カオス [HIATUS]
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a/n: wonkyu oneshot. written back in 2010. no beta-reader/whatever. comments would be nice.




"I love you, Kyuhyun," Siwon said quietly while pulling closer.
Kyuhyun smiled shyly before looking up to Siwon, gently whispering those meaningful words.
The taller smiled and bend down to kiss Kyuhyun, smiling as Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around his neck.
They parted due the lack of oxygen before crashing their lips together again, enjoying the sunset together.



"Guys! There is someone I'd like to introduce," Siwon said happily as he closed the door behind him. The members gathered quickly in the living room, looking at the girl standing behind Siwon. Kyuhyun came out of his room, busy playing the PSP. He sat down on the couch without looking up and Siwon cleared his throat to make sure that he had the attention of all members. The maknae sighed and looked up, frowning as he saw the girl standing their. Their number one rule was no girls in the dorm. 


"Who's that?" Heechul asked bluntly and the girl looked on the ground. "That girl here," Siwon laid an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, "is my girlfriend Park Hanbyul." The room was silent and Kyuhyun tried his best to stay calm. Girlfriend? But weren't he and Siwon an item? "Eh? Weren't Kyuhyun and you ...?" Donghae suddenly asked and Kyuhyun waited for an answer. "That was just ," Siwon stated bluntly and Kyuhyun found himself nodding. Kyuhyun didn't miss the questioning look Sungmin gave him but he decided to ignore it.


Not being able to endure the silence any longer Kyuhyun stood up and went to Hanbyul, introducing himself. He smiled at her and took his PSP before heading back into his room. The other members also introduced themselves and wanted to know how they got to know each other. After Sungmin had talked a bit with her he stood up and went into Kyuhyuns room, surprised to find the maknae sitting in the bed, the PSP laying on his lap.


"Are you ok?" Sungmin asked carefully, sitting next to him. "Yeah, I am perfectly fine," Kyuhyun whispered, his voice cracking slightly. Sungmin pulled his best friend closer and Kyuhyun let out a sigh. "And I really thought he loves me," Kyuhyun confessed and looked up at Sungmin. "I thought so too. I mean, how often did he say I love you? He even told us not to touch you ... I can't really understand his action," Sungmin said out loud and Kyuhyun sighed again.



"I'm going to be fine, Minnie," Kyuhyun chuckled as Sungmin kept asking him if he was ok. He was just having a break from filming Radio Star and Sungmin called, wanting to know how he's feeling. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Minnie. Do not worry," Kyuhyun gave back and sat down, staring into space. The truth was, he was hurt. Pretty bad. Siwon didn't either bothered to call him or to inform him that he has a girlfriend. Sungmin had told him that Hanbyul and Siwon were together since one month and Kyuhyun had with Siwon three days ago. "Kyuhyun?" "Yeah? Sorry Minnie, I just thought about something," "About Siwon, hm? Don't think about that jerk!" "He's not a jerk," Kyuhyun murmured but Sungmin still catched it. "He is! I mean he slept with you while - Oh, hello Siwon. K-Kyuhyunnie, call me once you're heading home, ok?" "Yes, Minnie,"


"She is not going to stay," Leeteuk said as Kyuhyun closed the door behind him. Confused, he went into the living room and saw Siwon sitting on the couch, Hanbyul on his lap. "Why not? She is my girlfriend," Siwon gave back and Kyuhyun sneaked pass them, not wanting to see Siwon with another woman. He opened the door to his room as his cell phone rung. "Kyu? Are you already at home?" "Yes, Minnie." "Oh ... So are Teukie Hyung and Siwon still arguing about ... letting her stay?" "Yes they are. But why should both of them sleep here? Siwon has his own apartment," Kyuhyun said while letting himself fall on the bed. "You're right. I do not get Siwon intention either. Anyway, wanna drink today?" "Here or outside?" "Wherever you want. My treat," "Ok. Let's meet up at the usual place in a half hour?"



Kyuhyun got out of the shower and picked a random shirt to wear, grabbing his cell phone and went out of his room. Whilst doing down the aisle to the lift, he bumped into a person. Looking up, he saw Hanbyul and bowed slightly before looking at her. She was wearing one of Siwons shirt - the one he bought him as a present while he was in Germany. Murmuring an apology, Kyuhyun got into the lift and pushed the button with force. Why was Siwon so careless? It may just be a shirt but it was the shirt Kyuhyun gave him and Kyuhyun never was allowed to wear Siwons shirts. Kyuhyun shook his head, deciding that he would stop thinking about that idiot.



"She wore what?!" Sungmin exclaimed angrily and Kyuhyun took another slip of his wine. "Yes. The one I bought him while I was in Germany," Kyuhyun said bitterly, taking another slip. He filled his glass again and drunk it in one go. Sungmin sighed, he knew that Kyuhyun was hurt by Siwons action. "You know, we should stop talking about him and enjoy our free evening. This will probably be the last because we'll start promoting Bonamana soon," Kyuhyun suddenly said and Sungmin nodded. He knew that Kyuhyun was good in hiding his emotions and he would not force the maknae to split them out - but he would be there for Kyuhyun when he needs a shoulder to lean on.


"You're an idiot. Did you ever love him?" Heechul asked after Siwon came back to the dorm; he had brought his girlfriend home because Leeteuk didn't want her to stay at the

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Hiro2000Hamada #1
Chapter 3: This is really good! I hope you continue it. :-)
gaemgyu39 #2
Chapter 3: ah...dont make kyuhyun leave sj T__T
slovko #3
Chapter 3: I want to know how will SJ resolve their problem :)
bookworm83197 #4
Chapter 3: Yay, update~
Poor Kyu, having to deal with all of this. Good thing that Changminnie will help him! :D
Lol, look at all dem votes for a continuation~
Waiting patiently for the next chappie~
bookworm83197 #5
These stories are so amazing~ I really love how you write their emotions, it's so real! Looking forward to everything else you'll write~
Chapter 2: I like ChangKyu and WonKyu, and I also like your story
Thank you ^^
so good,really good story
slovko #8
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun made it pretty easy for Siwon. I would´t be able take him back like nothing ever happened ...

I love angst. Thank you :D
Beniikyuwon #9
Chapter 1: I would've liked this better without the 2 last paragraphs. I mean, I love wonkyu. But I couldn't have forgiven what Siwon did to Kyuhyun. At least Kyu should male him suffer a bit o a muuuuuuch >.>