Flair & Fleur & Key

Chapter 3: K E Y

I rubbed my puffy eyes as I walked into the office, without even acknowledging the existence of my secretary.

The pain of falling out of love was too unbearable and lasting.

I went back and stared at the email reply that Key sent me earlier. I had decided to reply.

“To the Almighty Key,

I am fine too. I wonder who you are proposing to. She must be so lucky and blissful. Let me see her as soon as possible, alright? I want to see who has the amazing abilities to win the Almighty Key’s heart. It must be hard on her too, if she marries you, since you are so immature and playful. However, she will be really blessed too, since you really are protective and loving. I hope you and your love can stay happy together always and forever.

Always supporting you!

From: You-Know-Who

PS: I hope you remember that it is my birthday today! :p ”

My finger hovered above the “Enter” key. Somehow, I still could not find enough strength to press the key and send the message to him.

My desire for Key was so strong and I could not bear to see him with another girl.

Shutting my eyes tight, I forced myself to press the “Enter” key.

The email was sent.

There was no turning back now.

Key belonged to another, not me; I had to live with it and move on.

“Key, I really love you.” I whispered to myself as I put on my sunglasses. My tears were threatening to fall and I needed to hide them. Tears would be embarrassing.

I hurried out of the office.

“Miss Won, there is this man here who wished to see you. I just wanted to call…” My secretary called out as I tried to walk even faster.

I was in no mood to see a client. I was not in the proper state to meet a client too. I was practically a mess.

Keeping my head low, I pretended not to hear my secretary.

Then, I bumped into someone.

My first thought was to quickly apologise and rush off. Then, I smelled the same aroma.

“Strawberry champagne,” I recognized the aroma now. It was the aroma of the perfume that Key had always used.

“It can’t be…” I mused bitterly, “He should be in New York, with another girl.”

I felt a hand on my chin.

The man was lifting my chin up so that I would see him.

“Happy birthday, Won Eun Na! You are so pretty now. I am so glad that you did not let me down!” The man gurgled loudly.

“Key!” I shouted in surprise.

This should not be happening.

He took off my sunglasses and stared hard at me. His initial lopsided grin changed into a slight frown.

“Have you been crying? Who bullied you? Where is that person? What happened?” He bombarded me with questions, with so much concern in his voice, which caused my tears to flow.

“Key!” I hugged him and began wailing.

“Silly girl!” Key wrapped his strong arms around my waist tightly.

“So why are you back?” I asked him after I finished bawling. We were in our office now.

“To wish you happy birthday?” He answered in a playful manner. His eyebrow tilted upwards and he grinned.

I smacked him on his forehead and demanded, “So where is my present?”

“Still as violent as ever. You are still not behaving like a lady even though you are dressed like one now.” Key gently pushed my falling fringe back into place.

I blinked and stared hard at him.

“Here, this is your birthday present!” Key knelt down and opened a black velvet box.

There was a ring inside, but it was not sparkling or shiny. I walked closed to take a closer look. It was a ring made out of hard transparent glass. In it, there were graffiti writings.

“Key & Eun Na. Love. Forever & Always.”

“Will you marry me, Eun Na?” Key questioned. His joker face was replaced with a serious and charming face.

“What?” I was stumped. “I thought…”

“Won Eun Na, you have always been the one for me. Didn’t you realise that? I had been teasing you so long so that I can keep your attention on me. I had waited for you to ask me to stay but you did not. Did you know how heartbroken I was? I had replied your emails, expecting you to ask me to visit you, but you never asked as well. I had been biding my time, Eun Na.” Key spoke affectionately.

“Key, I…” I was lost for words.

“I may be an amateur at love, but I promise you that I will be always here for you, by your side.” Key paused as his eyes bore into mine, causing my heart to flutter non-stop.

“If you think this is sudden, it is not, since I have been in love with you for so long. The photo album and sunflowers are from me as well. I even hinted in my email reply to you. You had told me that you wished to be married when you turned twenty-five. I had been waiting for this day. Eun Na, will you marry me?” Key inquired nervously.

“Key! Thank you! Yes, I will marry you!” I jumped and then pulled Key up. He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed me on the forehead.

“You are crying again.” Key commented as he tenderly wiped my tears off with his fingers.

“Tears of joy this time,” I sobbed gleefully and placed my head on his broad shoulder.

“I had been crying since yesterday because I thought you were going to marry someone else. I was heartbroken too. I wanted you to stay here with me then, but I thought that was too selfish of me. I wanted to ask you to visit me, or I wanted to visit you as well, but I was afraid. I was scared that once I met you, I would never want to leave you again. I would hinder your future.”

“Silly girl,” Key patted my head lovingly and made me face him.

“I have another gift for you.” He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. “The last gift for my dearest lady.”

I accepted the paper and gasped.

“I designed it for you. I was waiting for you to agree to marry me before making the necessary arrangements. The ring was designed and specially made too.” He pointed to the ring on my finger.

“Key! You are so sweet! I love you so much!” I kissed him on his cheek.

He had designed a wedding dress for me!

It was so wonderful!

“I thought I deserve a better reward!” Key teased while I eyed him questioningly.

He placed his lips over mine before I could ask any further.

Everything was just so right and pleasant.





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