

Slight angst


Jieun waited at home patiently, just like she always did for him every weeks.

It was another hard day at work, she presumed. For the past couple of days, Jongin seems like having a rough day at work from practicing that seems like turning worst since their comeback already near. Yup, rough day at work.

Whenever Kai comes home, he wouldnt bother to exchange any words to his girlfriend of two years. Absolutely none. There's no I miss you's or I love you's exchange toward each other. Its like he didnt even acknowledge her existence in his life.

And the worst part was she also tried so hard to bear with the stress she had. The stress from her work, jongin and the other members as well. In free time,she would go to the studio they were practicing and bring them food that she made at home.

"Oh! Jieun noona is here!" Sehun, the sassy maknae, exclaimed as soon as his eyes fell on her. He start jumping like a little kid, happy seeing his favourite noona came to see him the members. Another things that he's happy about is knowing that she most likely bought them food. He and the members love the food she bought espescially food that was made by her.

Luhan could notice the bag, that was wrapped with cloth, she was carrying and let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Jieun-ah, you're the best" he'd say as he approach her with a huge grin on his face.

Jieun smile and happily hand over the bag to Luhan and then he'd give the members some food to avoid them for having such a ruckus in the studio just because of the goddamn food.

Everyone but Kai happily munched down the food. Jieun noticed that Kai ignore the members and continued his practice.

Kai claimed that he needed to practice more while the other eleven members scarfing down the food so he can concentrate to his dance steps.

With a frowned stamped to her face, Jieun practically jog walk over to Kai and put one hand on his shoulder, turning him around so he's look at her.

"Arent you tired, Jongin?" She ask innocently.

Kai shot her an annoyed look and decide to ignore her so he can concentrate on his dance practice.

Jieun doesnt want to lose so she ask him again, "Is there something wrong?"

Kai started to annoyed with her questions and shrugged her hand off from his gorjes shoulder.

"No", He answered with a cold tone, trying to ignore her for the nth time.

"Why dont you take a break for awhile, there's nothing wrong taking a break once in awhile, Jongin. And I also bought you and the boys some food so you can fill up your stomach and-",

"I dont want it", Kai snapped.

Jieun stopped and felt shocked for a moment. Kai never used that kind of tone towards anyone, especially with her.

She thinned her pink lips and glanced at the other members. They all froze and stared at the couple before them with shocked expression. They too never seen this harsh side from Kai.

"Fine", Jieun said softly with a slight hint of hurt in her voice. "I'll just leave then", She her heels and walked away out of the studio.

But Jieun didnt leave him. No, not yet at least. She loved him too much to do that.


After that day at the studio, Kai didnt come home and never sent her a sweet text for her about his unarrival. Jieun, as the understanding girlfriend she is, respected his space from all the rough day he had. He needed to cool off a bit anyway.

She stayed at home every single night waiting for Kai to arrived. She'll sent Kai a sweet text whenever she could. And every night she prepared a meal for two, only to realize that it wasnt the night that Kai would finally come home.

'I'm sorry for my rude behaviour at the studio, Jongin! I miss you <3'

'Jongin, when are you coming home? I feel lonely at home without you by my side...'

'I love you, Jongin'

No matter how many message that Jieun sent to Kai, he never replies even read it. Whenever Jieun sent him a text, Kai would throws his phone away somewhere in the studio, ignoring her text.

But one night, it had all ended for the couples, before they knew it.

And it would forever haunt Kai.


After almost every night waiting for Kai, he finally came home. He walked into the familiar home with a sore body and threw his bag lazily on the couch near him. His mood hasnt improved at all since the incident that happen at the studio, luckily the members managed to force convince him to visit Jieun.

Upon hearing the door open, Jieun sprinted downstair with a happy smiles on her face, eagerly wanting to see her boyfriend after so long of waiting. "Jongin!" She exclaimed with a happy tone in her voice. She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight, "Jongin, I m--",

Before she could even finish her words, Kai had pushed her away and sauntered over to the kitchen, muttering inaudible words under his breath.

Jieun felt so hurt by his gesture. Did he just push her away?

Kai opened up the fridge and paused, staring blankly at it. He turned around to face her and shot her a ridiculous look. "You ing didnt cook anything?" He inquired.

Jieun crossed her arms and tilted her head side way. "And who the heck do I look like to you? A ing peasants?".

"Well yeah, you're supposed to be my girlfriend, but obviously you didnt do what a girlfriend should right now. Why you didnt ing make me something to eat? You want me to die from starving or what? You know how tiring my work is! All you do is whine like a little bi-" He cut himself and flew his hands to his mouth after realizing what word he's gonna say next to Jieun.

Jieun was shocked. His word stung more than any physical hit ever would. Blinking back the tears that wanting to flows down from her eyes. she shooks her head in disbelief.

" you, Kai! I'm done with you all together!" She yelled before running upstairs and started to packed her belonging.

Kai didnt even bother trying to run after her. He knew it was no use.

He knew that all this happen is his fault.

Kai falls down to his knees and let the tears from his eyes escaped.


I'm sorry, Jieun ....


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