Good Enough

Good Enough
I stood in the door way of the practice room and watched Hakyeon redo an entire dance because of a small mistake.On what seemed to be the 50th time of him doing the dance over I had to do something or else he was either A going to hurt himself or B pass out.

I walked over to the sound system and pressed the power button till it shut off.

"YAH, Jung Taekwoon turn it back on right now!" He said while turning to glare at me.

"No, Hakyeon you need to stop for tonight and get some sleep. You can finish it tomorrow." I said while taking long strides over to him.

"No, I CAN’T do more tomorrow. I need to get this dance down TONIGHT." He said with obvious irritation in his voice.

"Why does it need to be done tonight Hakyeon, why can’t you go home and sleep like the rest of the members? Whats so important about this dance?"

"Because it has to!" I was surprised when he yelled. He only yells when something else it going on with him. I was about to ask but it was like he read my mind.

"It needs to be done tonight or the fans will know i’ve been slacking off. I’m not like you Taekwoon ah. The fans like, no love when you mess up. They live for it. Me not so much. I need them to focus on my dancing instead of my singing. My skills are lacing and they will never be as great as yours or Jaehwans. I’m the leader, I’m suppose to be able to do every-"

I couldn’t watch him belittle himself like that anymore, so i shut him up the best way I know. With my lips.

He was still for a few seconds but soon felt his arms wrap around my neck as mine wrapped around his waist pulling him close.

After a few seconds I pulled away and watched as his eyes slowly opened. 

"Who cares if your voice isn’t as great as Jaehwan’s or I’s? Do you really think the fans care if you can’t hold high notes like us? No Hakyeon they don’t. They love hearing your voice no matter how annoying it may be." That earned me a glare and a neck chop.

"Do you know who many people you amaze with your dancing, me included? I swear you move those tiny hips of yours even a centimeter and there goes half our fanbase. The fans everything about you, from the hair on your head down to the bottoms of your feet. I’ve noticed one thing they really like about you" I say as I move my hands from his waist to his ."How many do you think would die if they just how nice this really is?" He blushed as I pulled him flush against me. 

I leaned down and put my lips to his ear. “How about you show me a different dance and we can find out just how sound proof this new practice room is.” I said as I lightly grazed my teeth against the shell of his ear. He let out of soft pleasured sigh and I knew this dance was just getting started.

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Chapter 1: Ahhh sweet~ :'D
Chapter 1: Why do I get da feelin Leo taking advanjtage of this moment..... (-_-)..........
Thanks for the Neo moment