Chapter 3

Loving You

Heechul was among the first who had managed to calm himself, knowing fully well that in these trying times when even leeteuk was not here, he had to console his dongsaengs and put up a brave front. He was well aware of the scolding he was to receive from leeteuk the moment he was out of his forced sedation. It was through a lot of help from kangin and sungmin that they had managed to sedate a near hysterical leeteuk who insisted on watching over his dongsaengs, even when he was told that eunhyuk and shindong were resting in the next room and kyuhyun was being looked after.

He managed to separate siwon from the group and sat the younger down on one of the benches and with the calmest voice he could muster, consoled the other asking him to keep composure for the sake of kyu who would not like to see his hyungs like this. Their conversation was interrupted by Ji hoon who had beside him the doctor who was examining kyu. To know the current status of kyu and chalk out the future course of treatment, siwon was to be consulted as the injurious kyu had received was life threatening.

Siwon was accompanied by heechul and ji hoon to the doctor’s cabin. There siwon was briefed on the gravity of kyu’s situation; he patiently listened to what the doctor had to say, agreeing to his suggestions after looking towards heechul and ji hoon who silently supported his decision. Siwon was about to get up when the doctor hesitantly added that an injury that had punctured kyu’s lungs could be saved by an operation through the throat which in all possibility would make the younger unable to sing for the rest of his life.

Hearing this siwon stared down the doctor and in the harshest words asked him to do his job and save kyu’s voice. Heechul saw that the younger was to break his polite demeanor and would probably do something that he might regret so he and ji hoon brought him out of the doctor’s cabin in mid shouting that he was directing at the poor doctor.

Once out, siwon broke down in the arms of heechul and cried his heart out, for he knew how important singing was for kyu. The maknae had left his family to pursue his dreams as a singer and if he was to lose his voice, he would lose the reason to live. Knowing this, how was siwon going to agree to such a stupid suggestion that will never allow him to hear that warm, honey filled voice of his love again. And how was he to live knowing that he had agreed to single handedly destroy the most precious thing for kyuhyun.

Vehemently refusing to be part in anything that would snatch away kyu’s dream, he pleaded with heechul to not allow anyone to cut open kyu’s throat. Seeing the way he was pleading and basically groveling to save kyu’s voice, heechul’s heart broke and he was promised that the elder male would do everything in his power to make sure that kyu is alright.

Hangeng arrived beside heechul and seeing siwon's condition he coaxed him to go home with him, and let the others stay in the hospital. Siwon was miserable, he had not slept for more than 36 hours, adding jet lag and the mental exertion he was facing had considerably made him weak. His eyes had a sullen look with black rings surrounding them, and he did not even remember when was the last time he had something to drink let alone eat.

Siwon was adamant and refused to leave the hospital and insisted on being with kyu, even after he was informed that no one was allowed inside kyu’s room. Then he insisted on sitting by the door and making sure that kyu was properly cared for. He was being pursued by the other members who were finally able to see through his condition. The amount of stress he was under and fatigue finally took toll on siwon and he collapsed amid persuading his brothers to allow him to stay with kyu.

After he finally came through, he found himself in a hospital bed with saline drip attached to his wrist and found heechul, hangeng, and kibum by his side. Hangeng was busy peeling and cutting fruits when he saw siwon was awake, he offered the younger some which was refused and queries regarding kyu's health were put forth almost immediately.

Heechul refused to answer and also forbade the others too from reveling anything until he finished the bowl of fruits that hangeng placed in front of him. Being aware of heechul’s stubborn nature he knew that it was no use in arguing and it would be for the best to replenish his strength so he would be able to care properly for kyu. After he had finished every single piece of food laid in front of him, heechul relayed all that had taken place while he was unconscious. He had contacted Lee Soo Man and informed him on the developments at the hospital. Hearing the treatment that was being discussed; LSM had managed to get hold of the best surgeon in the country that specialized in cases similar to kyu.

Hearing this, siwon was filled with excitement and was anxiously waiting for the arrival of the doctor who could make kyu all better. While siwon was in midst of convincing his brothers to allow him to meet kyu, a lady in doctor’s coat entered followed by that evil doctor who wanted to take away kyu’s voice. It was difficult for siwon to see the doctor and not come to senses of the gravity of the situation that they were in. The lady doctor introduced herself as Dr. Jessica, and said that she had taken over kyuhyun’s case and after studying it she was confident no throat surgery will be required. She spoke with such warmth and conviction that the fears he had regarding kyu’s health disappeared.

She assured that she will do her utmost to make sure that kyu remains the same as he was before the accident. There was a specialized procedure that would use incision in the upper chest and repair the damage the lungs had faced. It was relatively new in the country but was used quite frequently abroad. Dr. Jessica herself had operated numerous times using this technique and was confident in her skills. The operation was to take place as soon kyu was strong enough to go through with it. This provided some relief to the aching heart of siwon. Now all he had to do was to wait and pray for his lover’s wellbeing.

Thanks for reading.

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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 5: You are one of the best authors on asianfanfics EVER. this story is so heartwarming and emotional and beautiful. write so well and portray Siwon's feelings so descriptively. Kyuhyun is my ultimate bias and the thought of the accident always makes me cry. this story really made me sob ;-; ugh i ship wonkyu so hard. thank you for this story, its absolutely beautiful.
Chapter 5: This is really a beautiful story... Love it very much....
KukkiMonster #3
Chapter 5: What a sweet story..
You ended it beautifully ^^
Thank you for writing!
Chapter 4: You'll be alright kyunnie....:-)
Chapter 3: Wonnie you must be strong for must take care of yourself and pray for him....
Chapter 2: Like this.... Kyunnie's accident is one of the hardest time for them...
Saravy #7
Chapter 1: Kyu's accident is always so hard to read but I'm really curious as to how this will play out.^^

I love how you described Siwon's belief so beautifully. I think it's admirable how devout he is despite all that's around him. I really respect that you are respecting that. Some authors indirectly make fun of him and sometimes it's funny but others it's disrespectful. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens next.^^
can't wait :)
That is just good