

Chiyu had never really liked games like 'Tag'.

They bothered him. They were pointless, a waste of time. He didn't know why they bothered him, they just did. But this game, the game Takeru called 'Gotcha', sounded too interesting to pass up.

A few PS Company bands were staying in one of Ruki's many cottages, having been given a break for the weekend. So far it had gone well. Everyone was relaxing and sitting around, doing nothing. Of course, the only people who could complain about this 'doing-nothing-business' were Takeru and Yuji. So the two, feeling mischevious and bored, created a game called 'Gotcha'. Of course they had to drag everyone else into it, too, not that anyone had a problem with it. 

Except for a reluctant man by the name of Chiyu.

Apparently this was a game to be played in water. Chiyu's initial reaction was that it was a form of water tag, a game he wanted no part in. But then Takeru had given him the puppy eyes - those God damn puppy eyes - and he couldn't resist joining in.


And God was it worth it. The scene in front of Chiyu was laugh worthy.

Takeru and Yuji stood on the water trampoline, staring everyone down who stood on land. The rest of them stood in a line on the shore, their backs straight and none of their eyes leaving the two on the trampoline. It was like Takeru and Yuji had suddenly become drill sergeants.

"So here is how the game is played," Yuji hollared, "It's a variation of water tag. It goes like this: A person is 'It', and they have to tag people by grabbing their swim shorts. Not by touching them, but by grabbing their shorts. No touch backs. The dock is 'T', you can only stay on for 30 seconds. You are, however, allowed to stay on the floating devices for as long as you like." He was refering to the water trampoline, the tube attached to the dock, and the large six person floating device that sat in the warm water.

"Be careful when grabbing the swim trunks, people." Takeru cut in, "We don't want our asses d by you guys, got it?" everyone laughed, "As the creator of this game, I will volunteer to go first. Any objections or questions?"

Everyone shook their heads. No, they did not have any objections or questions. Everyone seemed to think the game would be interesting, and Chiyu was starting to change his mind about the situation.

With that, they all jumped in the water.


Only Takeru could come up with an idea such as this. Chiyu thought, This game is so strange.

When Takeru was it, everyone tried to avoid him like the plague. Takeru was quite a good swimmer, they realized, and nobody could get away from him even if they tried their hardest. Everybody was screaming and laughing like they were all small children again.

The game went on like this and nobody had managed to get Chiyu yet. He was good at being silent and hiding. Currently, he was hidden under the tube, which he had flipped over to create a sort of shelter for him. So far, nobody had even thought to look there.

"Uruha is it!" He heard somebody - probably Aoi, judging by the voice - yell, and more screams followed.


Outside the upside-down tube.

Uruha was a sneaky bastard, Takeru realized. While Aoi had called out that Uruha was it, Takeru was swimming under the water trampoline and hadn't heard.

So when Uruha came and swam up beside him, he didn't think anything of it.

"Who's it?" Takeru asked. Uruha gave him a wicked smile.

"Crap." Takeru felt Uruha's hand grip the side of his swim trunks. Before Uruha could yell out that Takeru was it, a hand covered his mouth.

"Don't yell it out. I have an idea. Just pretend you're it for a while, kay?" Takeru asked, then disappeared under the water.


Chiyu was having fun not participating.

It was the perfect way to play tag, not being chased and not chasing. He closed his eyes. This was nice.

Suddenly, a head popped up from under the water, coming very close to his. It was Takeru.

"Hey," Takeru breathed. Chiyu felt Takeru's warm breath on his lips.

A pair of hands wrapped around Chiyu's neck. Their noses touched.

"Who is 'it'?" Chiyu asked, but no answer came from Takeru.

Instead, a pair of lips pressed against his, surprising Chiyu, who closed his eyes instead of pushing the smaller boy away like he would if it were anyone else.

As soon as it started, it had come to an end.

Takeru was the one to pull away, "Sorry." he said, "I always wanted to do that." Though he said sorry, there was not a hint of guilt in his features. A mischevious grin was painted on his face instead.

Chiyu didn't exactly know what to say. He was even more speechless when Takeru's hands started to slide down his back, his polished nails lightly tracing his skin. A shiver slithered through Chiyus spine.

"Takeru... what are you doing?" The taller boy asked, finally getting the courage to speak. He felt hands on his bottom.

Is he grabbing my ? Chiyu wondered, his eyes wide. The hands squeezed and Chiyu let out a surprised yelp.





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madesunr #1
I love it!
Dahye_ssi #2
@IsntSheLovely Thank you! I like TakeChi, too. :D
IsntSheLovely #4
Nice! very creative, i liked it :P r u gonna do more? I hope you do hehe + i love the takeru chiyu pairing XP