Fluffy like no other

Taeny's Fluff fluff and more fluff


    "Kim Taeyeon! Come here this instant and take your damned shower!" Tiffany's loud voice boomed over the hallway.

     I rolled my eye for the umpteeth time and replied

      "You know damned well Princess Taeyeon and bathe don't go into a sentence!" I wondered why i even bothered replying her...


   Oh yehh... I kinda loved her.. It was crazy thinking that somehow she could accept me. I tried dropping very subtle hints 

But Tiffany being a dense blockhead... i could not count on that. She has difficulty telling apart angry and happiness.

She'd just give that dazzling lopsided eyesmile that kills my insides everytime someone is angry at her.

  *Back to reality*

Tiffany came down the hallway with my peas in her grasp. OMG she didn't ! I know i kinda loved her but peas and tiffany are different goddamn it

i know where this is going.. She'd use my peas to threat me to take my weekly bath. BUT NOT THIS TIME NONO. KIM TAEYEON RULER OF PEAS WILL NOT GIVE IN. I told her "Go ahead do what you please Kim taeyeon is don't care for peas, she has like 5 more."  Tiffany was genuinely stunned. 

Tiffany's pov

   "What? Kim Taeyeon not caring about peas?.. What what..." i monologued.

   Then off the corner of my eyes, i saw that sneaky girl try to leave the room amist my shock.

  I lunged forward and grabbed her by the collar. 

"YAH YAH YAH YOU COULD BREAK SOMETHING YAHH" Taeyeon whined and flailed about.


 This girl is seriously annoying and urghh i don't know why i bother! I just want to cuddle with her but she not showering is a turn-off

  Best friends cuddle all the time! I also would like that but that girl like never showers. She'd give lame reasons

When i say lame i mean really lame.. Like "Ohh Tiffany I can't reach the soap ohhh " then she whined and whined


Taeyeon's pov


  I felt bad for making Tiffany go thorugh all this trouble to make me bath.. But the only reason i don't want to bathe is because of what comes after...

I knew she wanted to cuddle "like best friends" but there is two reasons i could'nt take it

     1.The mutant butterflies in my stomach flying everywhere

     2.How she would go out with her boyfriend afterwards

  "Hey Tiff, i'm sorry i'll just go shower now.. ONLY BECAUSE YOU BEGGED ME" i meronged and ran off

   "YAHH WHEN YOU COME OUT YOU"LL SO GET IT" Tiffany screamed and threw her adorable tantrum.


*Fast forward like 30 mins*

  Our pov i guess?

   "Taeyeonie! Come here and watch this show with me!" Tiffany said with aegyo

Taeyeon stared for a while looking dazed before waddling to the couch.

"So what we watchin now?" Taeyeon asked

"Er Ja'mie's private school? Come on Tae, i watched that show since it came" Tiffany replied


Taeyeon's pov

  "oh yea that..." I just replied. 

   I feel abit grouchy cause i couldn't watch my powerpuff girls. I mean why would she keep rewatching that show? Probably to sass me off when i give smartass replies..

But I'm staying for what's to come. The damned cuddling heck yea!









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