In my Broken Heart

A Broken Promise

A typical day in school, classroom was in a huge mess, classmates were screaming and shouting, booming a huge sound wave to other classes. The teacher had no choice but continue with class after wasting her efforts to keep the noise level down. Everyone was playing around, skipping around the class except for some especially, this female student called Eunji.

Eunji was a cheerful girl, the girl next door. Her maturity level is high but only during school, outside school, you have no idea how clueless she is. Her tolerance for noise was once really low, she never liked noisy places such as parties or crowds, she likes everything to be calm and quiet. But throughout the year, she endured and now she is able to handle the class noise level, which could be heard from the fourth floor.

Copying the equations on the board, she was engrossed with her notes when someone poked her arm. "Eunji, how do you find the angle of PQR?" Kyungsoo asked with his big eyes. Sunni sat closer and used her pencil to draw out the explanation. Going slow and steady, he understood what she was explaining and gave her a smile.

A smile that made her heart race.

Eunji and Kyungsoo were seat mates since the second half of the first semester, they were quite close. He would always when she gets clueless, bang on her table to wake her up when she is sleeping during class and such things. 

That night..

Hi! -D.O

Eunji was revising her science notes when her phone vibrated, makign a loud buzz. Quickly taking it away before her guardian hears it, she read the message. She quickly replied back when her Aunt walked past. Her Aunt never once gave her freedom. After school, Eunji would always go somehwere far to eat lunch with Haneul and Chaeyong, lying to her Aunt saying she was studying in school. Since she lives some where further away from school, she had to move in with her aunt till the end of the year to go back to her hometown.


Looking around, she quickly jot down the last few words of her revision notebook and went to swtich off the lights to 'go to bed'. She hid under the covers and started to chat with Kyungsoo throughout the night. Ever since they started to sit together in class, they talked every day, every night, till it was midnight.
Everyone knew their best friend relationship but everyone was teasing her about Kyungsoo liking her rumors like that. She knew he was just being friendly and just tried calling him a brother, but then later, their chats became frequent and she started to develop feelings for him without her knowing.

Whenever he teases her in class, she couldn't help but blush and laugh it off. She will always take quick glances at him during class, poking his sides to and laughing at every little jokes he had.

She fell in love with him

After the mid terms..

They got back their report books and they were both comparing their results and their teacher stood between them, in the middle of the aisle. She took a look at both their report books and chuckled. 

"You should help him with Science, and you should help her in Literature." She commented and they broke into laughter. They met eyes and her cheeks became as bright as a tomato. She looked away and kept quiet. She never felt so awkward in her entire life.

Their friendship continued throughout the semester and soon came the year end examinations. 

Soon the year end exam came, and he started to talk less, it really bothered her. He wasn't the type to study, he would always laze around and ride his bike with his friends, he is not a bookworm like her. It really made her wonder, why isn't he talking to me? 

She would over think once in a while, she would always take quick galnces of him during class, she would always try to get his attention. She felt glad that they continued chatting online, but not as long as before.

When classes resumed after the examinations, he started to mingle around with some other female classmates. His attention towards her faded as she grew weaker. Whenever he teases Chaeyong who was seated right in front of him, she feels a pang of jealousy in her heart. At that time, she knew she was madly in love with him.

Chaeyong wasn't the smartest girl, but she has the looks of a rose. She has long eyelashes, big bambi eyes, a petite body and a slim figure. She was afraid that Kyungsoo has a crush on her best friend.She was afraid that she wasn't the pne for him, not the apple of his eyes. She endured the pain for a few months.

That's when she had enough.

She gave her hopes up. *He will never like me, why would he..* She finally gave up on him and continued with school. Whenever he teases girls in class, she tries her best to cool off and it worked, she stopped thinking about him, but there was the urge to talk to him, but she restrained herself. 
Her jealousy soon faded and so did her feelings for him, till that day came.

They finally started talking again. She wasn't really affected but she would still feel as jolly as before. Without her knowning, she was acutally growning attached to him day by day, but one night..

You like me, don't you? /evil smirk/ -D.O

Yes, I still do..
But not as strong before..

Why would you wanna know? :p -Eunji

Because, I like you too -D.O


Hahahahaha~ Real funny Kyungsoo! -Eunji

I don't think it's funny at all -D.O

That's the day, the day they got together.

I will never hurt you like what Chunji hyung did, I will protect you and never make you cry, I promise.

They spent days talking to each other online during the holidays, they will talking from dawn to dusk. But the problem was, it was too awkward. They will always pause and think of what to talk. There will always be an awkward pause between sentences.

The worst part is, they never once went out on a date.

Eunji was so blind, her love for him haf faded and yet she took the risk to be steady with him. She felt comfortbale aorund him, she felt happy. And after what Chunji did to her, she wants someone to comfort her, and Kyungsoo was always there for her. He was a sweet and nice guy, he gets cheesy and corny now and then, but that was what she loved about him.

Her love for him then grew stronger again. Day by day, she will always smile whenever he sends hearts and kissy faces, she found i treally cute. But it happened again, they stopped talking. She was too shy to start, she was afraid. Their conversations grew shorter and finally, that day came.

Happy Monthsary~ -Eunji

Erm, Eunji. I think we should break up. -D.O

Her whole word crahsed.

I have been thinking about it for a while. I think we are not suitable for each other.
I think it's best for us to break up. -D.O


Oh.. If it's for the best, I'm fine with it.. -Eunji

Ok. -D.O 

That's all he replied?
Doesn't he know how much pain am I feeling?

She dropped her phone and Haneul was shocked. Eunji kept a straight face and layed down on Haneul's bed. She was curious and picked up her phone.

"He broke up with me.." 

Her eyes widened and read the messages. Eunji tried to be herself, all smiley and all, but when she got onto the bus to go home, her faced changed. From her jolly smile to a depressed face. The bus was pretty empty but she didn't care. It was a gloomy day as well and she just walked under the rain while the others ran for shelter.

He broke up on our monthsary..

On the 25th of October tille the 25th of Novermber. And the next one was one, Christmas.

She looked out of the window as the bumpy bus road took her to Haneul's house. She blasted ballad genres as she watched the couple in front of her smiling and laughing.

You once called me your Cute Little Panda
You once said we will be together forever.
You promised me you will never make me cry.

You are not my Panda
We will never get back together ever again.
You broke a promise that means a lot to me.

Why am I crying just because of you, you are not worth my tears any more

Can you see what you have done to the girl you adored?
I used to touch the sky and now I am down to the floor.

Just like Chunji, you guys will never understand a girl's heart.

"Eunji! You okay?" Haneul asked. Eunji just rubbed her finger and wiped the blood off. "I'm fine, he has nothing to do with my tweets, don't worry." She gave an assuring smile and continue Wool Felting. 

2 hours later, her Wool Felt was done. Haneul giggled and toss the master piece around. "I see you have a huge obsession with Pandas."Haneul commented. Eunji shrugged and took the Panda away. "Well, a panda will always be in my heart."

In my broken heart


So that's it for this little oneshot! Please do comment below, if you like it, subscribe and give an upvote to this oneshot! Yes, this is real although I did edit some parts but the storyline is true. He did breka up with me ending with an OK. Which really hurt. My friends are worried and I am not stupid to cut myself or anything.

And yes, he has to do with the other he in My Played Heart. Yes, they are my classmates and you know what, I will never get into a relatonship till I migrate to Korea to pursue my dream to open a cafe!

So yeah, I hope you enjoy~

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Teenfinite896 #1
Chapter 1: Author nim, can you possibly do a sequel with them back together even though this is based on true story? :3 but it's alright if you don't want too. Hehe.. :D
Chapter 1: just forget about him . one day you will find your true love ..... I hope you ok ... smile ok ^^ *smile forever
Chapter 1: its so sad.. hope you'll be okay. mine, he broke up with me at the Valentine Day. But, I hide my feelings when met him. We used to be classmates when we're 11 years old but sinc that he doesn't spoke to me. I'm sorry for you.
NaYeon_ #4
Chapter 1: aww, its so sad :c Hope you're feeling alright.
preciously #5
Cheer up baby :* if he doesnt love you and want you well then i do!
nawwwww really? are you okay now?