
No Other

Your two warm hands gets cold when I’m cold
Your heart that used to be strong becomes sensitive when I’m hurt

~Reader’s POV~

I shaded the sun from my eyes. “It’s really bright out here.” I squinted and looked at Siwon. “Or is it because I’m not used to the sun all that much?”

“No, I think it really bright today too.” He shaded his eyes, but I think he was lying to make me feel better. “Do you want your umbrella?” I nodded to him and he opened the umbrella for me and handed it to me.

We continued along the path we were walking in the park. I looked around at all the scenery I’ve missed for the past month. I caught a several case of pneumonia because of my weak immune system. I was bed ridden for most of the period because it had caused me to become so weak. I was watched closely to make sure it wouldn’t progress into a worst state. My only confront was Siwon visiting everyday and just tell me about his day. It helped me forget what was going on around me.

“Let’s take a break.” Siwon said, breaking my train of thought. I noticed he was several paces in front of me. He motioned to the bench next to him. I walked a little faster and was by Siwon’s side again.

“Siwon, I can walk just fine. I’m not even that tired.” I said trying to make Siwon stop being so protective of me. He just stared at me, I sighed and sat down. Then he knelt before me like a knight and tied my loose shoe lace. “I could have done that myself.” He just nodded and got up.

“Yeah but I wanted to do it for you.” He said smartly. I looked down at my shoe and stared at how clean and white it was. Then I noticed my dress was same way, pure white with no stains…yet…

“Can we start walking again?” I didn’t wait for an answer and stood up. I closed my umbrella. I’m just gonna deal with the sun. I left it on the benchand grabbed onto Siwon’s upper arm only stopping for a second to squeeze his bicep which is very a nice bicep by the way.

“You sure you won’t need that?” Siwon asked eyeing the umbrella. I shook my head and let him led the way.  I kept looking around the park for the perfect place to stain my dress. I’m tired of being hospital clean.

I saw a hill a little way off. “Siwon, can we go sit over there?” I pointed towards the hill.

“I don’t know…why don’t we sit on a bench or something?” He pointed towards a bench.

“No! I want to feel the grass. It’s not gonna kill me to sit on it.” I pulled him towards the hill and sat very close to the edge. Siwon sat down next to me and I leaned my head against his shoulder.  “It feels good to be outside.” I sighed and snuggled more into his shoulder.

“I’m glad to be with you out here and no other.” Siwon said still looking at the blue sky.

I smiled and raised my head from him. “Really?” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “That’s good.” A blush ran across his cheeks. I laid on the grass in front of Siwon. Then I turned my body so I slowly started to roll down the hill.

“YAH! Stop rolling! You’ll hurt yourself!” Siwon yelled from on top of the hill. I just giggled and kept rolling. I finally stopped rolling when I hit flat ground my giggles increased.

All of a sudden I was attacked by a Siwon. I laid flat on the ground, spreading my arms out so he can inspect for any cuts or bruises. I started laughing. “Siwon, I’m alright. I just really needed that.” I sighed. “Lay down next to me.” I patted the soft grass next to me.

Siwon finally gave in after finding no bodily injury and laid next to me. We both stared at the sky in silence. I let my hand find his, and held onto it. “I love you, Siwon.” I said and turned my head towards him. I found him already looking at me.

“I love you too.” He said pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it. I scooted closer so our faces were inches apart.

“That’s good.” I smiled and kissed his lips.

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Annroy89 #1
Chapter 10: Such a wonderful fic to read :)
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 10: These were all so cute and adorable <3
So damn cute. ^-^ Wah~ I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
SweetLikeHersheys #5
This was one of the cutest things I've ever read. Great work! No Other is my favorite SuJu song.
reilajoongie #6
I loved all of these! theyre all soooo sweet!
Heck yes, I would totally want to be loved everyday instead of just on special occasions. And Teukie totally sounds like one of those people who would love their significant other with all of their heart every single day of the year. <3<br />
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I can't believe it's already over! I really enjoyed reading all these one shots, I hope you write more stuff like this in the future. (:
lexigirl269 #8
I cant beleive its the end ): I loved your oneshots, a lot! They were so damn adorably unbeleivably irrisistably cute! Thank You for sharing your FF!
Agh, so sad it's over, but it was fantastic! XD thank you!
Caprice #10
awww its over! D': please let us know when you start something else!