
Chapter 2

Still in the past

A girl wakes up from her slumber, she went straight to the bathroom to do her morning routine after a minute she went outside only wearing a bathrobe, she went to her walking closet and pick her uniform after that she went outside the room there she meet her butler “good morning young miss” the butler said the girl just nodded to acknowledge the butler present

The girl and her butler went to the dining area, the butler move the chair so the girl can sit, then the butler ring the bell as a cue the maids when out and serve her breakfast while eating the butler mention her thing to do that day “after your school, the chairman wish to see you he would like to tell you something before you went to your training” the girl just eat not minding what her butler said

After she eat she went outside there a car was waiting, the guard open the door for her before the car door close “have a nice day miss taeyeon” the butler said but silent she only the answer of taeyeon

The car stop because the light is red, taeyeon look outside throw her window there she see kids playing, running and laughing but one girl couth her eyes a girl sitting on a bench holding a stick, she examine the girls face *she beautiful* she said to herself

“Can you park the car for a while” she command so the driver do what taeyeon said, she open the door and step outside “wait for me here” she said in a cold tone

Sooyeon was sitting on the bench she was waiting for Yuri because Yuri said she just buy her favorite bread for breakfast when she feel that theirs a person in front of her

“hi” the person said sooyeon was scare because like other kids this person stand in front of her will make fun of her “do be scare I won’t hurt you, I just want to make friends with you I taeyeon” sooyeon smile “sooyeon” she said taeyeon was memorize by the smile of sooyeon “here” taeyeon extend her hands holding a food

Sooyeon just follow the voice and accept what taeyeon gave her “can I sit beside you” taeyeon ask and sooyeon nodded “where do you live?” taeyeon ask again “just 150 step from here” sooyeon said “huh?” taeyeon get confuse

“Why do you count your step from your house to here?”

“because Yuri if I want to go here just count 150 step and I will arrived here, as you can see I’m blind this stick I’m holding is my guide so that I can’t get injured” taeyeon nodded

“Sorry about that, anyway who’s Yuri your sister” sooyeon shook her head “then your friend?” she shook her head again “then who’s Yuri to you?”  sooyeon smile and said “my seobang”

Taeyeon under stand that word and she feel hurt *why does I feel this way? I’m just a kid by I know I’m inlove” the two of them talk for a minute when the body guard approach them “young miss we have to go you’ll be late” taeyeon nodded “I’ll see you next time sooyeon bye” sooyeon nodded and wave her hands to

Taeyeon ride her car and the driver went off

Yuri was there and she saw the new girl talking to sooyeon but she just keep quite because nothing happens to sooyeon she walk and sit beside sooyeon, sooyeon know that Yuri arrived because of the smell and she smile “here’s your bread but I think your not hungry anymore” Yuri said because saw sooyeon holding a plastic of food

“Actually I was waiting for you, let’s eat this together” she said “no thanks you eat that you know I don’t like rich people’s food just there money I like so you eat that and hurry sooyoung is arriving any minute now” sooyeon don’t like what Yuri said, she knows Yuri is mad at rich people and only rich people money is the facts she like to them not anything else

“Hey guys” sooyoung greet “hey soo looks like you arrive early that’s good can you bring sooyeon to your house?” sooyoung nodded

Sooyoung is the only friend of Yuri, her family is from middle status, sooyoung’s family knows the situation of the two they like to keep them but Yuri don’t want to be a burden to them, at first Yuri entrust sooyeon to them but sooyeon don’t want to leave with them if not Yuri will go so in the end Yuri just leave sooyeon fo a while and fetch her at the afternoon

“No problem buddy, come on Jessica my mom was waiting for you, she will teach you new lesson” sooyoung’s mother teach blind people so sooyeon learn how to read because of sooyoung’s mother, and next school year sooyeon will go to school for blind people with the help of sooyoung’s mother

“Thanks, please take care of her I just go this afternoon to fetch her” Yuri kiss sooyeon’s forehead and go leaving sooyoung and sooyeon

While walking sooyeon ask something “sooyoung, do you know which market Yuri works?” sooyeon said, sooyoung become nervous because she know that Yuri is just lying and her true work is stealing money

“Oh sorry sooyeon but I don’t know, why did you ask?”

 “Nothing I just ask because everytime I ask Yuri she didn’t say anything”

“Hey sooyeon don’t worry about Yuri I know she doesn’t lie this time” sooyeon nodded

 *you own me this time Yuri*

After class taeyeon arrived on her father work place went taeyeon enter the building every one who’s on the lobby bow their heads but taeyeon just walk past them

She went inside the elevator and the elevator lift, after a minute the arrived to the floor where her father office is her father’s secretary bow and she knock the door and open it for taeyeon

A man on his 40’s was sitting on the chair when she heard a knock and the door open there she saw her daughter went inside

“taeyeon, your instructor report to me that you doing well in your training” her father said taeyeon just silent

“So ask a price on that, I let you enjoy childhood” went taeyeon heard it she look at her father, their after for a long year she saw her father who always calm and smile at her

“Really?” her father nodded “I don’t want to be a bad father and you know your mother won’t be happy up their” taeyeon when to her dad and hug her “thank you dad” she say

“But I don’t want you to fail your grades or else you know you punishment” taeyeon nodded.

After her meeting to her father taeyeon rode her car to go home *I would see sooyeon everyday* she said

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mayataufik1 #1
Chapter 23: Hmmmm, so this is hiatus
cooljags #2
maomao88 #3
i think it must end up with YULTI
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa how dare you kim taeyeon sobs. Haishh. I hope fany will forgive yoong and let yuri go away kekeke. Yoonfany & yulsic all the way.
Chapter 23: No you not yul
Chapter 22: Awwww yulti
HunterSecretive #7
Chapter 23: Well all of them is selfish --
Maybe just seo who didn't selfish
I think after this the drama will be begin
Update soon author
Chapter 23: update soon please
Chapter 23: I want to know Yuri's feeling now to Sica,'sigh' is she just going to forget everything that happened between them in the past?