
A nobody like me


“Hey mom, over here!”

The family walked over to their beloved son, glowing with pride that he was graduating from high school. Well, all except for his sister.

“Good afternoon uncle, auntie.”

The group greeted politely. His parent nodded their heads in response before walking away with their son. “Catch you in a while, Teen top!”

As they walked through the crowd, students turned to stare at him and at his sister. Guys were thinking “I wish I could be him, cool and suave.” And girls? They went “What a lucky girl she is to be his sister.”

Yes, Ricky was the most popular kid in his school, the student body president who hangs out with a group called ‘Teen top’. Ricky always topped the level, causing the girls to swoon over him as the perfect guy, good looking with the brains. Altogether they had 6 members and all had girlfriends, except for Ricky. s often asked him why but he always responded with, “Now’s not the time.”

“Well, now is the time. I need to do this before I regret it.”

Jae’s POV

I see him. I see him walking down towards me with his family. A spark of hope flickered in between me. Is he gonna talk to me? Right then, he walked past me, without giving me so much of a look. “Right, why would-“

Just then, he turned and looked right in my eyes. His eyes expressed hesitancy and uncertainty, then he turned the corner and was gone. Did I imagine all of this?

Ricky’s POV

, she caught my eye. She looks really beautiful, how I wished every moment of the day I could just look at her. I wouldn’t even dare to dream of her being with me. What am I to be with such a caring and well, perfect girl?

“What’s wrong dear?”


“Oooooh, Ricky has a crush~ Ricky has a crush~” His sister chanted non-stop, earning a sharp glare from Ricky himself and their parents.

“Well, im sorry. It’s hard not to notice and point that out.” She protested.

Oh no, she’s gonna spill.


 “And now, let’s invite the student body president to say something.” The principal announced into the mike. The whole school gave their fullest support by applauding loudly as Ricky went on stage to say a few words.

“Uh, what I want to say is… uh, sorry I don’t know why im so nervous. Well, anyway-“

“Go Rick!” suddenly from the crowd, Changjo from ‘Teen top’ shouted. And again the school broke out in cheers for Ricky.

“Thank you, thank you.” Ricky spoke, feeling much calmer after acknowledging that his mates got his back. “Well, I just wanna say thank you for giving me an awesome life in this school. Every day in all those years, I feel grateful to those who gave me support and chances to prove myself. So I know this is really short but our graduation in here now anyway, who cares!”

Everyone thought he was gonna end his speech at there, so did he. That is until someone shouted, “What about the girl you like?” Without a doubt, that was Ricky's sister.

Gasps could be heard and girls could be seen fanning themselves, thinking they’re the ones that Ricky likes. “So Ricky, would you like to say it?”

Ricky couldn’t believe what he just heard from the principal. He was actually going with the crowd?

“Uh,” he stuttered into the mike. Well, this is it rick, this is it. Just say it and get it over with, its graduation after all, what could happen?

“Jae, from room 3.” In a moment, all heads turned to look at the ‘special’ girl.

Jae’s POV

“Jae, from room 3.”

Jae from room 3, damn is she a lucky girl. Wait, Jae from room 3, Jae… isn’t that me?!

I looked up to find all eyes on me. I covered my face with both my hands when I felt myself going pink in the cheeks.

“Why deny the world such beauty? Come, look at me.”

Another pair of hands gently lifted mine from my face and i nearly died when Ricky’s face came into view. No way this was happening, im a nobody, why would he like me?

“You’re not a nobody, you were everything to me when I first laid my eyes upon you, Jae.”

I cursed silently in my mind when I realized I said that out loud.

“C.a.p, bring my bag here please.”

The tallest of ‘Teen top’ did as he was told and brought his backpack to him. Ricky reached his hand in and pulled out a bunch of letters. “These, all these were written to you every time I thought I found the courage to confess to you.” Girls all around sighed at the romantic side of their student body president. I was stunned for a moment, he did this too? I took those letters in my hands and saw the date, 07/03/09. That was 3 years back… Today was already 21/11/11.

I ped my bag and took out a bunch of letters, ones that are exactly like his. “I wrote letters to you too, always meaning to tell you how I felt.”

Right then, I could have sworn I saw a couple of girls fainting.

“See, weren’t we always meant to be?”


Love is love alone, no rights or wrongs. If it’s meant to be, it will be. That’s true love.  

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vernielee #1
Lol. <br />
Anws, Yay~ Good job. :D
Rizuki_15 #3
Thanks to Ricky's sister., if it's not because of her, maybe he will never get the chance to confess his feeling...<br />
<br />
Anyway, nice fic... ^.^
This is sweet, I enjoy reading it.