Perfume Led Her to Be Mine

Perfume Led Her to Be Mine


Sungjong's POV

We had all the guys over at my house. All thirteen of us. It was decided that we needed a guys night in. No girls. Just us and a good old friendly competition.


Hoya and Dongwoo had just beaten CAP and L.Joe in rapping when Chunji's phone went off. He took out his phone and smiled as he read the text. I looked away and pretended I didn't know what was going on.


“Is that the girlfriend or the girl you met last week?” Woohyun asked as he peeked over to look at Chunji's phone.


I plugged my ears, not wanting to hear a thing. We all know that never works.


Chunji has a girlfriend that I introduced him to. Someone I  liked. Someone that was and is my friend. He decided to ask her out and I dealt with it. She was happy and that's what matters though, right? Now he's cheating on her with someone else. Some random girl that I bet isn't as beautiful as Anna. I want to tell Anna but I'm torn. It will break her heart but she needs to know the truth.


“The second,” Chunji answered as he put his phone away, “and I'm meeting her down at the teen club that just opened up. Let's all go!”


Everyone got up except Sungyeol who complained.


“What about it being guys night?” He asked.


“Forget about guys night. Let's go meet some girls,” Changjo said.


I sighed and followed everyone. Even though I didn't want to. Sungyeol and I stayed to the back, not really into going to this teen club.


As we arrived, everyone went their separate ways. I figured I could stay with Sungyeol and we'd sulk together but Myungsoo dragged him onto the dance floor. Sunggyu and Woohyun already were talking to some girls. Neil, Changjo, and Ricky were making their way to the order something to drink. Everyone else was dancing, leaving me by myself.


I pushed through the crowd and made it to a table in the back. I sat down and caught sight of Chunji with the girl. Not that pretty. Her hairstyle is awful. She can't even dance. Trust me, she was trying to. My Anna can dance. I mean, Chunji's Anna (who should be mine)  can dance.


I started to grumble to myself as I watched Chunji with this girl. I was startled when my eyes were covered by hands. Then I heard a familiar laugh in my ear and the voice that I loved.


“Guess who,” The voice said in my ear.


“Anna!” I exclaimed and took off her hands.


I got up from my seat and gave her a hug, forgetting about Chunji entirely.


“I thought you were having a night for the guys at your house. What are you doing here?” She screamed over the music.


“Guys night turned into a find a girl night. How about you?”


Anna pointed behind her to a table with her friends.


“Girls night out. I just wanted to know if you wanted to join. I know your not a girl and I'm not saying you are. But for you we are willing to give up girls night and...”


Anna trailed off leaving me confused. I followed her eyes and turned to see was looking at Chunji with the girl. I looked back at Anna and I saw tears forming in her eyes. I took her hand and led her out of the club. She was crying by the time we were out. I pulled her into a hug and tried to comfort her.


“They were just dancing. They could be friends,” I told her.


It boggled my mind why I was even trying to defend him. I guess it was just me wanting Anna to stop crying.


“No they can't. I know for a fact. I should have known sooner. That two-timer has been smelling like perfume for about a week now. And not mine! Yesterday he gives me perfume that was what I've been smelling this whole time. He told me a crap story about how he had it with him all week and was nervous to give it to me. I believed him because I didn't want to think that Chunji could cheat on me. I'm an idiot!”


“No you aren't,” I told her and hugged her tighter.


“Guys are just jerks!” She said before adding on, “no offense.”


“None taken. Most of us are. Then there are some of us that aren't.”


“Like you. You aren't a jerk. That's why I love having you as a friend.”


Hearing the word friend kind of stung. I guess there was no better time to tell her how I felt.


“I may be a nice friend, but I can be better as more. I've been wanting to tell you all week about Chunji but I didn't want to see you like this. Now that you know, I want you to also know that I want you to be mine.”


Anna shoved me off of her and wiped her eyes. I was confused as to why she did that.


“You knew? All week you knew and kept it from me? What kind of friend are you?!”


Anna started to walk away but I grabbed her hand and stopped her. I turned her around to face me and placed my hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes.


“The kind that is tired of just being a friend. I should have told you but I didn't want to see you like this. Crying over someone that you shouldn't be crying over.”


I tucked her hair behind her ear and wiped away the tears that were going down her face.


“I want to go home,” Anna said.


I called a taxi and as we were riding back to her place, we didn't talk. When we reached her front porch we stopped and looked at each other. I tried giving her smile, telling her that things would be fine. I got a meek one in return.


We entered her house and Anna brought me to her room. She handed me a bottle of perfume. I knew right away what it was.


“Do you know what ? I love the smell,” Anna said.


I set it back on her dresser and grabbed Anna's hands.


“I'll get you something you'll love the smell of even more. Just say you'll be mine.”


Anna looked into my eyes as she thought about it.


“Okay, I'll be yours,” She finally said.


And we made it official with a kiss. 

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Smileonce133 #1
Sweet >.<!!
Aww that was cute >w<
namwustar #3
well... it's kind of clicked together lol<br />
and sungjong is reaaaaally sweet /hugs him/
AWWWWH that was too cutee~
jonggggup #5
SO CUTE :DDD<br />
really! the music videos from teen top and infinite DO match HAHAHA<br />
ahhk chunji cheating on his girlfriend for some ugly girl who can't danceO__O not good <br />
go sungjong!! :D