
Chapter 13


"Appa!!!" a three years old innocent girl jump on Yuri’s bed "appa wake up" she shake Yuri’s body, she groaned on her bed and Yuri open her eyes and she saw the little girl smiling at her "arraso, appa is awake now" and Yuri sit on the bed and spread her arms and the girl hug her

"Come appa breakfast is ready" and the girl drag Yuri outside the room to the kitchen, there she see the girl wearing an apron, preparing the table "omma appa is awake now" the little girl said and her omma look at them and smile "good morning yul" Yuri smile and sit on the chair while the little girl was on her lap

"Seohyun, your appa can't eat if you sit on her lap" but seohyun didn't listen and hug yuri "leave it tiffany it's okay, she just miss her appa,right seohyun" and seohyun nodded and yuri feed her, tiffany just shook her head and eat her breakfast

After eating their breakfast Yuri and seohyun was playing on the living room, while tiffany washing the dishes

"Appa, omma said seohyun will go to the doctor again but seohyun don't want to go,seohyun scared" seohyun said looking sad and yuri known’s why so she carried seohyun and bring her to her lap and sit "you must go seobaby, so that you can go strong and beautiful like your omma, you want that right" seohyun nodded

"Don't worry appa will be there too" yuri said and seohyun hug her "yehey! appa will be there and take care of seohyun" yuri nodded and hug seohyun, on the corner tiffany was smiling to the sweet moment of Yuri and seohyun *i wish Yuri was the one* she said to herself and join the two and the three of them bond together

Minho together with the board member was discussing some project "we must, team up with the Jung Empire it is a great oppurtuinity to ask to get know on the western country" Minho nodded

"I understand my dear members but as all you know, Jung Empire is hard to get their yes, so I ask you if you have a person you can recommend to hold this matter and I will yes to this" Minho said, and the board members make noise because of what minho said because they all know Minho is so practical and don't want to have hard time to please some people

"Yuri" one of the board member said "how about kwon yuri" and the board member get noise again "why Yuri Mr. Soo?" Minho ask "well as all you know, Yuri is the one close the deal for our Japanese and Chinese investor, so why don't we try kwon Yuri" Minho nodded

"Okay if that's what you want, well let's end this for now" and one by one the board members went out of the conference room and a minute later Minho was alone "call Yuri and tell her i like to meet her" and one of the man bow and call Yuri.

Yuri put down her phone and fix herself, tiffany when inside the room and saw Yuri dressing "going out?" Yuri nodded, she was facing the mirror and tiffany put Yuri dress on the bed "I will call you, day after tomorrow so you where can meet me up and we go together in the hospital" tiffany nodded Yuri hold tiffany's face

"Don't worry everything will fine, our daughter will be fine" said Yuri and kiss her forehead "I know thank you Yuri" Yuri smile and hug tiffany "I must go my boss needs me" and release herself to tiffany, she get her things and went out

"Bye, appa" seohyun wave her hand and Yuri wave back, she start her motor bike and speed off, and seohyun and tiffany went inside, "omma, when will appa come back?" Seohyun ask while putting seohyun on the sofa and she sit beside seohyun "we will meet appa day after tomorrow" seohyun nodded even though is just five years old, she is a smart girl

"Really?" Tiffany nodded "yes, did appa told you that we will go together to the doctor" seohyun said, she get excited because she knows Yuri just visit her once a week because her appa must go to Seoul for work

After an hour of driving his motorcycle yuri arrives on Minho’s office she park her motorcycle on the VIP parking area and give her helmet to the guard, she ride the elevator and push the button of the floor she will go after a minute Yuri arrived

She step out and went to Minho’s office, Minho’s secretary greet her and dial the inter-call saying to Minho that Yuri arrived the secretary put down the phone "you can come in" Yuri thank her and went inside the room

"You call me?" Yuri ask "yes, because of this" Minho give her a file “what is this?" Yuri asks as she read it "you want me to close a deal to the Jung Empire?" Minho nodded "why me?"

"The board request you to do that" Yuri sigh "what about the other work you request me to do?" Yuri ask "Yuri, you why I didn't said no to them because I know you can do this" Yuri nodded "but for now just focus on that, the drugs and the guns was deliver and about that prosecutor just let it slide for the mean time okay" Yuri nodded and went outside Minho’s office

Luna Jessica’s secretary was telling her schedule for the next day while Jessica listening she reviewing the papers on her table "you have a meeting at 11am with shinhwa group and Ms. Kwon Yuri will be the representative on behalf of the company" Jessica look at Luna "what is it again Luna?" Jessica ask

"11am meeting with shinhwa industry and kwon yuri will there representative" luna repeat it "stop, after shinhwa what time is my next meeting?" Jessica ask luna look at her planner "your next is a dinner with Mr. Han" Jessica nodded "you can go now" Luna bow her head and went outside

"So Yuri is working under shinhwa" jessica smile because she get a bright idea *seobang will be with me, it's my change* jessica continue her work and she smile like an idiot.


Next day

Yuri was prepared herself for the meeting today, she took a bath and after taking a bath she brush her teeth and get dress, she look stunning on her look after she satisfy on her look she went out of her apartment

Then a car was waiting for her "hyoyeon?" Hyoyeon wave her hand "zup, yul let’s go” hyoyeon open the door for Yuri and Yuri get inside and hyoyeon went to the driver sit “why are you here?” Yuri asks as she reading some file “well, Minho assign me to be your personal assistant hehehe…” Yuri nodded

“Anyway are you ready for facing her again? And work together with her for a time being?” hyoyeon ask while driving her car “yes, I am you know, time have past and me and her are past I have my present and you know who are them” hyoyeon just chuckle

After a minute they arrived at the Jung Empire Building, hyoyeon step outside and open the door for Yuri, so Yuri step outside, hyoyeon give the car key to the guard of the building to park their car they walk inside the building and went to the elevator

Jessica was now inside the meeting room she was so nervous because she will facing Yuri again and a knock was heard “Miss Jung, they are here” and Luna step aside and Hyoyeon went inside follow by Yuri, Jessica froze on her spot when she saw Yuri outfit and she was amaze

“Good morning Miss Jung” Yuri greet and offer a hand shake Jessica accept it and look at Yuri “please have a sit” Yuri sit down “please bring us a drink Luna” Luna nodded and went outside “I you’re a very busy person Miss Jung so I get straight to the point” Yuri said “we are here to be part of your group or business partner I must say” Yuri said and she gave a proposal to Jessica, Jessica take it and read it “your proposal is great, but as all you know I don’t get a Yes in this thing right away”

“yes, I know that and our company is only knows here in Asia not in the western side” Jessica chuckle “so meaning, your just want to be partner with us because you want to know in western side of this world” Yuri smile “Yes” Yuri frankly said “that’s are purpose, our company is always straight and honest of what we like to do” Jessica was amaze on how Yuri is so straight forward, she not the Yuri she knows before

“I’m empress Miss Kwon, you honesty is what I like the most” Yuri smile “thank you” and Yuri stand up follow by hyoyeon “think of it Miss Jung I Hope we can get your answer as soon as possible” and Yuri bow her head and ready to leave when Jessica stop her “then my answer is yes” Jessica said “are you sure miss Jung? You know can think of it”

“No, my answer is finally and please stay for a while and have a coffee with me and let’s discuss the contract and how we divided the percent profit” Yuri nodded and sit down on the other hand hyoyeon feel that something is fishy on Jessica and she know what is it *drama for the way* and hyoyeon listen to them

After a minute their meeting end they shake hands “thank you for your time miss Jung, I will come back tomorrow for the signing the contract and hope we can get along in this work” Yuri said “yes, we will Yuri” Jessica said and they walk on the front hyoyeon is about to open when someone open it and Yuri meet the eyes of the person who open it and Yuri recognized who the person is *Taeyeon* *Yuri* 

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mayataufik1 #1
Chapter 23: Hmmmm, so this is hiatus
cooljags #2
maomao88 #3
i think it must end up with YULTI
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa how dare you kim taeyeon sobs. Haishh. I hope fany will forgive yoong and let yuri go away kekeke. Yoonfany & yulsic all the way.
Chapter 23: No you not yul
Chapter 22: Awwww yulti
HunterSecretive #7
Chapter 23: Well all of them is selfish --
Maybe just seo who didn't selfish
I think after this the drama will be begin
Update soon author
Chapter 23: update soon please
Chapter 23: I want to know Yuri's feeling now to Sica,'sigh' is she just going to forget everything that happened between them in the past?