Ch. 1 Can we go?

True Love

"Hyemi-ah!" I looked behind me, and saw Hyojin unnie running up to me.

"What is it unnie?" I answered and sighed wondering what my unnie wanted.

"You're going on a date after school with AJ right?" I nodded. "Then lets make it a double date!" I started to think of an excuse to refuse. I didn't want to go on another double date with my unnie and her boyfriend again, but I couldn't think of anything to get out of it this time so I just agreed.

"Great! Meet me at my apartment with AJ" she said with a bright smile and left, waving goodbye to me before doing so. I waved back and continued to walk to my last class, regretting why I ever agreed to going on a double date. The only thing that could help me stay positive is that ill be seeing AJ, my boyfriend. The class was a cooking class, that's where we first met. I actually was just the teacher assistant that mostly stayed in the corner and sometimes helped out. I actually asked to be a student instead of a TA(teacher assistant), but the teacher knew who my parents were and assumed I was already a good cook, which is true, and made me his TA.

My parents created and own a very popular pastry shop company called 'La Vie est Douce', it means 'Life is Sweet'. They have shops all over Asia and just became international, having shops in England and America too. The main company creates the recipes and handles all the plubicity and business stuff while the shops provide the products and a place for the customers to relax. The shop is sort of like both a cafe and a shop. I've learned how to bake desserts and cook(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner type stuff) ever since I was a little girl. Baking was the one thing I was better at then Hyojin. I love to bake, and my skills can easily make me inherit the business but I wanted to become an actor, something I've always dream of becoming. Plus, my parents are probably planning on giving the company to Hyojin anyway.

Once I got to the classroom, I walked in and took a quick glimpse around the room for AJ. As soon as I spot him, he and I made eye contact and I quickly flashed him a bright smile and then walked to the teacher asking what we were doing today.

"Today, the students have a test so you can go ahead and relax" the teacher said and I nodded, going back to the desk in the corner where I usually sit. As I sat down, the teacher began to explain their test.

"Alright class, this months test will be a little different. Instead of me giving you specific recipe, you may pick whatever recipe you want but it has to be a dessert and include strawberries" the teacher said and literally every student in the room cheered. Usually, the teacher gives out hard recipes to do when they have a test and it gives them a lot of pressure to be perfect. I'm glad the teacher let them choose, I've wanted to see the students express themselves through their cooking by getting to choose their recipes. My mom always say a cooks recipe represents who they are.

As the students got to work, my eyes landed on AJ, watching him like he was going to disappear from the room any minute if I didn't watch him. He suddenly made eye contact with me and I immediately put my head down and blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed. I started to play games on my phone, to calm myself before looking back up again. I saw that he had gotten back to work and then went back to my phone again.

When all of the students finished, it was grading time. Everyone looked so nervous, well they should be, the teacher is strict about grading. Luckily for them, I'm also going to be grading too. The teacher said that whichever one I like the most will get a couple points extra credit. I walked around and looked at all of the creations, taking a smile bite of each one. In my head, I was taking notes of each dessert, which was my favorite and which one wasn't. Then, I finally got to the one I was waiting to try the most, AJ's. It was a beautiful strawberry shortcake.

I quickly took a small bite and to try to keep myself from fangirling as much as possible. Trying my best to keep my cool, I quickly walked back to the front to where the teacher was and faced the students.

"Alright I made my decision. The extra credit goes to...Junghan!" I said and a wave of dissapointed groans of the other students couldn't block the screams of happiness coming from the student Junghan. 

"Okay and with that, class is dismissed!" the teacher said and the students grabbed their stuff so they could leave as quickly as possible. I grabbed the plates with the desserts and placed them on the teachers desk so she could grade them. I was about to go clean up the mess the students made but the teacher called out to me.

"Hyemi-ah! You don't have to clean up today, the janitor said he'll do it today, so you can go home" she said and I just nodded and went back to grab my bag. I said goodbye to the teacher and walked out to find that AJ was waiting for me outside the classroom. When he noticed me, he immediately wrapped his arms around me. I gave him a quick hug before pulling away and held his hand.

We walked out of the school and towards where our apartment was. Yes we live together, we've been a couple for almost a year now, what do you think?

"Hyemi-ah, how can you pick Junghan over your handsome boyfriend?" He asked pouting and I giggled at how cute he was right now.

"Sorry AJ but Junghan made some pretty good macaroons" I replied.

"But I made an awesome strawberry shortcake! And their your favorite!" He yelled still pouting.

"Well, maybe a girl wants something new for a change. Macaroons are new for me, you always make strawberry shortcakes. I was hoping you would try to use a new recipe" I said to him, trying to persuade him without making it sound like Junghan had better skill then him. It didn't work and he continued to sulk, he even let go of my hand and walked ahead of me. 'Okay this is getting pretty bad.' I tried my best to think of a way to get him to stop sulking and bring up the double date but I couldn't think of anything until I remembered what he always wanted me to call him.

"Jae-oppa" and AJ immediately turned around at the sound of my voice and the fact I just call him 'Jae-oppa'. He ran up to me to give me a big hug, he had such a big smile on his face that I smiled too even though I felt embarrassed for calling him that. He pulled away and held my hand again, continuing to walk back to our apartment.

"Jae-oppa?" I said again and he looked down at me. His happy face suddenly turned into A serious one.

"No" he said coldly.

"But you don't even know what I was going to say!" I yelled and it was now my turn to pout.

"Yes I do. Do you think I wouldn't notice? You only call me 'Jae-oppa' when I was either sulking or when you want to talk about going on a double date with Hyojin and Seungtae-hyung!" he yelled and I averted my eyes losing my only ounce of courage.

"B-But I couldn't say no" I quietly said and he started glaring at me. I didn't know what to do until it came to me, 'aegyo!' I thought and found another ounce of courage to look up at him and give him my best puppy dog eyes.

"If you go, I'll make you your favorite custard pudding later and it's not like the date will be as bad as all the other times" I said starring up at him for a good 5 minutes until he gave in and he sighed in defeat.

"Fine" he said and I gave him a big smile and hugged him. I dragged him back to our apartment before he can change his mind and so we can get ready to go on the double date.

Oh my god the first chapter! I'm so looking forward to writing this!

anyways as always subscribe and comment! I seriously love the comments guys and I hope to get more subscribers!

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