I'll be shirts...

Shirts VS Skins

My sweat dripped on my forehead, causing my bangs to stick to them, but I didn’t care very much. My feet squeaked against the rubber gym floor as I faked a side and jumped and watched as the ball flew the desired path before sinking into the hoop with a swoosh. The guys stood there astounded while I just grinned and took off my hat messing up my hair a little bit before placing it back on. It had taken me forever to get that shot down which won us the game.

“How the hell do you always do that. How many three point shots can you make from different angles?” Minho grumbled grabbing the ball and throwing it across the gymnasium madly. It bounced against the wall before rolling away. Taemin frowned, but went to fetch it like the little puppy he was around Minho.

“You really want to test that?” I asked with a smirk before grabbing the ball from Taemin, who just walked back with it, backing up slowly until I reached the half court and jumped lightly, only using one hand to throw the ball. It hit the backboard loudly, before going into the hoop again.

“Nice A!” Jonghyun said giving me a high five before sticking his tongue out at Taemin and Minho. Minho growled, curling his fists before sighing and releasing them. Jonghyun laughed throwing an arm around my shoulder before talking about the awesome shot that I made. We played basketball together often, two on two, Jonghyun and I against Minho and Taemin. We were like four brothers that hung out all to often. Suddenly a door slammed open and all of our heads turned to a guy in bright purple pants carrying a purse walking angrily towards us with another guy that was clumsily following. I recognized the second guy as Onew, which Minho Taemin and Jonghyun sometimes hung out with. The first guy I had never seen before.

“JONGHYUN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO MEET ME AT THE MALL AN HOUR-…………..who is this?” He asked. Jonghyun’s eyes widen and he slowly dropped his arm around my shoulder. I looked over at him confused, before returning my gaze to the guy in the purple pants before me. It was entirely to hot to be wearing pants outside today. He also looked very girly close up, and he seemed like a diva by the way he was treating one of the nicest people I know.

“Relax Key, this is A.” He replied smoothly. I bowed lightly, causing my hat to fall to the floor. I cursed under my breath, but didn’t let my anger show. I picked it up immediately, but just threw it to the bleachers we were standing next to instead of putting it on. My hair probably looked like a mess, but it was only us six guys so I didn’t mind. I just shook it lightly, letting it fall into my eyes.

“Well what were you just doing with A?” Key asked with a slight frustration in his voice. He seemed a little tense, but maybe he was always like that. I didn’t see us doing anything wrong, sure, Jonghyun was suppose to meet him an hour ago, but can’t he have other friends also? It was probably just an accident.

“Playing basketball?” Jonghyun said slightly confused looking around the gym like it was the most obvious thing in the world, it kind of was. Minho and Taemin snickered, while I just stood there awkwardly. Key huffed and looked me up and down. What was with this guy?

“Aren’t you a little too scrawny to play such a sport?” Key said directed towards me. The place grew quiet for a second. Jonghyun didn’t reply, and Minho and Taemin’s snickering ceased. I looked over at Key with a who do you think you are face. Did he want a fight or something? I was very built for a girl my age and my size and here he goes questioning it?

“I could kick your in basketball any day.” I replied with slight anger in my voice. I was trying to stay calm, and usually I had no problem with staying calm whenever someone said something that offended me, but this kid was really pushing my buttons here. He couldn’t just waltz in here like some diva and expect that I was going to follow his rules.

“Why don’t we test that theory then? Me, Jonghyun and Taemin versus you, Minho and Onew.” He said with a smirk. I weighed my options slightly, Minho was a good player, but I had no idea how good Onew was, or how good this diva was. But I knew I wasn’t going to back down, because I took every challenge given, because I was stubborn to prove myself, but Onew’s eyes seemed to bug out like he had no idea what was going on.

“WAIT, I CAN’T PLAY.” Onew shouted with worry in his voice. Key looked over and gave him a death glare and Onew frowned and sighed figuring there was no way he was going to get out of playing anyway. He joined me slowly and Minho as we stood across Taemin, Jonghyun and Key.

“Don’t worry, neither can he.” I said to Onew which a slight confidence to my voice, which I shouldn‘t have because I had no idea how good this kid was, who snickered. Key then shot me with a death glare and was about to say something, probably along the lines of, ‘WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?’ before Taemin piped up and cut him off.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” He said nervously. Jonghyun nodded and agreed with him, but understood how stubborn I was when it came to winning a challenge. It probably wasn’t a good idea, it didn’t matter which team won this game, either way me and Key weren’t going to leave this gym on good terms.

“How are we suppose to remember who’s on our teams? Usually it’s Taemin and I versus Jonghyun and A.” Minho asked. Key shot a look over at Jonghyun who just shrugged his shoulders. It was an avid question though, because I would probably screw up and pass the ball to Jonghyun, which would be bad.

“We’ll be shirts, you’ll be skins.” Key said with a grin. I looked over at him like he was freaking nuts. He was kidding right?

“Um, you mean you’ll be skins, we’ll be shirts.” I said. Jonghyun and Taemin sat down on the bleachers sighing and watched me and Key go at it again. Minho and Onew didn’t hesitate to join them looking in our general direction with slightly worried faces.

“Why got a problem showing you’re scrawny chest?” He said lifting up my shirt lightly, I could see his eyes widen at my flat stomach and the small four pack I was working on getting to a six pack. I smacked his hand away immediately before he lifted the shirt to high and glared at him. His eyes showed possessiveness, and I wasn’t sure why.

“Are you some kind of ert or something?” I snipped at him. He seemed taken aback for a second, before regaining his composure, still trying to win this idiotic little game of his that I didn’t even want to play. He went back into his little diva mode.

“Please, even though I am gay, there is no way I would be checking you out.” He said with a smirk. Realization dawned on me, he thought I was a guy. Now everything made sense. He liked Jonghyun I‘m guessing, so when he came in and saw his arm around me, he got jealous, which was the reason for the immediate dislike towards me.

“Well see Key, here’s the problem, you wouldn’t be checking me out not only for the reason that “I’m to scrawny” for you’re taste, I’m also a girl, so that automatically rules me out. Now, I’m sorry, I have to go meet my girlfriend, so you can have Jonghyun all to yourself.” I said with a slight smirk. Key’s face paled, the look of shock and embarrassment. Jonghyun’s face was in his hands as he hunched over, while Taemin, Minho and Onew were laughing like there was no tomorrow. I walked over and gave them a smirk before I grabbed my hat and gym bag from the bleachers and walking out of the gym to go meet up this imaginary girlfriend I had apparently. I could here a last statement by Key as I was opening the door.

“That was a chick?”

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Elle_the_Fallen #1
kimhyuraa #2
hahahha that was a chick!!!
SherlocKey #3
“That was a chick?”<br />
<br />
Oh but did Jonghyun like Key back? :O<br />
I hope he does :D LOL. HAHAH Amber xD
JaeDragon #4
hahahahahaha! i can so imagine Key doing that in diva mode xD
LauzieeLoo #5
AHAHAHA! Ooooh gosh that last paragraph was SO satasfying. LMFAO you have GOT to write more like this... ahahaha! LOVE IT
At first I was confused but very good :)
Kimchi_mandu #7
hahaha really good!!!