
Where were you?

     Sam and I decided to drive to Jellyfish Entertainment and find out about the whereabouts of our husbands. The company should be open since entertainment never sleeps. We were hoping to see everyone in the practice room. When we got to the building it was darker than usual. Sam tugged on the enterence door but it barely moved.

     "What the hell," she whispered under her breath.

     "Ottokaji?" What was happening? Nothing made much sense at all. Sam walked to the opposite side of the street and grabbed a brick. "No Sam we'll find another way," I said trying to calm her. It was too late. She tossed the brick at the glass door and it shattered into thousands of pieces then fell to the ground. She climbed through the door without saying a word. I followed behind her and wrapped my arms around her neck from behind. "It will be okay," I whispered. Something was obviously wrong. 

     The building was dark, only lit by the red emergency lights. We held hands as we walked to the practice room.There was no sign of anyone being around and we thought of calling the police, but would they even find our men as fast as we could? There was a heavy fog of smoke that traveled in the air and caused us to cough and become lightheaded. It continued and increased as we plodded up the stairs. It was lighter up there, but still dark. 

     "Almost there." Sam's voice sounded sctrachy and low, probably from the smoke. I could feel the affects of it too. What was going on? Is this even real. If this is a dream I want to wake up now. Now! I want to wake up with my love and everything be normal again. I noticed Sam's steps started to become slower and slower. Suddenly she slowly began to fall back as if she wanted to practice the trust excercise we used to do when we were kids. She didn't stop. In slow motion before my eyes she fell back further and further. I reached out to catch her and there she landed in my arms. At the top of the stairs stood Ravi, my love. Staring down at me with his lost eyes and a gun in his hand. He disappeared and reappeared in front of me with the gun to my head.

     "I'm sorry, but goodnight" 


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Chapter 6: oh my god. why didn't i see this earlier tbh.
blue-princessleah #2
Chapter 5: Ooh I love it(:
And yes keep going, I want to hear more!! (And btw I liked the font from chapters 1-3)
Chapter 2: This is really interesting. Haha curious for the next!
Chapter 2: Oh this is interesting! I really dont comment a lot here but when i do it means i like it lmfao please continue this authornim!!! ♡
Chapter 1: You better continue this. I don't read a lot of the stuff here but you better continue this. This is a warning from your unnie OnO unnie will be sad if you don't finish this.

And you might want to change rapped to wrapped
Chapter 1: omg unnie!! perf :) (you just might want to change the font since a lot of people hate comic sans) but I lovelove it!! :D