
More - Niel

Flipping on the TV, you changed the channel to the one where Teen Top was going to have an interview. Shuffling to the kitchen you grabbed yourself a light snack and headed over to the couch. Folding your legs up under you, waiting for the commercial to end.

The show suddenly showed on the screen as you smiled to yourself as the boys laughed as Chunji blushed and bent over to hide his embarrassment.

"Niel, who is your ideal type?" The set fell silent as all eyes were on him. Your eyes were glued on his as you hoped that he would say that you were. Seconds felt like hours as you gripped the couch with your hands trying to read his mind through his eyes.

"My ideal type of girl would have to be Nam Sangmi sunbaenim." Niel confessed with a small smile and nodded as the members gasped then whispered amongst themselves.

"Now Niel, don’t you have a girlfriend?" The MC’s asked as Niel nodded.

"Yes and I love her very much." He said with a smile as warm tears fell from your eyes, not even trying to hold them back, you cried. Clicking off the TV, they continued to talk as you tried to silence your sobs with your hands covering your mouth.

The sadness and heartbreak flooded over you and left you heart broken as you laid on the couch, almost paralyzed as to what just happened.

You were his girlfriend, how could he betray you like that? If he really did love you, would he be saying those things? Is he just using you?

Many thoughts ran through your head as you tried to calm yourself, yet the tears kept falling. Your body shook with the sobs as you closed your eyes and let the warm tears run all over your face. 

Honestly, you didn’t know what to do next. Should you wait for him to come home? Should you just leave without any notice? Did he really mean what he said?

The hours seemed to tick by as the sky fell, your cries soon were silenced to sniffling and some shaky breaths from time to time. Your body sprawled out on the couch as your knuckles turned white from gripping a pillow tightly between your fists.

The door clicked open, as you stood up and moved into the bedroom where you shut the door and laid on the bed. Burrowing your head under a pillow, you sat there in silence, trying to avoid Niel if possible.

Niel saw you move from the couch to the bedroom quickly. Setting down his bag he walked to the fridge and rummaged through the food trying to find what you ate for dinner. Not finding anything, he found it odd but drank a glass of water then called out your name as he put the glass in the sink.

"Jagiya~" He called repetitively. Tears fell from your eyes as you heard his nickname for you. Shuffling his feet, he walked up to the partially closed door and opened it with a soft knock from his knuckles. Seeing you on the bed, face down, worried him.

”________? Is something wrong?” He asked as he walked closer to the bed as you lifted the pillow off your head and sat up on the bed, turning your back to him.

"How could you?" You mumbled quietly.

"Did you say something?" He asked curiously as he stood at the foot of the bed.

"How could you?" You said louder then turned around facing him, yelling it with all your furry, your feet carried you to him as you began to hit his arms and his chest with your clenched fists. Yelling out ‘how could you’ repetitively. Finally Niel grabbed your wrists after a few hits and held them strongly between his hands.

Looking into your bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks, it took him a few minutes before it all clicked and his head hung down as he released your hands as his hands fell to his side. Pushing past him, you ran out of the room, Niel ran after you and wrapped you in his arms before you opened the door to leave.

"Please don’t leave." He begged as he held his eyes closed

"What I am supposed to do." You said as you felt all of the strength leave you.

"Talk… with me… please." Niel’s voice turned into a whisper as you subconsciously nodded. Waddling over to the couch, Niel let you go as you sat across from him with your knees pressed against your chest.

"How could you?" You snarled again as you adverted his gaze from his broken figure.

"I only said that because I forgot, I forgot about you." Niel said as he looked at you.

"This is working out just great." You sarcastically said rolling your eyes and resting your chin on your knees.

"Let me finish." Niel begged as he moved closer to you.

"Finish then." You said as your eyes met with his.

"I forgot about you, in that you were more than just a dream for me. More than just the love of my life. More than someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You are more than words, you deserve the best and a simple question as that one didn’t seem to suit you, it seemed to denounce you. You are more than a crush to me, you are more than words that someone throws out. To me you are more precious than anything. That is why I chose her, that question I couldn’t answer with your name, you stole my heart and made it yours." Niel spilled out his feeling from the bottom of his heart as he moved closer and closer to you before he could be able to rest his hand on yours, that rested atop of your knees.

"Yet she is the one that you said. She’s prettier than me, she is more talented, she is more-" Niel cut you off with an almost forced kiss as he held your face in the palm of your hand as his lips moved on yours, trying to show you that you were more. Your hand found it’s way to his sleeve as you bunched up the fabric and held it between your fingers as your lips finally started to move with his.

Pulling away from your lips, he looked into his eyes as a stream of tears fell from his eyes.

"Don’t ever say that she is better. I am with you aren’t I? You are so much more than she could ever be." Niel whispered before he wrapped his arms around you. Wrapping your arms around him too, you nuzzled your head into his chest to listen to his rapid heartbeat.

"I’m sorry, I just love you." You mumbled as more tears rolled down your cheeks as your teeth bit on your lip.

"I love you too, I love you for who you are. You are more than I ever could have dreamed of having." Placing a soft kiss on your head, he rested his head on yours as he slowly rocked you back and forth soothing himself and you.

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Chapter 1: Aawwww.... would have died if he really said that... ><
This is just too sweet~~
ukissbelieve666 #2
Chapter 1: I wish I had a bf like this ^ (mostly the end part)
Chapter 1: *covers face* Ahhh Niel ~
Chapter 1: Eeep ! This is just so sweet <3
preciously #5
Awww yes! Finally! Finally something angsty ! Much loves to you ! ♥♥