
Bunny Tales; Human Edition
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Kyuhyun saw the store on his way home from the meeting, it was a small and shabby and he was sure he has never seen it before in his life. He wasn’t sure why he decided to stop by the place and look around, but he remembered his promise to get something for Sungmin as he went off that morning, so in the end he did go inside and check if there was something his bunny would like.   “Welcome~” an old woman, which he presumed was the owner of the small store, greeted him as he entered. “We have all sorts of items for you and your pet bunny, please feel free to look around” she smiled at him oddly, Kyuhyun shivered at her smile so he made sure he was at the far end of the store, looking for something that Sungmin would like.   “Wait…how did she know I have a pet rabbit?” he thought as he made his way, frowning. He dismissed it as a lucky guess as he continued to look at the displays for sale. Other than the slightly creepy lady at the register, the place looked normal enough…Kyuhyun looked around and wondered what he could give Sungmin this time. The last time he got something for Sungmin was when he tried playing with his laptop and he bought him a toy one, but in the end he confiscated that one too because the rabbit couldn’t seem to stop playing it until he flops asleep. So Kyuhyun decided to buy him something else this time…something that Sungmin would like, but wouldn’t cause him harm.   He scanned the shelves until he found a cuddly looking pink pillow, and smiled because he found exactly what he was looking for. Sungmin always did love to cuddle his own little pillow besides Kyuhyun’s own in bed, he was sure the little bunny would enjoy his new bed. “I think I’ll get this then” he decided, taking it down and bringing to the cashier and to the old lady.   “I’m sure your pet rabbit will love it” she said, with that creepy smile again. Kyuhyun stopped and stared at her “Wait, how did you know my pet bunny is male…or that I even have a rabbit as a pet?” he said suspiciously.   She chuckled, and Kyuhyun felt himself flush slightly. “You didn’t correct me when I assumed your pet was a rabbit” she explained, looking at him amusedly, “And I thought, a boy like you would have a boy rabbit as a companion too…was I correct then?”   Kyuhyun stared. “Oh” he muttered, she was right…was he that easy to read? “Y-Yeah…you were right”   She smiled even more. “Ah, you really love your pet don’t you?” Kyuhyun didn’t say anything. “And I bet your pet loves you too.” He didn’t want to admit it, but he suddenly found himself hoping those words were true, because even if it was just his pet, Kyuhyun liked the idea that someone could actually like him aside from his family. “Since
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Chapter 9: Kyaaaaaaa agshsbaknzkajzlamiakav
If fluffy fics could kill
I would be dead by now!
perfect christmas gift ^_^
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: More...more....more...this is too precious and too sweet to ignored....I love sweet ming...and happy holidays...hope is alright in the mall...
Chapter 9: it's so cute!! cute!! cute!!
Chapter 9: Fluff~fluff~ do the fluffy dance~
nAJOnHyun #7
Chapter 9: Kyaaaa fluffyyyy
Chapter 9: Fudge so much fluff for Christmas >. < zgffvfddgv Kyumin you're killing me

And Merry Christmas to you Author-nim ^^
Chapter 9: aww so cute >_< ..... Merry Christmas <333
hehcrazyelf #10
Chapter 9: Oh my. Author plz stahp I'm going to die from all the smirking from kyu OMG -faints-