern. Clarissa turned back to the girls and smiled. "Ga ja!" she said waving her hand for them to follow her. She walked to the back of the set to the table filled with an assortment of foods. She picked up a plate and began piling fruits on it, making sure to include tangerines and a banana. Then she put two sandwiches on the plate as well. Clarissa turned around and smiled at Lazer. "Please eat this." she said and Lazer nodded repeatedly and took the plate. Clarissa then went on to make the same meal for the other girls and began handing them their plates. When she handed the last plate away to Lightning she turned randomly to her left and looked up slightly to see two boys looking at her. One was just staring and the other smiled and nodded at her. The one that was just looking at her had short blonde hair, was wearing a black V-neck with a jean jacket overtop and black and white checkered skinny jeans. The one who smiled and nodded at her had longer dark brown hair. He was just wearing a white T-shirt and grey skinny jeans. When he smiled and nodded at her she felt like he had instantly aged into an older man who was sort of saying 'good job taking care of these dongsaengs'. At least that's what she interpreted it as; she nodded back with a smile, not really thinking anything but then as she turned around she realized something. She knew who they were. But she had never even met them before so how could...she stopped her inner dialogue as she realized that she had only ever seen them on her computer screen before. It was Key. And Minho. From SHINee.

Thank you for all of your love and support over the years, it truly means a lot ♡


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ageee910 #1
Chapter 15: Omg this is soooo adorable already ^^
Chapter 57: Absolutely beautiful. Your progression as a writer was wonderful to watch. It ended perfectly. I will definitely be here if you post the sequel. (:
English101 #3
Chapter 57: Do you know how frustrated I get with my phone's autocorrect? I typed Onew on purpose, Chauncey! (I named the autocorrect Chauncey).
English101 #4
Chapter 57: To my beautiful Letter K...

Wow. What a touching journey we've been through with Claire-Bear, Taeminnie, Key, Minho, Jonghyun, and my precious book-reading glasses-on-nose nerdy Ones/JinKi husband.

You mentioned how much you have grown as a person and a writer over the last three years. I am honored to have been able to witness that - even though I've been mia for a while. I feel like my yoja-dongsaeng is graduating or something. I legit had tears running down my face as I read this last chapter. As Claire thought back on all her memories, I too reminisced. Our late (and sometimes all) night chats about idols, our in depth character profiles, our assessments of every video and performance we watched, our imagined lives, our presents to one another, the advise and support we gave each other. Believe me when I say that time of my life SHINee's brightly.

I feel like the Key to your Claire because I identify with them so much. ;) The hug she gave him was heart-breakingly beautiful! And such a real life resolution to issues and hurdles that best friends deal with. You are so talented. Somehow you're able to take a few paragraphs and make me actually FEEL what your characters are going through. The relieved peace Uri Onew finally feels. The happiness Jjong and Minho can't stop from escaping into their brotherly squabbles. Key's knowing pride in Claire's self discovery. And Taemin's love. You're exactly right. It's like being part of a family.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of it.

heatherexo #5
Chapter 57: OKay your story was amazing I dont think Ive cried reading a fanfic as much as your it was so good you write wonderfully
heatherexo #6
Chapter 36: OKay I cried reading this was amazing.
English101 #7
Chapter 56: Where have you been all my life?! Gahhhhhh! I've missed you. And Onew. And Part-time Boyfriend! And Taeminnie! And baby daddy! And Jjong! But most especially you.

You know, it's been over a year since I've written anything. A crazy freakin year! ...........I'm getting the itch. And seeing this beautiful reminder of my kpop life I had to leave behind (begrudgingly) for the real making my itch spread! Lol. Believe it or not, the other day I went back and read some of HML. I need to get on that. :)

I'm so happy you decided to post this. You are good job. <3
tokitok92 #8
Chapter 56: Happy to see you're updating :) Missed this story a whole lot. I will look forward to anything you post, no matter how long it takes.
lianned1994 #9
Chapter 56: Dont worry... we will wait for this story to finish (atleast i do xD)
so.. it's been a long time ;) i really missed this story.. but i'm glad you updated it! this is actually the first story in like 6 months that i give a comment.. (so funny, it has been over a year but my english hasnt inproved*sad*) so again take your time.. we all have been through some ____ (my oarent gor divorced like 9 months ago and life has been rough after that..) conclusion life xD so..i look forward to hearing something from you~~~ <3