

R u l e s ; 

     o1. Please DO NOT add the admins untl you've been accepted through Tumblr, and DO NOT add other characters in the RP until you've been added and posted in the 'SEOULSMEOW-RPgroup by at least one admin. If you would like to delete any of your accounts, YOU MUST tell us before you do so. Also, if you'd like to go on hiatus, please tell us by editing the 'hiatus' document so that we don't accidentally delete you.

     o2. When applying, please make sure the character you're applying for is not already taken by checking the 'master list.' If the character you're wanting to apply for isn't on the list, you may apply anyways. FILL OUT THE APPLICATION COMPLETELY.

     o3. You're allowed to have a maximum of 3 accounts as long as you can handle having three. We've also made the exception to those who ask us personally to have a little more than 3 accounts. If you have issues with keeping them active or for a different reason, you may deactivate an account. You're NOT ALLOWED to roleplay people from the same groups. {EX: If you're Taeyeon from SNSD, you're not allowed to roleplay Tiffany}

     o4. Please be respectful to all RPers and Administration. If you have a concern, question, or complaint, please PM an Admin ASAP, and we wil lhelp you and take matters in our own hands if we see it is needed.

     o5. In your info box, please put 'I love unicorns," or just simply, "SEOULSMEOW-RP" to show us that you're a part of our roleplay. Also, please DO NOT add people out of the RP. If they're not friends with the Admins DO NOT add them. To know that you've read the rules, please tell me that you're "y" in the title box when applying.

     o6. There may be rated or mature things. If you feel uncomfortable or disturbed, then please do tell the Admins and we will try and keep them private for you.



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