Our Friendship


'Eomma I'm going' I stuffed my mouth full with my last spoon full of kimchi fried rice. I took my bottle of milk and grab my school bag and dash to the front door. As I opened the door,  my eomma got out from her bedroom and yelled at me.

'Kim Junsu! Eat your breakfast properly will you! You haven't even drink your milk, how will u grow up nicely if u keep running around while eating your meal?!'

Hearing that lovely nag, I turned around and grinned at her as wide as I can with puffy cheeks. I swallowed my food and gave her a nice big hug. 'See eomma, you don't have anything to worry about. Your son is growing up nicely and big and adorable and handsome and smart. Do you know, I grow 2 inches every month that by the time I turn 17, which is by the way in just 4 months, I'll be more than 6 feet tall. Ok? already finished my breakfast and  I'll drink my milk on the way, Jae has probably turned into a crispy twig by now waiting for me. So *smooch* I better get going now! I don't wanna loose my best friend! Bye eomma!' I gave her my last sloppy kiss on her forehead and dash off through the front door and sprint down the stairs.

'Yah! Bad boy! your droolled all over my face! Aish be careful on your way ok! Did you bring your lunch?! and don't forget to ask Jae about the recipe!' Eomma catch up on me and stopped at the edge of the stair and look down at me, while I'm already on my last step on the first floor. Our apartment is on the third floor so yeah, I'm fast!

'Already in my bag! And I won't forget! eomma annyeong!' I looked up and waved goodbye then disappeared from her sight. I greet the door man ahjussi as I walked pass him and opened my bottle and drank the milk while I made my run to the buss stop around the corner, where I usually met with my best friend Jaejoong. He lives quite far from my house and our school actually. His family owns a big house up in the hill, outside my district. He goes to school by buss and always drop himself off at the buss stop near my block so we could walk together to our school, which is only a couple of blocks away from there. He always came earlier than me, and today is no different. I saw him leaning his back against the street lamp and bussied himself by reading some kind of a flyer on his right hand while the other carrying his violin case. Its tuesday, time for our extra activities, mine's football while Jae has his violin practice. He looked really serious with his brows knitted together and his big glasses hanging on his pointy nose. He doesn't even notice that I'm already a few feet away from him.

I threw away the now empty bottle into the trash can with style, and sneak around his back side and grab the piece of paper that seems to drawn his whole attention.

'Gotcha!" I smirked and made my escape running backward. He jumped in surprised, his lips formed a abig O. He looked so funny, but not for long. 

'Yah give me back the paper!' he screamed and chased me. I wasn't that fast but Jae's just too slow to catch up on me, so I stopped running backward and turned my body and started to walk with big steps while trying to read what the flyer was all about. 

'what is it? a love letter?' I pierced my eyes on the flyer. Jae finally catch up on me and tried to grab the paper but I'm faster. I lifted the paper higher beyond his reach.

'Hey give me back! It's... nothing..' he said desperately.

'If its nothing then why should I give it back to you..? wait, wow! Audition for the next annual violin recital.. Jae are you going to enter?!' I asked him all excited. I was still holding the flyer up in the air, i didn't notice that Jae already gave up and walked ahead of me. 

'Hey wait! Whats wrong? Jae this only happens once a year! You shouldn't miss this. You should have joined before! And look.. it's gonna be held at the city hall! that sounds awesome man!' I shoved the flyer in front of his face and put my other arm around his shoulder.  I've heard him played the violin a couple of  times in our school's music room, and he always left me speechless.His ability to play that instrument is beyond genius. He should be the next Mozart! I can't believe he never auditioned for any event in his whole live. 

Jae grabbed the paper from my hand and put it in his pocket and then went silent. He began chewing his lips while looking down his steps.

'Common Jae what's wrong?' I asked a bit concern. Jae has a very pale skin that made girls envied him, but today was a bit too much. And from my almost years experience being his best friend, that means he was lacking his sleep if not at all. And that also means he has alot in his little head. Not that he shared them much with me. He's alwas been the quite one, while I'm the talking machine. Maybe that's why we got along so well. But even though we're best friend, he seems to hold a lot from me. He never even invite me to his house yet. We always do things at my house. I complained to him sometimes because I don't feel like he trust me enough, but I know I can't rush anything with Jae. I just have to follow his pace and hope someday he will open up more to me. 

'Nothing. I'll think about it okay. Hey, I got you these." He said opening his bag and took something out. It was my turn to be shocked and look silly. I grabbed the things from Jae's hand.

'O   My   God!!! Jae where did you get all these...  they're not out in Korea yet!' I squealed much to my delight. In my hand, now lay the most wanted PS4 games all gamefreak like me has been waiting for almost a week since its released in the US. I know it doesn't sound that long for the normal heads, but for us freaks even an hour feels like hell! I can feel my tears starts pooling in my eyes.

'God you look really silly Su! And you're wellcome by the way.' Jae burst his famous hahaha laugh. 

'O geez thank you so much man, I think i just sold you my soul!!!!! But seriously Jae this one is very hard to find even in US and Japan. How did you get it? wow man! this is awesome!' I showed him THE 'Killzone: Shadow Fall' that is very rare since the day it released because its out of stock almost everywhere.

'Who else, Junho hyung. He just got back fro LA last night.'  

'Wow I love your brother! I wish he's my brother, Jae you are one lucky dude! can I adopt him?' I joked showing my puppy eyes. Jae chuckled.

We reached our last turn while I still keep worshiping his brother nonstop. Jae as ussual, never talk that much, just smile or laugh sometimes.

'Well well well. Isn't it our school's nerdiest lovebirds.. I wonder what kind of odd things that could make dorkies like you two this excited..' Just as we were going to enter the school gate, that guy have to ruined our mood again, like almost every morning. Choi Si Won, our school's most popular boy a.k.a the bully. I dont know what his problem but he really loves to mess around with us.

'Whatever it is, I'm sure it's way beyond your brain level to understand what kind of excitement we're doing. So just give it up, Si Won!' Yepp, I'm not scared of him. I wasn't bad my self. I'm the school football captain for 2 years in a row now.

'Tch! I'm sure your mouth is bigger than your brain.' Si Won scoffed and shifted his gaze to Jae who just turn paller by my side. However Si won didn't say anything. He just smirked and walked away with his troops trailing him.

'I can't believe that !' I threw my last annoying look at Siwon and grabbed Jae's shoulder. I just noticed that he was a bit trembled.

'What was that all about? Don't let him get to you, Jae. He's just a big . Let's go.' I softly pushed his back. I know for the fact that Jae is weak, that's why he's a favorite target for the bullies, girls and boys. I tried to protect him as much as I could. But I'm not going to be arround him all the time, that's why I slowly teach him how to stand up for himself.

'Is there anything you want to tell me? c'mon Jae, you know you can count on me.' I said when I realised Jae was still tensed. He let out a big sigh and bit his lips. His eyes following every steps his foot made. He didn't say anything until we reached his class. I was a bit upset.  We stopped in front of his class, and Jae was about to say something when the bell rang.

'Geez what a timing.. I should go to my class. Listen Jae, what ever it is you have to tell me at lunch okay. You should let me work my part as your best buddy sometimes. Don't hold everything by yorself man.' I held his hand and he looked at me. afer seconds away he gave me another weak smile and nodded.

'I'll catch up with you at lunch then' He said.

'Sure! I'll see you then!' I turned around and walked to my class which is two doors away from Jae's.  


Jaejoong entered his classroom and went straight to his desk by the window, completely oblivious to everyone. Junsu was right. Jaejoong is the weak who can easily be target for bullies. With his Family's wealth and reputation and not to mention his devine look that he hid behind those glasses, he should be one of the school's heartrob. But since he first entered this school three years ago, bad rumors always surrounded him. 

It all started from Im Yoona. Her family background is almost the same as Jaejoong in wealth and reputation. Rumor has it that she and her family once invited to the Kim's gala dinner party and she happened to notice that Jaejoong was kind of left out from his family. Not only that, but she also overheard when Mr.Kim scolded Jaejoong in one of the empty hallway that night, that Jaejoong is not one of his kind, and after she witnessed a hard slap Mr.Kim gave to his 'son' she ran away in shocked. 

A week later Jaejoong was transfered to her school. He gained much attentions from his schoolmates because he was a rare beauty. Im Yoona didn't like that. There should be only one beauty in this school and thats her. Thats how she started to spread what she knew and put alot toppings on it, and gave a wind for the bullies to bully him. Only by a couple of weeks, Jaejoong became the outcast. Poeple believe what they want to believe about him, truth or false, mostly false. 

But that was nothing compared to what troubling his mind right now. Jaejoong closed his eyes. Even though this school didn't offer him many comfort, but it's the most normal thing going on in his life. And he thanked heaven and earth for having Junsu as his friend.  Everything else was just wrong. So very wrong.

A beep sound came from his bag. Still closing his eyes Jaejoong bit his lower lips. He had a very good guess who would be the sender, and he really don't feel like opening it. But he did it anyway. And a wave of headache instantly invaded his head after he read the text message.

It was Siwon.

He tightened his grip on his cellphone. Wishing the end of the world to happen at that very moment. 

It was too much. His heart started to feel the familiar pain. he clutched his heart and lay his head down on his table. Some of the student noticed him, and gave a quick annoyed glances, and start another line of hurtful lies.

Jaejoong just shut down his senses. He'd like to stay that way forever.

But he knew he just couldn't.


A/N : hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been able to do so much T_T and took very loong time to update the story. but i'll try harder next time. thank you for all the subscribers and comments. its going to be very angst. though not much but i hope you'll find it interesting ^^. actually, i make a couple more stories, but learning from this one, i'm not gonna publish it before i finish atleast 3 chaps. please look forward for more updates. and tell me if it was boring or anything. this is my first attempt, so i hope to learn alot ^^. Thanks guys!

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Chapter 1: Don't forget this fic, n come back to it when n if you can.
Chapter 1: This is good.
Sorry it took me spoon long to comment.
I just have school, which is killing me but almost over for a much due break.
Update soon, okay.
loveyunjae4ever #3
Chapter 1: take ur time but not too long for update kay~><
when will you update?
Take your time^^
loveyunjae4ever #5
Looking forward 4 ur story!update soon~
Wow thanks! Off course I don't mind infact I would be very thankful. But I'm still shy can't help it heehehe so please let me know your opinion ok. Thanks agaian :D
I'm interested, would you mind if i tell some people that I know to subscribe to this fic. I want it to have more views, would you mind?