The secret Spy

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There parents were assassins so they could feed their young ones. But they never wanted to become someone that killed innocent people just because someone force them and one thing they all didn't know was that they had to give their child to the boos so they can become assassins just like them. They all couldn't escape from what they had done so when they had holidays, they all thought this was the time to escape from the people so they could look after their child and not let the boss take their child.

All of the 4 girls are rich, fashionable, beautiful, talented and smart. They all have their own skills to kill people. They all love each other like sisters and will do anthing to protect each other for they have meet each other since young. They all know each other really will and love to tease each other. 

Park Minyoung (MinMin)


Minyoung has brown long stright hair, big brown eyes and pinkish small lips. Minyoung is the 3rd tallest and is really fashionable. She loves shopping with the others. Minyoung is their leader and is really skillful with guns and knives and is teach in martial arts.

Im Yoona (Yoongie)


Yoona has brown long curlyish hair, big pretty brown eyes and small red lips. Yoona is the 2nd tallest and is really cute. Yoona loves shopping and has a cute personality. Yoona is their second leader and is really skillful with guns, since she is really flexable, she is also teach in gymnestic so she can go through laser and is also a bonebreacker. (only she and the boss can do this)

Choi Sooyoung (SooSoo)


Sooyoung has brown long hair, big brown cute eyes and pretty small lips. Sooyoung is the tallest and is a carefree person. Sooyoung loves shopping and cares alot about the others. Sooyoung is really skillful with her hands and is teached to use knives.

Jung Somin (Mini)


Somin has long brown stright hair, small brown cute eyes and cute small lips. Somin is the shortest and is a helpful person. Somin, like the others loves shopping and is the kidiest person and will try to cheer you up anytime you feel sad. Somin is skillful with knives and is teached to use guns.

Have fun reading!!!!!!



I am not new here but this is like my second time writing and I at writing so this could be a really boring story but please read the first chapter and choose if you want to read on. This Story might be confusing as while but I hope you understand. English is my first language but like everyone I am a human so I will make a lot of mistake but pleas forgive me and I am not that good in grammer.


Love Author


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ThebabyELF #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^