The day I fell in love with you~ Part 3

three simple words. Please Protect Me.

Cannot help but use this music  :) It really suits this chapter.. Okay not so sure it really suits but it is nice :) Hehehe I hope you like ths song :)I like this song a lot.. The beat and her voice :) The lyrics might not really suit the chapter but it is nice song :) Hehehe Enjoy :D

IU - Wisdom Tooth:   


I pushed him out. "I want to change. Get out." He pouted again. Resist. Resist. Resist. His face was right in front of mine. This is so not helping... Resist. My gosh. Resist. Ah! I don't care anymore.

I kissed him. He happily kissed me back.

I love the way he kisses. One of my hand resting on the door, the other on the frame. "Does this mean we get to change together?" He mumbled against my lips. I placed my hand on his bare chest. "Ani." I pushed him further out and shut the door. "Jung Hei Ryung" I smiled to myself. "Honey~" Here comes the nicknames. I tried holding in my giggles. "Yeobo~" "Cutie pie~" "Baby~" "Jagiya~" "Sweetheart~"

I had my arms behind me, leaning against the door. Smiling. Very widely. "Baby, baby~ Saranghae~ My first love~" He is singing to me. I felt my hand slowly move across the smooth wooden door towards the handle.

"Baby~ What do I do without you~ You are my life~ My happiness~ I will hold onto you and never let you go~ Saranghae~" I started laughing. "You are mine~ Forever mine~" My hand was on the cold handle. "You have my heart captured~" My fingers went around the handle. "Never before have I felt this way~" The door knob started turning under my grip. "Is that love~ Sarang~ Sarang~ Saranghaeyo~" The door opened, a small thin line appeared.

The blackness disappeared slowly, leaving me with a beautiful scenery. A small smile appeared on my lips. "When the sun sets. One of my most favourite time of the day." I looked at him, he was smiling to. There was this softness in his smile that made my eyes stay on him.

I saw his smile widen, "It's not polite to stare." I blinked and looked away. Kyaa... He saw... "An exception for you though, because you are cute."  Something tightened around my hand, it was warm.

He is still holding my hand... "I like.." You like? He was silent.. Why is not continuing?? "I like.." Yes? Yes? What do you like? "I like.. Y.." Y..? Yam? Yesterday? Yacht? Yoona? Yuni? Who are those girls? Why did I just say their names? Weird..

"I like.. I like.. I like.. I like. I. Like."

I tilted my head. Why does he keep repeating?






Alright... Wait WHAT?

"I like you. I like you a lot. I really do. I really do like you a lot." I started pulling my hand away from him. It is too sudden. Too sudden. Just too sudden. It would have been okay, if he did not say anything and just quietly spend time with me. I would have been okay.

Holding my hand. Watching the sunset. Sharing secret smiles. Walking around together. I would have been okay.

His hand was still strongly holding onto mine. Let go.. Let.go. "Let go.." My voice. It sounded so afraid. His grip on my hand slowly loosened. My hand fell from where he was holding my hand. I slowly brought my hand back to me. The bouquet of flowers dropped on the grass. Both of my hands were at my chest.

"I barely know you." I barely know you. "The only thing I know is your name." And that your favourite time of the day is when the sun sets. "Saying that is a bit much." I took a step back from him. "You are just a friend of my brother." And someone who has an amazing smile. "It was sweet that you bought me flowers." No. It was super sweet. "I would have been alright if you had said nothing." I would have.. Wait. Why did I just tell him that?

I saw his hand curled into a fist. Now. I am scared. "If I had said nothing.. You would have been okay?" Yes. Yes. I would have been alright. It is so wonderful just being beside you like this. I would have been alright.

"But.. I am not okay if I said nothing to you. I will not be okay if I said nothing."

 I pushed myself off the door and opened it fully. "My baby~" I giggled. "How did you become so pretty~" He took a small step closer to me. "You and me~ A picture perfect couple~" Picture perfect couple..

I hugged his waist, "Saranghaeyo~"

"Wow! You should sing more! You are amazing!" I almost gave in to his comment. Babo. "Ha. Ha. Ha. I can't sing oppa." I looked up at him my chin on chest. He had his goofy smile on, "Then what was that just now? 'Saranghaeyo~'" He tried to imitate my singing.

I tilted my head a little, "I don't sound that good..." His arms were around me, "Are you sure? You are that good, you know? Who knew? This beautiful girl could sing too! Ahahah but she cannot do sports except run away from me! Aish this little girl... What would she do without me? No one would be able to help her run? Eotteokhae?"

I chuckled, "Eotteokhae? My boyfriend is so cute." He took my arms off him and placed it around his neck, "Eotteokhae? I cannot resist my girlfriend." I tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Eotteokhae? My girlfriend is becoming more and more unresistable."

I giggled, "I want to change. I will play with you later." He started pouting again, "But I want to play with you now.." He was whining again. "Yah." I lightly pushed him away and started changing. 

The moment he said that, I took another step back. 

"You're scared?" He asked me softly. I nodded, unconsciously. "Waeyo?" Did he just ask me why? I took in a deep breath, he took a step towards me. "Wae...yo?" I could feel my body heat up.

His head was down. I started looking at his features. I knew he was handsome but I never noticed how charming he looked too. "Can I tell you a secret?" I breathed out. "You make me feel nervous." You are feeling the same way I do? "I feel happy when I am with you." How come I am not noticing you are feeling almost the same as I do?

"Can I tell you another secret?" Both of my hands slowly fell. "I never felt like this before. My heart is beating uncontrollably for you. I know we just met but I am just so drawn to you."

I came out. He was also dressed. He took my hand, "Let's go back before your brother freaks out." I laughed. It is true. My brother is going to freak.

"Okay." I gave him another kiss. He took the duffel bag in his other hand and we walked towards where the lady was. "I will pay. Okay, babe?" I nodded.

He went up to the halmoni and started talking to her casually. Thanking her for the wonderful food and the room. He passed her a few notes, came back to where I was standing and took my hand. "Bye Halmoni." He waved. I waved too, "Bye halmoni. Kamsahabnida for taking care of us." She smiled, "Be good. Bye bye."

Our fingers intertwined. Our lips curled up. I am so happy. I have never been any happier before. Jong Hyun stopped walking. "What's wrong?" I looked at him. "Jong Hyun?"

When he said that. My body overwhelmed with warmth.  

"Kamsahabnida." I went on my toes and kissed his cheek. 

He took my hand again and hugged me. I fell for him hard. He fell for me too.  

"I told you chaos would start once you get back, right?" 

I froze.

"Ji.. Ji Yong? What are you doing here?" I was breathing hard now. He smirked. It was not friendly at all. It actually sent shivers down my back. I felt awfully cold.

The chaos.

"Well.. I was not lying, madamn Jung."

I felt like slapping that stupid smirk off his face.

"Let the chaos be..begin."



Hello! :) Hehehe the last part of their wonderful love story! I hope you liked it <3 I did! Hehehe Thank you for everything! Especially my subscribers! This is the fastest I have updated! Hahahah! Well thank you again :) I hope you enjoy the story :) Please comment and subscribe! I would appreciate it a lot :)

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The ending....
Little_Joo #2
OMG I was really shocked when I saw the ending! I can't help but think..NOOO!!! this cannot be the ending!! poor JongHyun..T.T but luckily you did a sequel! yay~ hoorayyy for the author!! :D
Yes! I've been waiting for the sequel to this! *clicks link* time to spazz there kekekeke~
I'll wait!! ^^<br />
I know how it feels to have to update so many fics, it's kinda stressfull<br />
Don't worry, we'll be patiently waiting!!! :))
Thank you for commenting :) Hehe
Kim-JiHye #7
I just love this fan fic , I think alot of people feel the same and would want a sequel so please make one If you can , please and thank you ~
sukicrazy #8
ouh such a touching story~ i cry everytime there's a saddest part especially the ending~!make a sequel please!!!
Awww :3 so sad that it ended already. Though the ending is really touching. Poor Jonghyun... <br />
Awesome story, btw. I loved reading it^^