
What Can I Do ? (Oneshot)

"Hey Princess!"


Khun shouted at the top of his lungs, chasing his Ice Princess.




Jessica said coldly while staring blankly to his peaceful face.


"Why are you not waiting for me?"


"When did I wait for you?"


"Oh Princess are you mad at me?"


Nichkhun ask her, still smiling from ear to ear, fighting Jessica's coldness against him.


"Hey Thai Prince don't use aegyo on me"


"Don't you know this aegyo suits you more?"


"Oh well i dont know."


"Hey my pretty princess, do you know ..."


Nichkhun teasing her girlfriend but suddenly cut off by her words.


"Do I know what again?"


"Do you know Ice Princess + Thai Prince = Royal Love"?


Nichkhun said cheekily.


Jessica chuckled seeing his boyfriend's cuteness.

It is the only way her coldness melts.



"See, we really suits each other. 

I can only  melt your coldness."


"Yah yah you won again"


"Hey princess, are you free tonight?"


"Yes I am'


"Wanna go out later for dinner?"


"Oh sure"


*Mr Taxi taxi Taxi .....*


Jessica's phone rang.

She excused herself to take the call.


Few minutes passed and she cameback.

She saw the her babo Thai prince waiting for her.




"Oh hey babo"


Oh yes, they call each others babo.

The sweetest thing of the couple. *sarcasm*


"I am going home now.

I am tired."


"I cant send you home princess"


"Yeah i know, when did you send me home?"


"Oh comeon, you have your car, i have my car so no need to send you home Sica"


"That's my point, so I'm going home now"


Nichkhun bent down to kiss her cold Ice Princess on the cheeks.


"See ya later, love yah!"



Jessica's POV


yeah yeah, me & that Thai Prince are dating.

I was playing hard-to-get because he's seriously a BAAAADDDD BOY!.

But guess what, he never changed for those 6 months that he is trying to get me.

I even ask him if he's serious though I know he is.


He's FREAKING POPULAR duh, he's SO BLOODY HANDSOME, aren't it obvious?


So I was the luckiest girl in the whole wide universe.

No one believe us but then he kissed me in the a public place, no I mean in our university campus.

And during the whole campus' break!

For God sake where many students walking, chatting and enjoying their free periods!


Know why it happened?




Well we are obviously dating.

But doesnt believe that the famous Thai Prince will end up with me, the infamous Ice Princess.

He wants the other students to stop giving him those stupid love letters and gifts.


We are walking down the cafeteria when he shouted:


"Everyone, please believe it, me and Jessica are dating!

I was obviously trying to get her for six months. 
It was really a hard work for me.

First thing, you'll not believe me, because im the famous player, right?

Well, do you think I'll try to get Jessica for those 6 months?

Do you think I am not serious this time?

Though it was very hard for me, and I do admit, there were times I wanna give up, but because I truly love her, I didnt.

Everyday, she tells me how she was hurt by those hateful letters, no not letters but also face-to-face words.

Whenever she cries in front me, I wanna cry to but I need to comfort her.

So please guys stop this."



Jessica was speechless hearing Khun's words, not just words but public confession.



Just when Khun lifted her chin and crashed his lips onto Jessica's, everyone was seriously felt ashamed of what they did to her.




Jessica reached her apartment.

Well she lives along because her family died in a car accident.

Wonder how she survived?

Well her parents are totally damn rich.

It's just her older male cousins are temporarily taking care of their company.

She lives in her cozy apartment with her own car, ofcourse.


3 hours passed.

Well she just sleep in her own comfortable bed.


She then realized that her Thai Prince asked her for a date.


"Oh God! Aren't next week is our first anniversary?"


Yes, they are almost one year dating. 

And good thing, Khun really changed.

There are no news nor rumor of him that he was seen with other girl.


Thinking of such many things, she didnt realized she was done with herself.

She is done taking a bath, dressing up, putting makeup and fixing her hair.


She got out of her apartment.

She rode in her car.

She drove her way to the resto where she and Khun always eats out.


She was on her way to the resto when she got into traffic.

She stopped in the side where she can see the walking people in the street.

But then her eyes caught something.


It was her Thai Prince.



They are kissing in the road.

Jessica touched the necklace she wore.

She felt a pang in her heart.

She was seriously hurt.

She punch the steering wheel and she pushed the the 'horn' (a/n: sorry idk how did they call it lol).

The two seemed aware that someone was 'horning' at them.


Nichkhun noticed it was Jessica who is in the car.

He quickly let go of the girl and tried to go to Jessica's car.

But suddenly, the light turned into 'green' and she drove off.


Nichkhun walked back to the girl who kissed her.


"Hey Sunye! Why did you do that?!"


Nichkhun seems so angry.

His angelic face was gone.


"O-op-pa, m-m-ianhe"


Sunye said, still shocked because he never saw Nichkhun angry when they were still on a relationship.

Even when they broke up, he seemed not hurted, at all.


Jessica rushed off to a bar.

She sits and asks the bartender for more glasses, and more and more.


Even though she drank too much, she still managed to drive home safely.


-The next day-


Jessica woke up because her phone was ringing endlessly.




Jessica said in an annoyed tone, she knew who was it.


"Sica-ah, can we talk?"


"Yeah, let's talk, meet me at _____________________, 4PM"


Jessica hangs up the phone and took a bath since she woke up 2PM.


Nichkhun arrived first at their meeting location.

He ordered 2 glasses of wine, as they both like to drink it.


Jessica arrived.

She walk out of her car cooly, ignoring other people who blocked her way.

She pulled the necklace in her neck that Nichkhun gave her.


She reached the place where Nichkhun waited for her.

And there, he putted in the glass of wine the necklace and walked away, leaving out the speechless Thai Prince.


Again, she walked like a boss, ignoring other people.

She reached her car and she cried out loud.

It was so hard for her.

That necklace is the symbol of their love.

They promised to each other never to lose it.


NIchkhun was completely shocked.

Tears run down to his cheeks.

He never thought Jessica would be that heartless.


"Jessica, I am sorry"


Meanwhile, in Jessica's aprtment.


Jessica is still crying.

She was badly hurt.

Because Nichkhun didn't bother himself chase her.


Few Days Later ............


Nichkhun was in school, Jessica is 2 days absent.

Her friends never said anything to him so he decided to go to her apartment.

He opened the door using his spare keys.


He heard waters from the shower area but Jessica never take a bath in the afternoon unless she needs to go oustide.

He walk to her house and he saw the shower door opened and water still going through.


He waited for her but until the water leaked out of the room.

He entered the shower room, not caring even though Jessica is only taking a bath or what.


He got shocked but to the scene he saw.

Jessica was sits on the floor, crying, and hugging her knees.

She is soaking wet because of the shower water.


Nichkhun hugged her and Jessica didnt stop him to.

He just let the guy he loved to hug him.


The hug he misses most.

The sound of his breathing that is candy to her ears.

The muscular chest she leans her head when she's sad or happy.


"Jessica, I-i am really sorry.

It's just a goodbye kiss.

She's going to America to leave.

Please believe me."


"Please dont do that again, you dont know how seriously hurt I am"


"I promised."


Nichkhun put the necklace back to her neck, where it fitted perfectly.


"Princess, I love you so much, more than anything, more than anyone" 






Done done done!!!

Lol the scenes are quite familiar aren't it ?

Hahahah lol thanks for waiting, sorry for any mistakes!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it!

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sicacouple #1
Chapter 1: Khunsica more please ....
Chapter 1: ahhh how sweet :D more khunsica story please, and i'm new author and please gives your support. my fanfic is kinda unfamiliar :(
More khunsica :D please
I love it.Do more
khunsica #5
ArdAct #6
which is very suitable prince and princess khunsica .romantic story.<br />
good job :D
ArdAct #7
I also liked your fanfic is this.
cute scene ^^
jessica222 #9
melonbread #10
lol was that scene from lee minhos cass add? hahaha<br />
cuteeee khunsica <3