
Secret Admire
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Hi Jessica ,

You look very pretty today , what secrets could be as beautiful as it is ?

You almost made ​​me drool ..

Jessica sighed softly . Again prankster sent a letter without a name .  What is clear since he entered the school , the prankster or could be called his secret admirer already sent a letter like this . Jessica never know who's writing him almost every morning after he arrived at school and when the school day was over . He had tried to find out with Sehun - friend - but still not found the prankster .

As always , Jessica will include letters written on a small paper of various colors into a special box . Yes , a special box for a letter from the secret fan . He also did not understand why he would bother to save it .

After closing the door locker , Jessica turned around and was about to scream when she saw the figure of a white -skinned , skinny and tall standing silently behind him .

" You scared me ! " Jessica annoyed at the guy as he stamped his foot . While the white youth was chuckling quietly seeing her friend's childish behavior .

" I'm sorry " he said, trying to stop His chuckle . "You Get a letter again ? " He asked quietly nod which answered by Jessica .

" Haahh ~ I wonder who this person really is. What he is not tired of sending with these letters every day ? " Tell Jessica as she walked to class , followed by a handsome young man earlier .

' He never tired , Sica . It will not . '

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SM Academy when it was deserted because the lesson was started 30 minutes ago . Jessica is not so interested in history lessons being taught by a teacher in front of the old class prefer staring out the window which happened to be on the left .

The window directly overlooking the football field is now filled by students from grade 2-1 , the next class is doing PE . Jessica straight gaze fixed on the figure of a tall blond young man that makes it look like an albino because people are exposed to white milk . The central figure dribbling white with black pentagon-shaped motif on goal which was not far from it . He kicked the ball and it hit the net round object loosely mounted on poles with smooth white .

The figure was cheered as he ran towards his friends and hugged each other as Teletubies . Jessica was lucky class on the third floor , a figure that makes it easier to see clearly . A small smile spreading across her tiny lips also pleased with the success of the figure score goals .

Jessica gasped when the figure was looking at him and waved at him with a big smile in the crowd of his friends . Blond girl like sugar and cotton were waving small smile back , of course he would not be punished because of the teacher as a figure waving toned tan it .

They looked at each other and smiling at each other until finally a deep voice startled Jessica from her reverie .

" Jessica Jung ! "

Jessica hastily turned sideways and found Park seonsaengnim standing with both hands on the waist . " Get out of my classroom , then lift one leg and both ears Jewer , NOW ! " He snapped, pointing towards the door .

' Damn ! ' Vituperation Jessica when she heard the muffled sound of laughter from her classmates .

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Hi Jessica ,

Earlier I see you exposed to penalties , what are you tired ?

Well , it 's your own fault , anyway , because it concerns other teachers in lesson Park seonsaengnim a killer .

I hope the ears and feet fine

Again this letter . Jessica immediately replace selopnya with shoes and pastel blue paper insert it into a special box . After closing and locking the door of her locker , Jessica walked hurriedly to the school gate .

' Where are you Oh Sehun ? '

Jessica turned her head her blonde here and there to search for friends and skinned milk was higher among SM Academy students passing by to the school gate . He ran when he found someone who was looking for was leaning on the concrete fence near the school gate .

" Yes ! Oh Sehun ! Why did you leave me ! ? " He barked when he was in front of Sehun . Sehun scolded just scratching the back of his head is not itchy .

" Sorry , " he said . Jessica grabbed and immediately turned around and walked away Sehun are trailing behind and kept apologizing .

" Sica " Sehun calling softly . He pulled a small arm of Jessica for her to stop walking . Jessica turned around and looked at the annoyed reply Sehun gentle gaze of the young man eyed it . " I'm sorry . " Those words were spoken from the lips Sehun either already keberapa times .

Jessica who can not stand being stared gently bowed his head to hide the face as red as tomatoes . "Will you forgive me , right? " Said the handsome young man . Jessica nodded quickly , still with bowed head and then release the hand grip Sehun and turned to continue his pace . Sehun small smile and equate pace with Jessica .

" Hun , " calling Jessica started a conversation after a long silence .

" Ne ? "

" I want to see the ' secret admirer' , " said Jessica , looking at the paved road .

Gentle smile Sehun printed on thin lips . " Waeyo ? "

This time , Jessica is a genuine smile as he kept looking at the asphalt . " Because I want to tell him that I 've liked someone , " Answer Sehun Jessica made a soft smile slowly disappeared .

Blond young man grou

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Chapter 1: Good story Chokoro baby~

- mommy <3
JoMaJo #2
Great plot ^^