
When The Night Falls

"So like I said, I live with 7 more vampires. We treat each other like siblings, but Onew hyung is our leader and we respect him a lot." I say, rocking my body back and forth. I have pulled my knees close to my body and wrapped my arms around them, in a protective manner. I have no idea why I feel the need to protect myself. We sit facing each other, but she has her legs crossed and put her hands in the gap between her legs and her body. "Minho hyung and I are like best friends, but sometimes we fight with each other because we don't accept the fact that we love each other like a friend." 

"Why?" She will raise a small question once in awhile, showing me that she is interested and attentive, probably. 

"Because we thought that we have no feelings, or not supposed to have any." She stares at me, as if I am talking nonsense. "I don't know that I can fall in love, either." She smiles shyly when I look at her, tucking her hair behind her ears, showing me her pretty face. "You know what? I think you look like somebody." 

"Who?" She frowns, blinking curiously. 

"Yoona unnie." I smile. A smack is sent across my calf and I laugh. "But I love her as a sister only." 

She mumbles some incoherent words that I can't really understand. "Can I meet her?" 

"You are not scared?" I ask, observing her expression. Her gaze shifts from one place to another, probably contemplating. Then she shakes her head with a petulant expression, pouting. "Why do you want to meet her for?" 

"To see that if she really looks like me." she says honestly, with a slight irritate showing in her voice. 

"I think you look like her, not she looks like you." I joke and earn another smack on the same spot. "You like hitting me, huh?" I laugh

"It doesn't hurt anyway. So let me vent out my frustration." She says flatly. "Anyway, continue." 

"Okay." I chuckle, then my eyes distant once again to think about them, remisniscing the times we spent together. "And there's Key hyung... we don't talk much, sometimes, if he is in a slightly better mood, he will nod at me to say hi." 

"What? He is so rude." She comments. 

"No no. He has his reason." I explain. "To be honest, I used to be like that too. Until the others came and talked to me, for me to open up myself. I hate how I become a monster." My voice cracks. It takes me awhile before I realise that she is looking at me with empathy. "But never mind, it's the past. And there's Jonghyun hyung, you should see him one day too, I look like him." I smile. 

"Really?" She asks excitedly. I nod, still smiling. 

"And... Taemin hyung... he is the one who made me a vampire." I sigh, looking at my palm that is spread out. She reaches forward and holds my palm, giving a few rubs against the pale flesh. "But I don't hate him, because I understand. At the moment of hunger, you are desperate." I chuckle but I guess it sounds sad because she wiggles closer to me, cupping my cheeks and then leaning in to give me a peck on the lips. I smile when I feel her warmth again, I didn't like warmth before. 

"Do you want to hear about Yuri unnie?" I ask her when she sits back. 

"Is she pretty?" She asks, jealousy showing. 

"Ah... did you eat lemon or drink vinegar just now?" I tease and she folds her arms. "Yes she is pretty." I smile and she punches me straight on the chest. "Hey take it easy." I laugh, holding her fists tightly in mine but I make sure I don't apple too much pressure or her bones would break. "Actually, you kinda looks like her too." I frown as I take a closer look at her. "ah I know!" 

"What?" She asks me coldly, obviously not happy about the fact that I live with her two other look-alikes.

"It must be because I spend too much time with them and when you come, I fall in love with you. Maybe I had crush on them before." I jest, stifling my laughter at my own joke. 

"I am going to sleep." She says, lying straight down onto the bed with her back facing me. I watch her body heaving up and down, she looks so adorable when she is angry and jealous. 


"Don't talk to me. I am sleeping." She warns. 

"Well... I didn't know that a sleeping person can talk." I chuckle quietly. "Anyway, I think it is enough about me. I want to hear about you, too." She turns her head slightly upon hearing my request, then stays quiet for another two minutes or so to show me that she is really pissed and needs me to pacify her. So, leaving with no choice, I sneak my arms underneath her neck and behind her knees, sweeping her off the bed. She yelps and then wraps her arms around my neck instantly, afraid of falling. "Close your eyes." I warn but she doesn't listen, so she widens her eyes at me and I shrug. 

She screams non stop for about 30 seconds when I jump out of the window and on to the roof, hoping from one place to another and speeding my way to my favourite spot. By the time we reach the place, she has her eyes shut tightly and lips quivering. "Open your eyes." I coo, she shivers in my arms and then slowly opens one eye, peeking around and then opens both eyes. "I told you to close your eyes." I laugh at her and place her down. She awes and is agape when she sees that she is on the roof. 

"Wow..." She looks down carefully, grabbing my sweater with one hand, afraid of falling off the roof. It is a 20 storeys high building, a building near the alley where we first met. "Hey, isn't it the place we first met?" She asks me, pointing to the exact alley. I smile and nod. "wait..." She narrows her eyes at me. "So this is the reason why you are so fast?" 

"what?" I ask her. 

"I tried to chase after you but you're always gone within seconds." She states. 

"Oh... so you were chasing after me." I tease, her cheeks flush in embarrassment and pushes me away from her to get to a flatter side. "You have a reptty bad temper." I say after we are seated down next to each other. 

"Yeah? Deal with it." She says pompously. 

"Tell me about you." I bump my shoulder to her side. She looks ahead, staring at the night sky and the not so busy streets. 

"Me? My life is boring." She sighs. "I live with my sister. My parents are left us when we were young. My sister is older than me by five years. She was just a teenager like you when they left us. It was tough for us. She dropped out of school to work and support us, taking up to 4 part-time jobs a day and didn't have a real holiday. She sent me to university and supported me when I said that I want to be a policewoman. She has never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before." 

"I admire your sister." I smile, pulling her closer to me by wrapping my arm around her shoulders. 

"Then, when she had saved enough, she bought a small cafe, but the previous owner cheated. The business is rather good, though. But most money goes to repair and maintenance, all that. I pass all my salary to her, for her to keep. She didn't agree at first, but I insisted. Even though I don't earn a lot, I promise her that I will be a chief one day, giving her a better life in the future." she says certainly. I try not to burst her bubble when I thought about the way she handled things the previous nights. 

"As you can see, we don't live in a luxurious house but just a small apartment." She adds on, snuggling to the crook of my neck. "Then, there's Ethan. Do you want to hear about him, too?" She asks me first. I nod and she goes on. "We met in the academy. He is my senior and I... admired him before because he is good-looking, cool, manly, intelligent and-"

"I am not sure if I should enjoy these compliments of another man." I cut off. 

"Okay fine." She purses her lips. "But yeah, I used to admire him. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend, so I said yes. Unnie is fine with my love life and gives me the freedom of it. A lot of girls are envious of me because they want him to be their boyfriend. But hah! They're going to regret it." She mumbles sarcastically. "He is nice, a gentleman in some way. All we have done before is-"

"Don't tell me about your life." I interrupt again.

She slaps me on my chest, it stings a little. "Listen to me first." I nod reluctantly and she continues. "He only kissed me on my forehead and cheeks before. I have never allowed him to kiss me on the lips or touch my anywhere near my sensitive areas-"

"Wow...." I can't help but comment. "But, we did that..." 

"Yeah." She utters shyly and hides her face in my chest. "He doesn't mind, he said. Because he respects me. But there are some points that I don't like about him. He is arrogant, thinks only about himself and reckons that man should have the say in everything." 

"Ask him to date a servant then." She chuckles at my remark. 

"He is the only son in his family. His parents are okay with me, but I don't really like them. Because all they ask me when I see them is 'so when are you two getting married?' 'how many kids do you want in the future?' 'are the two of you sleeping together?' I mean, these are too much." 

"So will you marry him?" I ask, pressing my lips on her hair. 

"No." She says confidently. "He wanted to talk about our wedding at the dinner- oh wait, hasn't he realised that I am gone? God." She breaks away from my embrace when she remembers about the dinner just now. Then she searches around, feeling her pockets and then mumbling some inaudible words again. "Where is my phone?" She asks me, I shrug. "Ah never mind. Who cares." Then she joins in my arms again. 

"Talk to me about your work. I am curious." I say, not wanting to hear any further about Ethan. 

"Oh... my work... Well... I am only a corporal. I am the youngest in the force. Job is fun... just that it is boring sometimes." 

"you're contradicting yourself." I remind. 

"Let me say what I want." She looks up to glare at me. I raise my hands up to surrender to her and she snuggles back. "There's Suho. My partner." 

"A guy?" 

"Yeap." She nods against my chest

"Why is it that you can talk freely about guys but I can't about my unnie?" 

"Do you want to argue with me now?" She pushes off from me and gives me another hard stare to challenge me again. 

"No, no." I mimic the action of zipping up my mouth and she pats my cheek in satisfaction before she leans back again. 

"He is like a mouse, or a scaredy cat." She giggles. "Remember the man you carried? That's him." 


"He hits on me very oftenly, he is the only one who dares to do it in the force." She adds and I bite my inner cheek. "Saying that I am hot when I am angry." 

"Ah... this is annoying." I state, scratching my head irritably. She giggles but doesn't glare at me this time. 


"Yah where have you been?" Jessica asks me when I walk into the house. It is already 2am in the morning and well... Amber and I were chatting on the roof top for so long. But I can't possibly tell Jessica that I am on the roof top chatting with a vampire right? 

"out with a friend." I say. I peek behind me and see Amber standing some distance away. 

"Who? Did you know that Ethan was here? He asked where are you. What happened?" She begins shooting me a string of questions.

I groan in frustration and sit down next to her. "It is late now, unnie. Why aren't you sleeping?" 

"Don't change the topic. He looked so angry. What happened?" She folds her arms in front of her and stares at me, waiting for my explanation. 

"Well... he asked me to go to his house just to cook for his parents and they wanted to discuss about our wedding. I didn't want to so I left. And, he actually ordered me around to tell me to cook while he can sleep his off!" I complain, hoping that Jessica would stand on my side. 

She rubs her temple and sighs. "I see... But, clear this up with him soon. And about the wedding... I think it is too early to say." 

"That's what I am thinking unnie!" I say happily and hug her, she pushes me away and looks at me weirdly. "I love you unnie, I am going to sleep now! Good night!" Then I skip my way back to my bedroom because I know Amber is waiting for me. 

"Hey princess." She greets me with that charming smile of hers. I swoon over her every time when she smiles like that. Don't judge me. "I think it is time for you to turn in, you still have work tomorrow." She pats the space beside her, asking me to join her. 

I lock the door and jump onto the bed, nuzzling her neck and sighing in contentment. "I have no work tomorrow. We can spend our day together!" 

"Well..." She hesitates. 

"Do you have something on?" I ask her, trying to sound like I am not disappointed. 

"I am afraid that I can't stay here in the day... because it is too bright." She says, sounding reluctant. 

I frown. "So?" 

"You won't want to see what happen when I am under the sun." She mutters. 

"okay then." I smile, trying to look happy. 

She rubs my arm a few times and we remain quiet for another few more minutes before she says, "hey, how about I bring you over to my place?" 

"That sounds good... But... is it safe?" I ask, a little scared at the thought of having 7 more vampires around me. 

"Yes. We all feast on animals." She smiles, ruffling my hair. 

"Okay then." I grin. 

"Sleep now. I will wake you up before the sun rises." She whispers, patting my arm and trying to put me to sleep. I yawn and stretch my body before huddling to her, feeling her coldness against my warmth. 


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babySavie #1
Chapter 10: Wow you have a kid and wife.. And you are a kryber shipper...ahk this is so perfect ..i will wait author!
serafin97 #2
Chapter 10: Wow this is great story, but where are u authornim, hope u will update this story ....
CaesarC #3
Chapter 10: I see tis vacation takes years
Chapter 10: Pheww that was hawt
Moonstal14 #5
kryberlove24 #6
Whee are you authornim....
NeZuMiLiU #7
Chapter 10: OMG author-shi plz update this soon! I need more! Don't let me dying waiting... *OOO*
27camz #8
I hope you update soon author shii!!!
kryberlove24 #9
Chapter 8: Update soon author Shi, I miss vampireber and princess jung!
Chapter 10: Woah krys ... What? More????? XD and author ssi have a good holiday!!! ^^