July 2014

Deathnote -from L-


We're nearing the sort of end-ish. 2-3 chapters left I think.

But maybe a sequel? I'm really enjoying writing this for you!

Happy December! I hope the places you are aren't as cold as where I live!



July 2014 -SUNGJONG-

Summer was upon them. 

The summer sun was healing them. 

Unlike when the winter chill was on them, everyone was returning to normal. In the first few months after Myungsoo left them, all of them fell into a 'depression', Sunggyu went out every day to search for Myungsoo, Dongwoo couldn't stop crying, Woohyun vented his feelings through yelling, Hoya fell into the bottle and wrote letters to the non-existing Myungsoo, Sungyeol sang out his grief in his room and Sungjong... well... he didn't show his hurt. 

Sungjong held his hurt close to him, remaining what it appeared to be fine to the rest of the world, but in truth, his heart and spirit was crumbling slowly ever since Hoya called him with the news that Myungsoo was gone. 

They were all hurt, with nothing to heal them. 

But sun would come back and slowly heal them. 


Everyone knew that Infinite was hurting. 

Thier CEO signed them up for therapy. 

None of them complained because they knew that it was for the better. 

Sungjong sat stiffly inside of the therapist's room with his hyungs. None of them speaking, the air icy.

The therapist, a nice middle aged man, studied them carefully. Sungjong was impressed with his calm demenor despite the fact the air felt like the air outside when Myungsoo left them. 

"We'll start today by introducing ourselves," he finally said. "My name is Doctor Yoon. Now you." He pointed to Sungjong. 

He sighed, figuring that he already knew their names but just wanted to get them to start talking. "My name is Lee Sungjong," he said plainly. "I'm the youngest." 

No one answered as Dr Yoon scribbled something on his clipboard. Sungjong kicked Sungyeol in thie shin. 

"Lee Sungyeol," Sungyeol whispered, he looked down at the ground away from everyone else, refusing to make eye contact. 

"I'm the leader, Kim Sunggyu," Sunggyu answered next. 

"Jang Dongwoo," Dongwoo smiled slightly but it was rather a ghost on his face than a true smile. 

Hoya sighed loudly. "Lee Howon. Call me Hoya." 

Woohyun muttered something that was resemblance of his name. Dr Yoon ignored it and continued on. 

"So if I got it correctly, your main visual left the group seven months ago," he said. 

Hoya snorted. "It's all over the news, why wouldn't you know?" 

Dr Yoon eyed him. "Your manager tells me that you're hurting." 

"Of course we are," Woohyun snapped. "Our brother, even if he's not blood related, left us with only a note to console us." 

"What was the letter?" Dr Yoon asked softly. 

All of them froze. None of them had shown anyone the letter that Myungsoo had left them, excpet for the police who basically had to tear it away from them to inspect. Emotions ran high on those notes, each of the letters influenced how they acted in the past months. 

Dr Yoon picked up on that. "Wouldn't Myungsoo want you to be healing?" 

"He just said that he was hurting and that he was sorry," Sunggyu whispered. "He thought that he wasn't strong enough and damnit, he is strong enough to do anything he wanted but he chose to be a coward and run away from us." 

Sunggyu hid his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking slightly. "Myungsoo asked me to take care of you guys, he said that I healed him before but he's too hurt to be repaired. He told me to heal you but... I can't. I failed him." 

Sungjong looked away as Sunggyu started to cry quietly. 

Sungyeol  shifted uncomfortably. "Myungsoo, he was thanking me for teaching him how to live and love. I can't live or love without teaching someone to do so too. I need him to come back." Freash tears rolled down his cheeks at the confession. "I don't know how he thought that we could survive..." 

Woohyun raised his head. "He told me to not to be mad but how could I not be mad? Myungsoo said that surrendering didn't mean that I was a coward." Sungjong looked over at him, hearing a uncertian waver in his voice. "He told me to show the world that I was strong but... but I couldn't do it. I couldn't show anyone that I was strong. I couldn't surrender. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for yelling at you like that." 

Sungyeol embarced Woohyun tightly. "I yelled back too hyung. I was scared, I didn't want to believe that Myungsoo wasn't coming back." 

"None of us did," Dongwoo whispered. "He told me that he was coming back. 'Don't doubt it.' He said that he was coming back. He told me. I didn't lose hope that he was coming back. I want to believe that he's coming back but that's just a delusional lie." 

Hoya looked away. "He said that he was listening to me. He's never answering." 

Sunggyu shook his head. "He isn't keeping his promises." 

But he was. 

"Sungjong," Dr Yoon said softly. "What did he tell you?" 

Sungjong gripped his thigh tightly, trying not the betray how hard he was shaking. 


Tears started falling. 

"Sungjong, are you okay?" 

"He didn't say anything," Sungjong yelled. "He didn't say a damn word to me!" 

Everyone jumped. "What?" 

Sungjong looked down, tears splashing onto his shaking hands. "He didn't say anything, he didn't say anything to me. All he said was sorry. On that damn sheet of paper, he didn't say anything but sorry. He listed seven dates. February 18th, March 13th, April 28th, May 5th, June 26th, July 20th." 

He clenched his jaw. "He didn't say anything except for a meaningless list of dates and sorry. Why did he have to do that to me?"

No one said anything. 

The truth is that it wasn't a meaningless string of dates.

Febuary 18th was the day that they had thier biggest fall out, Woohyun and Sungyeol argued while Dongwoo wouldn't stop crying, Hoya tried to comfort him as Sungjong tried to stop the other two from arguing. Sunggyu returned adn didn't do anything about it. What Sunggyu didn't know was that the argument ended when Woohyun accidentally punched Sungjong. March 13th was Myungsoo's birthday, the worst day of thier lives.  April 28th was Sunggyu's birthday, the first time in those many months that they defined that they were truly happy. May 5th was the day they finalized the details to thier new comeback, Dongwoo and Sungjong took a walk  and had found the memorial to Myungsoo along the way. June 26th was the day of their first win and the day that Woohyun saw Myungsoo for the first time. 

July 20th... well that day was four days away. 




Sungjong sat up as Sungyeol's panicked stammers hit his ear. "Sungyeol-hyung?" 

"I-I sa-saw h-him." 

"Saw who? Where are you?" Sungjong grabbed his jacket and started to head out the door. "I'm coming to you okay?"

"H-he was r-righ-t-t th-the-re. I saw him Sungjong-ah. He was right there!" 

Sungjong winced as Sungyeol screamed the last sentance. "Saw who?" Realization hit him. "It's not..." 

"July 20th, Sungjongie. Just like he said." 


"Where could he have gone?" Sungjong asked.

He was out on the streets looking for Myungsoo with Sungyeol. They had been out here wandering around for nearly two hours now. 

"I don't know," Sungyeol said, wringing his hands together. "He was right there. He was talking to a girl and then when he spotted me, he grabbed the girl and ran off." 

Sungjong stopped. "Wait, a girl?" 

Sungyeol looked at Sungjong. "What?" 

He ignored him and looked up at the street signs. "Sungyeol-hyung. This is where Doyeon works." 

Sungjong's phone rang. 

"Yeobeseyo?" Sungjong answered quickly. 

"Hello, I'm looking for a Mr Lee Sungjong." 

Sungjong hesitated. "You have reached him." 

"Hello, I'm a nurse from the Seoul University Hospital." 

Sungjong's heart nearly stopped. "Is it my family?" he racketed his mind for a reason that they would be calling him. 

"You're listed as an emergancy contact for a Mr Kim Myungsoo." 

Sungyeol waved his hand in front of Sungjong's face as Sungjong stopped, his face white as sheet. "What is it?" he whispered but Sungjong didn't hear him.

"Myu-myung-soo?" Sungjong stammered. 

"Yes. I'm afraid we have some bad news." 




This became really long...

The therapy session was a slight fail. Sorry. Really, I felt like I needed to recap everything before this comes to a end.

Well, cliffie!


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Chapter 21: Wait what? Did he... did he just jump off at the end? Nooo... TT^TT You should totally write a sequel where the members find out that he's actually dead and etc.
_Aecha #2
Waaa! ! I really enjoy this story! I'm hsppy to have found it^^ fighting author-nim~~
Chapter 21: What happen to myungsoo?
Chapter 21: This was such a great fanfic! Thanks for sharing ^_^
jenisee_ #5
Chapter 20: omg I loved this fanfic. it was so emotional. pls update the epilogue soon:)
cynthiaaxo #6
Chapter 20: this whole fanfic was amazing!! omg my feels it was so emotional & dramatic
Chapter 20: Loved this update! Of course they would stop him from jumping. Poor Myungsoo. This chapter was so emotional T.T
Chapter 19: I just discovered this story today and you leaveus with an evil cliffhanger. This story is so good.
Chapter 19: Hi author! You updated atlast! I missed this fic, Idk why but the entire time reading this chapter ifnt's "the chaser" keeps playing thru my head. Pls don't kill our bby myungsoo :(((
mskay6790 #10
Chapter 19: Omg!! Did Myungsoo really jump??! I don't want him to die :( Hope you can update soon!