Untouched Ch. 5


Key gulped hard, his mind repeated his mother’s word over and over again.

“Ch-cheating, Umma?”

His mother sighed. “Do you even realize what you’re doing, Kibum?”

Key stayed silent.

“Cheating is a situation when someone’s already in a relationship—or engaged, in your case—but still seeing other person. And not just a friend, but a special one.”

But I don’t even love the person I’m engaged with.

“Do you understand now, Kibum? You’re not available anymore. What’s wrong with Jinki?”

I don’t love him, Umma.

“He’s a nice kid with great smile and personality. Umma likes him. And his parents and Taemin, like you too.”

I love Jonghyun. I’m in love with Jonghyun.

Key decided it was now or never. He opened his mouth. “Umma—“

“When their parents offered to do arranged marriage between you two just so the debt would be considered paid, we were so grateful.”

Key stopped halfway. “Huh?”

His mother smiled sadly. “We were so grateful, but at the same time...we felt it was unfair. Then we decided it would be best if we ask you. So we did. Appa said, it depends on you...if you say yes, then it’s a deal. But if you decline, Appa was going to lend some money from the bank to pay our debts to them.”

His heart ached. How come he knew none of this? His family has debts to the Lee?

“But you said yes...I mean, you didn’t even protest or something... So... Now you know the situation you’re in...”

Key felt like his mother just slapped him hard. There’s no way to cancel all of this. There’s no turning back.

I have no choice. It was my fault to begin with.

“Do you understand right now, Kibum?”


As much as Key wanted to say no, he nodded.

I still don’t love him.

“Yes, Umma,” he said softly.

She sighed in relief and hugged him. “I’m sorry, Kibum. Thank you for understanding. I just...I hope you’re happy.”

I will never be, Umma.




Jonghyun was truly the gentleman type. He was also the panic and jealousy type, too. Thus he couldn’t stand not being able to communicate with the person he cared the most. That’s why when he realized Key hadn’t returned any of his calls, or replying any of his messages since last night, he became irritated.

Hundreds of possibilities swirled around inside his head, making him unable to focus.

He went out from the meeting room, leaving Minho startled inside, just to try to reach for Key. He became more frustrated when for the umpteenth time, Key didn’t answer. Jonghyun had sent him like, fifty messages and he was sure something went wrong last night.

Did I do something wrong?

Is he sick?

Did someone steal his phone?

Even when he was back into the meeting room, Jonghyun checked his handphone too often, and finally, Minho decided to dismiss the meeting an hour early. Not even close to conclusion.

Jonghyun dashed into his office and Minho followed behind him. He decided he would swing by at the library, since he should be here around this hours. Or even worse, knocking on Key’s house just to make sure he’s okay. He was so lost in thoughts when Minho’s voice surprised him.


“God! Don’t surprise me like that!”


Jonghyun ignored him and collecting all things he needed.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Calm down. Is everything okay?”

“I need to go—“

“I know, but I’ve never seen you like this before. Come on, tell me, Jong. What’s wrong?”

Realizing his bestfriend was right, Jonghyun stopped and took a deep breath. He was never this awful before. He felt...miserable. However, he wasn’t sure if he should tell Minho about this. Key was, in fact, his boyfriend’s brother’s fiance. How would he react if he knew he and Key had been seeing each other? But then again, Minho also knew from day one that Jonghyun was head over heels for Key. He even proposed a minute after.


“Jonghyun, what’s wrong?”, Minho’s voice was deep.

“I...I couldn’t get a hold of him,” Jonghyun said quickly. “And I don’t know what to do. I’m gonna find him.”

“Him... Key?”

Minho didn’t even sound surprised.

Jonghyun only nodded.

“So you’ve...”

“I love him, Minho,” Jonghyun said with a trembling voice. Either it was rage or fear, Minho coudn’t tell. “I fell in love with him since I saw him. You, of all people, should know. That I was never like this before. That I was...what’s the phrase you’ve always used? A frigid jock. Now I found him, I found someone that I really love, and I can’t, I won’t let him go.”

“He’s gonna get married in a few weeks, Jonghyun, what are you gonna do about that?”

“I don’t know!”, he retorted in desperation. “Kidnap him. Cancel the marriage. Or letting him get married and be his cheating partner. Anything, Minho. Anything to keep him in sight. Now he only hadn’t returned any of my calls for like—“ Jonghyun checked his wristwatch. “—sixteen hours and I’m going crazy!”

Minho agreed silently, even an hour not checking his Taemin is making him crazy.

“Do you know that his favourite color is actually dark blue, instead of pink?”

“No,” Minho said softly.

“Do you know he prefers coffee than shakes? Do you know he’s sensitive on his side? Do you know how he’s so broken inside, but seemed so strong outside?”

Minho kept silent, listening to every word Jonghyun said.

“He kept them all inside, Minho. Not able to share it with anyone.”

“Until you come along,” Minho nodded.

Taemin was right.

Jonghyun sighed loudly. “I’m sorry. I feel sorry for Jinki...but... I’m not gonna let go the person I love that easily. I gotta go, Minho. I got a prince to find.”

With that said, he grabbed his coat and dashed to the door. When he saw the auburn haired man stood by the door, Jonghyun was actually shocked but this was not the time. Instead he patted apologetically at Taemin’s shoulder and walked away.

“Minnie? Since when—“

Taemin looked up, he was crying.

“Hey, don’t cry, Baby...”

Minho pulled him into a tight embrace. He felt his boyfriend’s trembling in his arms, definitely crying.

“I heard everything,” Taemin whispered before burying his head on Minho’s chest. “He loves Key-hyung so deeply...what have my parents done, Minho?”


“Why did this have to happen...?”

Minho only tighten his embrace, unable to find a soothing answer.




Jonghyun almost gave up waiting on the library for almost an hour. He was about to look for Key in another place when suddenly Key showed up, walking slowly in a dark blue hoodie and jeans, hugging several books in his chest. He breathed in relief and leaned on his car, just so he won’t fall down. At least he knew Key’s safe.

Key realized Jonghyun’s presence and stunned. He stepped back and tried to run away, but he stopped when Jonghyun gave him a glare.

“Get in.”

Jonghyun got into the car and started the engine. Key hesitated.

“I said get in.”

“I can’t...”

“Key. Get the hell in.”

Key finally obeyed and seated himself in the passenger seat. He couldn’t stare at Jonghyun, and his hands were trembling.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m okay,” Key whispered.

Jonghyun reached for his shoulders, and forced Key to look at him. Key’s lips was also trembling, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, Jonghyun could read him like a transparent glass.

“Shed it,” Jonghyun said softly.

Key bit his lip. “Jjong...”

“Shed it,” Jonghyun said again, this time a bit more demanding.

So Key did wince his eyes and his tears fell. Seconds later, he turned into a crying mess. He sobbed loud, unable to control himself. Sometimes Key made a painful sound because he was gasping for air and it hurt Jonghyun even more. He let the diva cried his heart out on his chest, he soothed him by his back.

After several minutes that seemed like forever, Key’s tears started to dry, and Jonghyun took another tissue to wipe his nose.


Jonghyun cupped Key’s cheeks and kissed his forehead.

Key felt so loved. He inhaled Jonghyun’s scent deeply and when Jonghyun’s lips were pressed against his softly, he couldn’t resist.

This is the man that I love.

“Feeling better?”

I wish I could be with you...

“Un,” Key answered shyly. Jonghyun’s hands stayed on his cheeks and their eyes never leave each other. He sighed softly.

“I take it you have something to tell me.”

Another heavy sigh.

“This gotta stop, Jjong...”

Jonghyun had a feeling it would be a reason like this.

“Stop looking for me...”

“And if I won’t?”



Key tugged Jonghyun’s hands away from his face and now their fingers are entwining. “I have a marriage coming up...”

“I don’t care.”

“You have to,” Key said. “I can’t... I can’t... My parents... Jinki’s parents... My parents have debt...so this is the way out...”

Arranged marriage for considering the debt paid?

As their fingers entwined, Jonghyun felt the cold metal against his skin. He looked down, only to see Key’s wearing his engagement ring again. For weeks, it wasn’t there. Jonghyun took it off once and he’d do anything to take it off again.

“Now you know why this can’t work out...”

They were silent for a moment. Key closed his eyes, crying softly. He did feel so much better. Crying in Jonghyun’s arms was like the cure to his soul, trashing everything out that’s been inside his heart. How could he not be addicted to this sweet, loving person? And Jonghyun was feeling the same. Key did nothing, but he succesfully stole his heart to the deepest hole there is.

“Do you love Jinki?”

Key’s eyes snapped open and he stared at Jonghyun in disbelief. “Why would you...”

“Do you love him?”


“I will leave, and I will not come back, but you have to tell me straight to my eyes that you love Jinki, and you’re gonna be happy without me.”


Jonghyun was dead serious, it made Key frightened.

“So, tell me.”

Key hesitated, he only bit his lip and tighten his grip on Jonghyun.

“You don’t think when it comes to the person you love, Key. Tell me you love Jinki.”

Key couldn’t say anything. With that, it was clear to Jonghyun.

They fell into another heated kiss.




Taemin fidgeted nervously. He peeked into the room, his brother was reading a book. He knocked softly and smiled. “Hyung.”

“Hey, Taemin.”

He walked to Jinki slowly and stared at the book. “Ne...what are you reading, Hyung?”

“Oh, it’s a book Key mentioned, and I’m just curious.”

“Oh...yeah, he likes to read so much, right?”

“Apparently,” Jinki smiled. “I don’t know why he’s into this kinda books. I thought he’s a bit...playful. But he was a serious person after all.”

Taemin got a close look at the book, and from the conversation he overheard this afternoon, Key might have mentioned it not seriously to keep people getting closer to him. “Hm. Interesting... I should get a wedding present for Key-Hyung. What color does he like?”

“Pink,” Jinki was amused at the word. “Such a strawberry lovers.”

It was actually dark blue...

“I wanted to hang out with Key-hyung too...do you think he likes coffee?”

“I guess not. When we were out together, he ordered milkshakes. He really likes sweet things.”

Then it struck Taemin that when they went grocery shopping together, probably Jonghyun was recommending him a good taste of coffee, they ended up buying it together.


Taemin sighed and put a hand on his forehead.

What are we doing?


Jinki frowned and closed the book he was reading.

“Are you okay?”



“Cancel the marriage, Hyung....”

Jinki did not seem surprised nor angry. He was silent, staring at his brother solemnly.

“I mean... If you and Key-hyung don’t love each other, then it would be...”

“I love him. I love Key.”

Taemin blinked. “Y-you do?”



“I know he doesn’t love me...yet. I guess. I mean, when we get married, and when we get to know each other, I believe love will grow. Why, do you think he’s not good enough for me?”

It’s not that! It’s just that...

“I-I think Key-hyung is a great person, but I... I just think he’s unhappy...”

Taemin stared at his brother sadly.

“And of course I want you to be happy, Hyung...”

Jinki smiled and patted his brother’s hair lovingly. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna be happy with Key.”

Oh, God...what are we doing?




Several days later.

 Key dropped by the Lee’s residence to meet with their mother. Whatever it is that she asked or requested, he would agree and say yes anyway. He’s tired. Exhausted of convincing himself that he’s gonna be okay with this marriage.

He did, until Kim Jonghyun came along, and made him so hesitant about it, and making him doubting everything that he believed.

Key wanted to be happy. But how? The ring on his finger tied him down. He thought by letting Jonghyun go, he’d be his usual closed, self personality. But no. He’d been more desperate than ever. If only Jonghyun would let go too, things might have been easier. But he didn’t. He told Key that he’d let Key marry Jinki, and was willing to be his cheating partner.

Cheating partner.

That words sounded so...cruel. So unfair.

Jonghyun should just leave and find a better person...the one that’s still single. But that thought made him jealous, he became clingy and possesive, something he had never felt before. Ever since their last meeting, Key would tell Jonghyun on the phone how much he doesn’t want this, that he’s only doing it for his parents’ sake, and the dino would encourage him to be strong, that he’s still gonna be there for him. Key felt he was being so cruel to Jonghyun.

He thought about it so hard that he couldn’t smile anymore, lips pressed into a thin line and bags started to show under his eyes. He was getting skinnier. If he was able to show some feelings back then, now he couldn’t anymore.

So when this morning Taemin greeted him at the door, he could tell the younger’s face was staring at him in horror, looking at his condition. Key tried to be casual, but Taemin could see that he’s...so, very unhappy. Even his and Taemin’s mother thought he’s just depressed thinking about the marriage. You know, like pre-marital nervousness or something.

By obeying everything, things went up so fast and he suddenly found himself kissed by Jinki in the living room. Jinki’s mother had left him in order to arrange the preparations, and Taemin was nowhere to be found. He was absent mindedly talking to his fiance, God that word was so hard to say, and minutes later found his lips were claimed by Jinki.

Only one thought rushed to his mind: Jonghyun.

The kiss was different. The scent was different. No, don’t play tongue. Even the lips felt so different, like a foreign touch.

So Key pushed Jinki harshly, the latter was surprised. Breathless, he wiped his lips with the back of his sleeve, trying to back away, but Jinki pulled him again into a kiss, smashing their lips together, and Key fought to release himself.

Jonghyun. Jonghyun. Jonghyun.


Jinki broke the kiss abruptly and stepped back. Key fell on his knees, his hands were on his head. “Key! Are you—“

“Don’t touch me!!!”, Key screamed. “Please...don’t touch me!”

Jinki froze on his track.

Key got up shakily and ran away all the way home. He didn’t even stop to breathe, even when Jinki called out his name several times. He didn’t look back. He cursed himself. He cried. His head was throbbing with pain as he got into his house and headed straight towards the bathroom. Key stumbled on the bathroom floor as he threw up, just in time into the toilet.

His chest was up and down.

I need Jonghyun...

He heard voices outside the bathroom and it was his mother, calling his name. Then it was his father, banging on the door, asking if he’s okay. He shouted that he’s okay, while he’s actually not. He stood in front of the mirror, eyes red and swollen from crying, fully loathing himself, feeling disgusting, not worth it, a burden.

Key cried then punched the mirror hard full or anger, it shattered everywhere, his fist was bleeding.

There was silence before a voice called out cautiously.



Even he had hurt Taemin.

Key couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed one of the shattered pieces and gasped as he felt the pain overwhelming his body, and the dark liquid bled out from his hand. He should just die for hurting everyone. He should just die...

He felt the pain was killing him, and then everything went black.




Jonghyun felt a sharp pain on his back. He immediately stood up. His heart was beating fast, and he got a really bad feeling about it. “Key?”, he whispered.




Jinki’s handphone rang, and he quickly answered the call. “Yes, Tae?”

He heard hysterical sobbing on the end of the line.

“K-Key-Hyung just slid his w-wrist...please Hyung, j-just cancel the marriage... Please cancel the marriage...”





To Be Continued.





I should just ended it right there. And then you’d kill me for giving you such a crappy ending. Sigh. Btw, I made up the facts about Key up there... I was too lazy to search for the facts >.<

No 2Min, bad chapter...oh my God... I guess I’m in my dark mood *goes to find another JongKey fancam* anyway, thank you for the kind reviews and comments! I love you all...thanks again for reading, I hope you all still willing to read the next chapter... :(

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Chapter 6: My heart :'v just kill me already
Goddam why is this not completed :'v
my feels </3
It's so sad that this was never continued...
Chapter 7: Whaaa? Nooo please continue thiis TT TT It's a great story :3 I really want to read the ending!! ^^
Saemiy #5
Waiting for you to continue ^^
Love is never fails
Hikari2001 #6
Chapter 7: Please, DO continue :)
straightcut #7
Chapter 7: Pls update....its been too long....pls...
Chapter 7: waeee no update!
Found this story on Live Journal and fell in love at first sight, just like Jonghyun, haha Can't believe I just wrote that Kkk :) Hope you get more votes cause it is truly worth a million.
Chapter 7: THIS IS PERFECT (^з^)-☆ PLEASSSSSEEEEEE UPDAAATTTEEEEE ヽ(;▽;)ノDon't leave us hanging im begging you \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\