
You're Always There... For Me



"eunni! I want to teach her a lesson for taking away your L oppa." A girl spoke up 
"Is that so, well then I will leave her to you." Hana said and stepped aside. 
The girl stepped up and slapped Jin-ah. 
"Thats for stealing L oppa from Hana unni. haha b*tch you deserved it." The girl spat
She was about to punch Jin-ah in the stomach but Jin-ah stopped her hand before she could.
"s-stop..please.." Jin-ah said
"*scoff* you must be an idiot." The girl said, and removed her grip from Jin-ah's and punched her in the stomach making Jin-ah collapse on the floor. Her body isn't fully healed yet from the last time she was hurt.
Jin-ah was now on the floor slowly losing consicous as the girl kicked her shamlessly, over and over again. She finally lost consious as the pain was unbearable. The girl smirked in victory. But continued kicker her, as Hana watched in satisfactory.
The girl was about to kick Jin-ah again when the suddenly busted open.
"i thought the door was locked..." some kids whisper and start to clear a path to the center.
Myungsoo immediately ran up to check on Jin-ah and looked at Hana with anger in his eyes.
"You just can't have enough can you? 
"*scoff* unbelieveable" myungsoo muttered and picked Jin-ah up, but before leaving he said to hana,
"I'm not done with you yet" and turn his gaze to the girl who kicked Jin-ah "you too" and left the classroom, to the nurse. 


*ugh, why does my stomach hurt so much* I groaned as I tried to sit up, while my eyes were still closed

*Im in the hospital again? *sigh* im such a burden* i accidently thought outloud.

"No you are not" A voice came out of nowhere.

I turned to my left and saw Myungsoo sitting there with dark eye bags.

"oh! your here..." I said looking at his tired face

*sigh* Im such a burden..he looks like he hasn't gotten much sleep* I thought as I frowned.

"wae... why are you frowning..." 

"have you not been sleeping?" I ask worriedly

"Im ok." He replied.


No Ones' POV~

"How do you feel?" He said trying to keep the conversation away from him to not let her worry. 

"Don't change the subject... have you not been sleeping?' Jin-ah said.

"*sigh* Im ok, I will get more sleep now...that your awake" Myungsoo smiles.

Jin-ah blushes after registering what he said.

"oh... where are the others." Jin-ah said, trying to change the conversation to keep her cheeks from getting any redder.

"They are at school." He answered.

"school...wait. Why aren't you at school!?" Jin-ah asked in a 'freaking out' tone. 

"haha, its ok, i got permission." Myungsoo said, which made Jin-ah relaxed.

"*sigh* but you shouldn't miss school...ahh.." Jin-ah felt a little pain in her stomach.

"are you ok?" Myungsoo asked worriedly.

"yeah im fine..just a little pain thats all" Jin-ah said managing to give a little smile to make not worry.

"what happened to me anyways... why am I here?" Jin-ah questioned.

"*sigh* they hurt you again. I shouldn't have left you alone.." Myungsoo started to get angry at himself, his hand balling into fists.

"its ok, they were going to do it to me some how. Im ok now, like last time" Jin-ah smiled at him.

She lightly placed her hand on time of Myungsoo's hand which was now a fist, to try to get him to relax and reassure him. Which did work.




Principle's Office-

"what are we doing here sir?" Hana whined.

The other girl stayed silent with her head down

"*scoff* Nothing wrong? NOTHING WRONG!" The principle was furious. 

"So you didnt, hurt beat up someone? HUH!?" 

"I- I don't know what your talking about.." Hana said not making eye contact

The principle couldn't believe she would lie to him. He walked behind his desk, and played a video.

-Video ended-

"Care to explain?" 

"w-well..." She both stuttered.

"You, Hana will be expelled from this school. I shall not let you continue studying here under my watch. You have done this to many times. I do not need these kind of people walking my halls. You come here to study understand! Not to go and hurt other people. I have already called your parents. After I dismiss you, go and collect your belongings. You will be transfered out of this school starting tomorrow." The principle announced. 

"As for you." The principle turned his gaze to the other girl. "What will happen to you is still to be determined. You may also be expelled for your actions today. Ms. Jin-ah is in the hospital at this moment because of what you did. Do you understand. I have not notifed your parents yet. But I will as soon as my decision is final."

"That b*tch Jin-ah is going to pay." Hana muttered, but the principle caught what she said.

"watch.your.words. You will not be able to continue this act of yours. I have notified other schools of your behavior of what you have done. I believe they will still accept you, but they are going to be more cautious. You and your acts Hana have gone to far, that I can not cope with you any longer. I am going to do this for the sake of Jin-ah and other students, you put her in the hospital twice now, don't you ever think she could die?. That will be it. You're dismissed." 

The 2 girls walk out, Hana had a pissed off expression, but the other had a gloom expression.

"Ya, why do you look sad?!" Hana said and slighty pushed the girl.

"I - I think the principle is right. what if I accidently killed her. It would be my fault... I just realized Jin-ah is a good person for Myung-" 

She was suddenly cut of by a slap on her face.

"Do you know what you are saying?! How could you be sorry for her! Myungsoo is only for ME!" Hana yelled. The girl held her cheek with tears about to fall, not from the slap but from remembering what she did to Jin-ah.

"No, you are not a good person for him. You were never good, Jin-ah is in the hospital all because I was blinded about being popular. I am going to apologize to her"

"So what. *Scoff* your gonna get expelled anyways~" Hana said

"It doesn't matter. Expelled or not. I am going to apologize to her, not because I don't want to be expelled. but for my wrong doings." The girl replied and walked off. 

"Looks like I have to find another guy to fond over..." Hana said, feeling bad.

She exited the school campus and bumped into a guy.

"ah im sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Hana just stayed silent and stared at him, admiring his handsome features

"Im from Starlight Highschool, very sorry once again." He said as he picked up the papers he dropping.

Hana bent down and helped him pick up some papers. 

"Im from this school, but about to be expelled *sigh* ... do you think I could maybe transfer to yours?" She asked.

"hmm, I think you could, but would you mind if I asked why you are being expelled?"

"*sigh* I bullied a girl and put her in the hospital twice. I have bullied others and yeah they can't take it anymore and decided to expel me from the school." Hana replied sadly. One thing different about her now is that it wasn't fake.

"oh, that is bad...but I think you changed. I mean I don't know you or anything, but based on what you told me, I don't think the old you who bullied people would pick up papers." He said.

"I guess so. Well I will make sure I look for you school to transfer to." Hana smile, a genuine smile.


Ok guys~~~~ So this story will be coming to and end! But I have 2 new stories for you to read, the male charater is Myungsoo. So make sure you check it out! ^^            -lilli5874


Follow my fan account for Myungsoo/Infinite on IG | 4ever_inspirit (@4ever_inspirit)

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 11: This is such a good story, it's cute and I bit.. Violent?~ despite that at the end everyone is happy everyone learns from their mistakes^^

Great job authornim :D :D
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 13: kyaaa... myungsoo freaking sweeetttt <3
BloodyS12 #3
Chapter 12: I love it!!!!!!!!!! They r so cute!!!!!!! <3<3<3
Chapter 11: awww!!!
so cute for the ending!!!
i really like it!!!!
Chapter 11: awww ! so cheesy but i like it . great story . author-nim . this story is so daebak.!
Kim_TaeV #6
Chapter 2: My bias is L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_____^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 9: Haiiii author nim^^ I'm a new subbie and omg I am loving ur story^^ it's amazingggg~~~~~~
Pls update soon^^
Joker_ #8
Chapter 9: omo author-nim i read this fic as well! and its AWESOME as well!!! author-nim is jus too awesome to write so many stories like that! HWAITING!
Chapter 9: Haven't been updating in so looonngg.... Miss it :'(
nevertrustaduck #10
Chapter 8: Love it and please write a new story too! It would be awesome!!!! If you can, can you make the OC a singer??