Chapter 3

Sheep in a Wolf Pack [BEING REDONE]


Charlotte had finally found her room after much trouble.
Finally! I should probably just see the principal right after I put my stuff in here, or I probably won't be able to see him at all. She said to herself. 
After carefully pushing her luggage, boxes, etc. into the room she left. The only things she kept with her were the room key, the map the lady gave her, and her backpack which had other things she might need in it. As she walked she kept her head down and only looked at the map, following it accurately. Turning where it said to turn she, again, bumped into someone. 
Is this how I'm going to meet everyone? She dreadfully thought.
Slowly scanning up the broad body, starting at the low-mid chest where her face was, and ending at the handsome, tan face. His sharp jaw and full lips were more then enough to catch any normal girls atention, but currently all Charlotte was focused on was the fact that she ran into him.
Is this your hobby or something? She heard a familiar voice ask. Looking around she finally found the owner of the bone chillingly deep voice. 
Wait, thats the boy I ran into earlier isn't it? She thought.
Hi again. He chuckled. Where did you go last time? You just dissapered, I thought you were a ghost for a second there.
I said I was leaving while you were talking with your friend, so I guess that's my fault... Sorry. She sadly mumbled in her soft voice.
That's okay! I can just introduce you now. Kris said.
Wait, what?! I'm not ready yet! She shrieked in her mind. What if they think I'm a weirdo? Oh god even worse, what if they start bullying me? Someone help me!
Hey guys this is the new student I was talking about earlier. He stated loud and proud to his friends. Why don't you introduce yourself? He whispered in her ear.
Uh w-well I'm Charlotte rose, a-and I hope we have a good year together. She stuttered out.
"a great year" what the heck Charlotte? Plus, how many times did I stutter in that sentence? I might even win the world record for most stutters in a sentence! She harshly scolded herself in her mind.
I hope so too, I'm Baekhyun by the way. He introduced himself easily, lighting up his face with an eyesmile.  
Yippee, more nice people! She thought.
I'm Chanyeol! Some gigantic creeper guy shouted with a surprisingly deep voice.
Ummm okay? She thought. Maybe not all the the people here are nice, but I shouldn't judge a 'book' by it's cover.
Hello, I'm Yixing, but you can call me Lay. Also, I'm sorry, I seemed to interrupt your conversation with Kris earlier. He apologized.
T-that's ok... You tried to lift your head a bit.
How many times am I going to sutter? Seriously! She scolded herself again. So that's his name, Kris. I can't believe I didn't ask earlier.
This is Kai, he would introduce himself but he's kind of half asleep so yeah... Baekhyun pointed to the boy who she had just ran into. After looking up at him, she realized she was still standing in front of him and stepped to the side.
So what are you doing out here again? Kris asked.
I was going to meet the principal... She said quietly.
We can go with you if you want, I think one of our friends is in there right now too. Baekhyun said thoughtfully.
Y-you don't have to do that...She mumbled.
If it weren't for you we probably would have forgotten about him! Chanyeol laughed at his friend's misfortune.
Come on, let's go! Lay wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Tihis is sort of part 1 of the journey to the principal's office, because the chapter was waaaaaay to long when I looked over it -_-" but  it's almost winter break! Thank Krisus! 

                                                                                               — See you next time :3


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Stellybinx12 #1
Chapter 6: Please update