8o/1oo : Library Love Online!

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Library Love Online!

c : hanseoul / r : DairyCow 

DC : took 3 hours to complete ;; _ ; good job-io, hanseoul :D

title / 4/5

so if i'm not confused, "Library Love Online!" is the title of both the story and Jaeyeong's blog, yes? well, you get a pat on the back for that c: second, kudos to you for making it not hackneyed, and perfectly original (i love how "library" and "online" are in the same title, which totally got my attention). the reason i deducted a point, however, was because if i were scrolling down the fanfiction list, looking for a good read, i still would have judged it as one of those fic's where the boy and girl meet n' date online . those kinds of plots are a bit too common, so you could clear up that misunderstanding . use your imagination ;)

appearance / 1/5

firstly, when i checked out the story, the poster and background looked like

 Library Love Online! - main story image

because of this, i was immediately turned off . maybe you should get another poster + background, or find your old ones and take care of that? second, the lines in your 2nd and 3rd chapter are all mashed up . by that, i mean that there is virtually no space between each line - it's like, 0.1 spaced, making it terribly difficult to read. to fix that, you should copy + paste on a word doc, fix the spacing, and copy + paste back again. (the 1st chapter spacing was perfect, so you should follow that.) however, on your foreword + description , tao DOES look delicious, so i'll give you a point for that. --- no HAHA , i'm just kidding , the extra point is for the fact that you can use gifs & colors and still not hurt your readers' eyes, a skill most authors don't have . mhmm , it makes your f + d look extra pretty <3 ( same for the laundry cartoon and start-off to your chapters , cute . )

foreword + description / 8/10

the description is truly great - i got the idea of the story without TOO much idea . it wasn't too short or too long , which was also convenient for me . plus , the tone of which you described jaeyoung and tao was hilarious ( "now who is this guy right now?!" "he doesn't like mangoes, and loves ..." ) it was clearly cute and light-hearted . BUT - it was a different story for your foreword . now the gifs here were unnecessary , so i didn't really favor them ( - 1 for that ) . also, your "about" includes author, co-author, pairings, etc., which are repetitive, as the reader could find them elsewhere if they wanted to ( another -1 ) . the only thing really needed in your "about" section, was the credits . last note , it was too long for my taste - readers do want to get to the story already, so they usually just skip it - but since that will be fixed if you delete some gifs and extra info , i won't deduct for that .

grammar / 9/10


"It's Noh Jayoung's school-famous blog, of course!" "Here, she gives you advice on how to deal with your boyfriend and or girlfriend in relationships, ..." "Now, who is this guy right now here?!" "He is none other than Huang Zitao! , brother of Jaeyoung's best friend." "He doesn't like mangoes, loves thunderstorms, and (synonym of love) long walks on the beach." "And he isn't fond of teenage girls who blog about how she they know everything about love.


"Noh Jaeyoung clucked her tongue disapprovingly at the text gray text displayed in front of her." "She knew the answer to his her problem immediately." "She always worked finely when she was drinking her cup of melted, hot mangoes." "Jaeyoung told herself as she she sighed, putting her mug beside her keyboard and stretched stretching her arms forwards ..." "Jaeyoung grinned to herself, seeing the new notifications of new messages about the girl's girls' love lives ..." "She and Jaeyoung has had been best friends ever since middle school." "Now that they are were juniors ..." "Meiji was the shy and smart type, ... , but always forgets forgetting her homework." "She prides prided herself in helping other people's love lives, ..." "She didn't know why she hasn't hadn't thought of it before." "It's It was a win-win situation for her." 

i stopped after chapter 1, because you get the point . your main issues with grammar and language is tense; you switch back and forth from present to past . my corrections here make all of it in the past, and i've also included other tiny details, including puntuation and things like that . otherwise , the language is perfect ! in fact, i even left a few mistakes out , because it actually fit the atmosphere of the light-hearted story ( sometimes, perfect grammar is so uptight . example - Goddess's grammar is far from perfect, yet it makes her story's tone even cuter. ) thumbs up !

pace / 10/10

to be honest, it was pretty hard to tell since you only have three chapters up, but i can tell that this story will have a great pace ! the first chapter , to introduce all characters , the second chapter to develop on them , the third chapter to bring them together , etc.. what else can i say - perfecto .

 characters /  14/20

you handle the character development pretty well, too ! i didn't know too much about any of the 3 characters throughtout these 3 chapters , but i can tell you are slowly building up on them . plus, the touch of mystery around tao ( lots of love notes, but no girlfriends ? ) is yet to be revealed , so it keeps the reader in anticipation . i don't think you need TOO much character depth in this story anyways , since it's not very serious . NOTE : i very much love how tao and jaeyoung are SIMILAR, NOT DIFFERENT . most authors love to play with the idea of "opposites attract," so it's refreshing to see a change for once . your characters are both arrogant, witty, and awesome !

and while the idea of your characters as a whole is great , i sadly have to pluck off a few points for each individual . they do not interest me particularly , they do not have your own spice mixed upon them . a completely different author could have come up with exactly the same kind of person . i'm not saying arrogance, love-guru-ness, forgetfulness, any of that is unoriginal, obviously they need to have personality - i'm saying that your take on them is ( no offense >< ). anything that differentiates jaeyoung from all the other arrogant love-guru's in the fanfiction world ? anything that distinguishes meiji from the other shy and smart, but forgetful type in the authors' world ? anything that makes tao seem different from the stereotypical tao in our minds ? ( example : habits ? appearance-wise such as moles, scars ? speaking style ? ) 

and URGH . sorry , but the fact that you included "loves long walks on the beach" in your description got to me - it was pretty unoriginal . everyone knows the real life tao loves walks on the beach , it's our image of him . why not give him a quirk from your own imagination ?

i see you have a little bit of that spice hidden inside you /wink/ for example , i have never heard of the name meiji before . that name simply made me like her immediately , since it made her somewhat unique already . for another example , i like how jaeyoung likes mangoes ( although i see, tao doesn't . are you trying to pull an "opposites attract" thing here -_- ) yup. to sum it up , play your own twist on the character . you don't have to make the character's personality something completely new, JUST MAKE THE CHARACTER YOUR OWN . 

if you're still confused , look up Not Intended's Baekhyun . he's sassy , sarcastic , and laid-back - a character we've all seen a million times before - but he's also "casual" and has a fashion for boxers, weird T-shirts, or cardigans . he also has a dog named nugget . yep , when i think of this baekhyun , i will ALWAYS think of the damned dog as well . there is no other baekhyun like him in the fanfiction universe . it adds to his whole image .

lastly, to finish off this extremely long point about character development , make your characters seem like real people . no person you know ONLY has a personality, right ? your friends aren't ONLY funny , nice , or pretty . they have their own things that are unique to them , things that make them human .

do this , and your characters won't be good - they'll be amazing .

plot / 15/20

nice ! the plot seems relatively interesting , because it's the kind of story where the boy starts off disliking the girl and then - boom, change . everyone loves those kinds of stories . now , i wouldn't say it's very creative , because if i can just categorize it like i just did , you clearly have something missing . a hate-love relationship like that appears in 90 % of fanfiction; i'm not saying it's bad or good that yours is the same . just try to not have this story end up like all those hate-love stories ( which is, slowly they get to know each other, and somehow fall in love ). i suggest you do something different; if you can't possibly think of a different turn-out , what you can do is have meiji make the story more interesting . maybe she gets humiliated, because tao doesn't actually change jaeyoung . maybe she doesn't really want tao to end up with jae , and breaks up their blooming relationship later . you can use meiji to not have your story turn out cliche ( like seasoning c: kind of like the character thing up there . )

by the way, the essence of your story was a bit cliche , but your setting wasn't . i've seen those kinds of situations a few times before , but not much , so that was good enough .

p.s. actually , i thought of how to make your setting even more creative, and then i thought of making tao the love guru :D ( gay! ) i bet if you do that, your readers will laugh . if you like this idea , you can make tao have his own blog later and beating jae in the number of followers or something xD THAT will be interesting .

overall enjoyment / 19/20

i enjoyed this very much ! i was expecting some amateur author to request here , since this is a amateur request shop xD but no ! you're an expert author , this is an expert story , i'm surprised you're not in the top 100 authors of AFF . the story was good, it just wasn't great . a point deducted, because i can't see myself remembering the plot after a while, which is not a good sign . so you can take the amateur tips i gave you and if they work , cool ! THEN your readers will remember your fanfic and look forward to it. 

i even subscribed o u o

TOTAL / 80/100



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Chapter 2: rate 1 - 10 ( 1 is little, 10 is lots )

harshness / 7.5

experience / 8.5

- - -

comments about yourself / I'm not quite sure if I should talk about myself or my experience in reviewing, but what the heck. My name is Dreamy, and… you can call me Dreamy. I'm taking AP English in my second year of middle college, making me 16. I may seem young, but I'm mature and a huge grammar nazi. I owned a review shop before it closed down and I worked part time at a review shop. I can review any genres or types of story, but I'm a bit awkward with . I also am an anti-fan of those cliche plotlines. What else… I have a writing guide/rant thing where I 'help' (but mostly rant) others with their stories.
I'm a big fan of angst and dark genres so I'll be keeping an eye out for those. I'm pretty easily entertained, but if its one of those cliche, overused plotlines I will be very harsh.
To end this, (and I'm not trying to be a up or one of those cliche "OMG I WILL TOTALLY HELP YOU MAKE YOUR STORY BETTER" kind of reviewer who's all nice and mush and stuff) my job as a reviewer is not only to review your story, but to help you improve and strengthen your writing skills.
(Err… I'm not sure if I wrote too much or if I wrote about the wrong things, but I hope that you consider to pick me. Thank you C:)
Chapter 2: harshness 4/10

experience 5/10

- - -

comments about yourself I have my own shop and has review two stories. English is my first language. I can be very active because I go on AFF everyday!^^ I don't really like to make other sad,so I am happy all the time! :D I really like writing and editing as it is my best subject in school and I really like Kpop,especially Exo,preferably Tao & Kris..

I hope you consider me and hire me! Thank You!
Chapter 2: Review Form

harshness 6/10

experience 2/10

- - -

comments about yourself / I've never worked in a review shop before but I really want to! I read a lot and I have read the reviews of other shops so I do know what I'm looking for and how to write a review. I'm not really harsh about anything but I will be blunt and try to put it as nicely as possible as I can. If I am really frustrated with a story then I won't sugar coat anything but I do try to add in some tips to make the story better. I am new the Kpop fandom so I only know a few groups really well like BAP, Exo, and VIXX. If I do get a story I will do research on the group/idol if I don't know them. I know I'm not a first choice but please do considerate it. Thank you!
Chapter 2: reviewer form

harshness: 7/10 } it depends, to be honest. if i'm in a really bad mood, i guess i'm around 8.5 over 10. however if i'm in a great mood, probably 6, i suppose.

experience: 3/10 } i haven't really done a review myself but i kinda read fics and their reviews before checking them out so yep.

- - -

comments about yourself: idk, should i use emots to make me sound more friendly? n u n ;; lmao alright i'm just a grammar and spelling nazi though i have some problems with grammar myself orz. but hey, when i meant that i'm harsh, i don't really diss you and be sassy. i just- well, i get straight to the point and be blunt.
Chapter 2: Review Form

Harshness/ 7 or 8

Experience/ 6/10


I'm really afraid of hurting other people's feelings so I'm honest but try not to sound too rash. You can just call me Minnie, like the mouse, you know? o u o Anyway, I'm a big fan of EXO, like that wasn't obvious. I won't be too harsh on you if you are new to AFF because be honest we were all babies to this site, right? :3 So Erm, let's begin? :)
Chapter 2: Hi, you're hiring, and so where do we send in our apps if we want to become a reviewer? :)
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for this review! I'll add it in now~
Chapter 11: Hello! :D
I'm fine with any reviewer as along as I'll get constructive criticisms :D
I've checked my review but ...
I only saw the title's marks ._.
Chapter 7: 12.5 over 20 is still not that bad right? Don't answer me. I'll just remain optimistic haha And thank you...again. I'll work on my tensions so my writing style won't be all breathers and boring x)

I can't say I'm pleased with the mark but since it's for this story, I'm satisfied. What I can say though, I'm more than pleased with this extremely helpful review! I can't thank you enough and I'll definitely be coming back for more. One more thing though, would you mind reviewing an old story of mine? I just want to know if all my stories are the same. Thanks again!
Chapter 7: For the part on characters, I can't say I completely agree. In my opinion, I think that I already shed some light to all five members -maybe not enough or equal - so you just have to piece the puzzle together at the end and you'll get TVXQ. I understand if my hints were too subtle but if a reader was to think through it all carefully then I think there wouldn't be a problem. Furthermore, I didn't exactly do a detailed plan on this story. I was just like "Oh why not," and I did it. My goal was just to write for OT5 fans and also as a tribute to Junsu's OT5-ness. I understand that it was quite shallow for me to think like that. Albeit, I do agree with you on the changes part. The reason why I didn't want any big changes is beause I didn't want the mood of the story to become too drastic and melodramatic. I know about their changes in real life but I didn't want to incorporate that into the story as I just wanted to stick to 'reminisce'. I didn't want it to be painful. Well not that type of pain anyway. I want the "Oh My God, I miss them" pain. Am I making any sense? Lol

Oh gosh, now's the plot part. I'm sad and disappointed with myself. Everything you said is true. I think I'm aware of all my problems but they're more towards habits and it's hard to break them. Very hard. I know what tension is but I don't know how to write them. I mean, even if I originally did write a tense scene, it gets mellowed down by my breathers so I just get back to square one again. You said I added in descriptions everywhere and that's very true. I think it's because I love descriptions and I tend to take it overboard. I just keep thinking if the readers will be able to imagine everything I want them to imagine. I don't want them to imagine everything for themselves and second guess throughout the story because there wasn't enough description, because to me, that'll mean I wasn't doing my job. I'll keep your advice in mind and try hard to stick to it.