Finally Friday!!

Wait, do i love you?

Baekhyun`s and Xiumin`s POV


Finally Friday! , Baekhyun thinks as he walks out of the danceroom. Their boss had a little while ago called out for LuHan, and now he calls for me and XiuMin. We allways have training, but under this weeks, i has been different. I have felt i want to be alone, i feel very sad... but i don`t know why... i feel like this...

"What do you think our boss want?". Xiumin was the first one to brake the silent while they were walking.

"I don`t know, but i have a bad feeling about it..." Baekhyun answers after some seconds of thinking.

"Yeah i know. But... nothing" Xiumin shakes his head and continue walking.

"Come on, say it" Baekhyun answer as he put his hand on Xiumin`s shoulder.

*Both stops walking*

"I just... have the feeling... that LuHan is talking about... is going to happen to us..." Xiumin says.

*Both starts walking again*

"You mean like... The thing our boss is saying to him... is going to happen to us to?" Baekhyun answers.

*Both of them turns left and sees two people*

"Yeah something in that wa-" Xiumin stops walking.

"What is it?" Baekhyun stops walking and turn around to see Xiumin`s sad face.

*Xiumin starts running to the two who stand outside the door*

"LuHan!!" Xiumin screams while he runs.

*Runs until he stands at the two people and hugs one of them*


He was right, the person that was crying, was LuHan...

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Chapter 1: Alright, i found one wrong piece here:
It was supposed to say
*Xiumin was right* not *Xiumin was*