

Without a second thought he went inside the building. When the cool air of the air condition hit his skin he felt really good. Walking around downtown under the scorching sun took a toll on him.

He walked towards the corner and pulled a small paper. Written on it is the number 54. As if on cue when he looked above the device it produced a ping sound and flashed the number 37 in bloody red. It wouldn’t be long before it’s his turn.

He paced to the table near him and grabbed a sheet of paper that has been neatly stacked in the corner. In bold letters above the sheet has the words DEPOSIT SLIP. And below is some information he needs to fill up. After scribbling on the paper he looked around to find a seat.



Taking a seat he looked around the place. There was something different about it and he can’t put his hands around it. Maybe they renovated it. His thoughts got cut off when his phone vibrated. It’s a message from his boss.

‘Are you in the bank yet?’

‘Yep, waiting for my turn’

‘Good. I thought you got lost or you lost the money. I’m going to cut off a year’s worth of salary if that happened. Head back as soon as you’re finished there.’

Jinki just rolled his eyes at his phone. His froggy boss as bossy as ever. If Minho didn’t have trust in him then why send him in the first place. Then he remembered what Minho said to him “It’s not that I don’t trust you but it’s your clumsiness that is keeping me on my toes”

He doesn’t trust his clumsiness too. His first day at Minho’s coffee shop was a disaster. He broke a lot of glasswares cause he kept falling. Good thing the cashier was retiring and he was able to take the place.



Thirty minutes of waiting and his number will be up. Then he heard the glorious ping and he was smiling as he stood up and walked towards the teller.

“Good noon sir, how may I help you?”

“I’m here to deposit some cash”

“Can I have the deposit slip, passbook and cash sir?”


Jinki looked down and fumbled in his pockets to fish out the requirements and handed it. When the teller was processing his transaction Jinki got the moment to assess the guy in front of him. He was undeniably handsome. He was snapped out of his daze when the said gorgeous started talking.

“Sir there must be some mistake”


“You’re in the wrong bank sir. The bank where you should be having your transaction is across the street”

What did he say? The information slowly sunk into his head. He blinked rapidly and all the color drained from his face. So that explains the different feeling he had about this place. He mentally kicked himself for his new episode of his clumsiness.

His legs started to get soft like a jelly and he grabbed the edge of the desk. He could barely stand up. He prayed to the depths of the earth to swallow him whole.



“Are you okay sir?”

He didn’t notice that the teller stood up and went out of his desk to assist him. He helped him sit to the nearest seat he could take him.

Jinki couldn’t look him in the eye. He’s flustered and his color going crimson color.


He didn’t know what to say or do. Should he apologize? Or run to the door? Or play dead on the floor?

He could take all the scolding from Minho but this level of embarrassment he couldn’t handle it. And the fact that he just made a fool of himself in front of a good-looking guy just overkills him.

“It’s okay”

The guy started to rub his hand up and down Jinki’s back.

“I-I’m sorry”

Jinki muttered now having the courage to look at him with his eyes wide. Face still red from embarrassment.

Jonghyun couldn’t stifle the small chuckle he has been holding back, the cute boy in front of him looks humiliated but so innocent that he thinks it’s too adorable.

“No need. You’re just a human and so am I. We make mistakes”

His tone soothing making Jinki visibly relax.




Jonghyun handed him back the passbook and cash he gave earlier. They’ve seated there for awhile until Jinki regained his composure and over the time they’ve exchanged names.


Jinki managed to croak out in a low voice.

“Want me to take you across the street. To your bank?”

Jinki’s head shoot up and stared at him. His face now going back to ripe tomato color.

“N-No. I wouldn’t want to trouble you anymore. I think I’ve had enough of my clumsy show here Jonghyun”

“Well I enjoyed the show just fine Jinki. Enough for me to forget my dull routine here”

Jonghyun laughed and it was contagious making Jinki giggle too.

“I’m heading out now for lunch break so it doesn’t really bother me.”

“Okay, thanks Jonghyun”




They were already in front of Jinki’s bank. And much to Jinki’s dismay, the travel with Jonghyun was too short.


Jonghyun gestures his hands in the air as like a magician showing a trick. Jinki claps feigning an amused look. His eyes squinting into slits as he laughs sondedly. Jonghyun heart skipped a beat seeing the beautiful boy in front of him.

“I didn’t know you were a magician too”

“I’m quite the entertainer Mr. Lee”

Jonghyun then bowed courteously after finishing his magic.

“So here’s your bank. I guess I’ll see you later”

Jonghyun says with a smile but his eyes betrays the up curve showing a tinge of sadness if Jinki sees it right.

“Umm, yeah. Thank you Jonghyun”

Jinki reluctantly answers. Not really wanting to depart from him.

A silence settles between them. Shy gazes being exchanged.

“Yeah…I’ll head to the restaurant in the corner”

Jonghyun breaks the bubble they had.

“Goodbye Jinki”

“Bye Jonghyun”

Jonghyun turns his back from Jinki. Jinki didn’t move not until he saw Jonghyun turn from the corner.




After the same process he did in Jonghyun’s bank minus the embarrassment he successfully deposited the coffee shop’s earnings. He couldn’t stop thinking about the handsome teller. He was already heading out back on the shop when a familiar voice called him. He quickly looked back.

“Jinki wait up!”

It was Jonghyun. It would be a lie if Jinki’s heart didn’t pound erratically seeing him.

“Hi Jinki”


“Umm…Can I ask you?”


Jinki nervously anticipating Jonghyun’s answer.

“Would you mind having a coffee with me tomorrow?”

Jonghyun looking at him then down on the concrete floor they are standing on. Jinki’s eyes widen at the invitation.

“Sure, Jonghyun”

Jonghyun looked at him with same wide eyes then a smile creeping on his face.



They both agreed to meet at Minho’s coffee shop.

Jinki’s smile reaching to his ears as he heads back.

Jonghyun just threw a fist in the air like he just won a game. Grinning all the way to his bank.





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Chapter 1: Hahaha! That was soo sweett!!
Jinki sure know how to get the guys :P
Chapter 1: Haha Jinki went to the wrong bank XD
This is so cute~
Well, at least u got to meet Jonghyun though~keke
Thanks for writing this <3
Chapter 1: awwww jinki is so cute ahahahaha how can you go to a wrong bank xDDD but its okay cuhs you meet jjong bcs of that <3
Chapter 1: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!