
The Recognition

"The Recognition"




It was Monday afternoon. What an exhausting day for Gaeul. Early this morning, she headed to the hospital to give Jandi some clothes to change then she went straight to school for her classes. After lunch she went to the photo studio to give her first portfolio for evaluation. And then went back to school to volunteer in the library and continue her remaining classes after.

Currently, she was taking up Child Psychology and on her 3rd year. At the same time she was also taking photography school. The boys had pushed her to enroll because they said 'you can enjoy your hobby more and become a professional at the same time'. She was even provided with a personal tutor and versatile schedule, credits to Woobin. Not only that but she was also an active member of Jiho's medical mission where she helped him and Jandi on handling the kids. And she also made it sure to be constantly present on Junpyo's charity fare either helping in the preparation or a proxy for Jandi. See? She's doing fine, right?


After her class, she was now heading outside of the school building to go home. Halfway through the gates, there were loud screams and unusual commotion. The crowd was too crazy and it worried her a little. Almost everybody was crowding near the parking area. Her curiosity had attracted her towards the commotion but remained at a safe distance. She tiptoed to see what's causing the crowd going gaga. Then she spied a familiar car color. Too familiar that it made her jaw drop and unconsciously brought her hand on .

She gulped hard. "No way. No freaking way." Yah! Chu Gaeul! You need to leave right now. As in NOW!" She immediately shifted her gait and was about to head for the hills.


"Yah! Chu Gaeul, where do you suppose you're going?"


Running would be too obvious so she preferred walking fast. So fast actually, she heard someone calling her name but she ignored it and continued to flee. And then that someone grabbed her left hand enough to make her body twist around.


"And where do you suppose you're going?"


She forced a grin and said "Ehhh... Oppa" almost a whisper. Then she shifted her gaze towards the crowd whose eyes were locked on them. You're so dead, Song Woobin she thought.


"Oh... 안녕하새요! Woobin-ssi!" She said while sliding her hand on his and wiggled it together as if having a handshake with him.


Her action earned a face from Woobin who raised his left eyebrow and prodded his chin towards her. Sly girl he thought. Let's see if you can still sneak away. In a swift he held her hand tightly enough and dragged her towards the now dividing crowd.


Covering her face with her bag was the only thing she could do to save herself from embarrassment and from the piercing eyes of the crowd. Then and there she wanted the earth to open and swallow the whole crowd and Woobin with his stupid attention seeker car. Yes. It's them who she wanted to be eaten up by the ground and not her. She needed to save herself, right?


He opened the car door for her and pushed her inside and in a swift he settled himself on the driver seat. It would have been fine if his car was not a convertible but it was, so she continued covering her face with her bag. It was just great. You're going to pay for this one. No! Later!

Glancing at her still covering her face made him chuckled. Gaeul heard him and gave him a glare in return.


"What?" He asked innocently and he swung her arm down from covering her face. "Don't worry. It's okay, they won't bite". He slid his keys, started the engine and drove off.



Six hours had passed after Jiho had left but there he was, still contemplating on what to do.




After looking at his wrist watch, Jiho stood up from his seat and placed his hands inside the pockets of his lab coat.

"I have to go now, Yi Jeong-ah."


"Oh... Okay." He gave him a smile as his thanks.


Jiho gave him a nod and went straight to open the door not until he glanced back at Yi Jeong.


"She's at my patio, by the way." The way Yi Jeong glanced back at him gave him the impression 'why is she at your patio?' He wanted to laugh but he bit his tongue. Too obvious So Yi Jeong


"I forced her to stay there because nobody uses it." He watched how his friend changed his expression from confusion to realization and back to confusion again. How a simple info about Gaeul could reveal different expressions from his friend amused Jiho. He knew that it was not right to hit a little teasing to the Casanova. Especially now that he realized how much affected Yi Jeong was with Gaeul. I hope I'm wrong


"She stays with Jandi. The patio is nearer to their school than their houses." He saw him relax and nodded and with that he smiled at him then left.




'She's at my patio' It's the nth time now and it keeps on ringing on his ears again and again.


"Just give in now"


"Oh please not again"


"Just give it a try"


"I'm getting crazy"


They're a few meters away from their destination, but she still hadn't said anything to him. She continued looking on the road all through the ride and he knew she's upset about him. Eight years of knowing each other but still she remained the same. She disliked imposing actions that grabbed attention from others, she disliked over the top gifts and treatments, above all she disliked that people misunderstand her friends due to their positions and by being close to her.

Gaeul's afraid that issues might erupt against her friends. Even if she knew they're used to it and could even manipulate it, she was still concerned of their welfares. Maybe that attitude of hers that caused them to became more drawn to her. It's the same attitude that she and Jandi share and maybe their friends found it amusing and genuine.


It is still her. She remained malleable to change just like a metal. But more like water, she can adapt to anything but can also go against everything.

Woobin pulled out the car and parked it in front of the patio. He stepped out of the car to open the door for her. But after he opened it, she remained seated. He knew what it meant she's upset and you need to say something, Song Woobin.


Woobin knew he's defeated and he needed to explain his actions a while ago. He opened the passenger's door fully and signaled Gaeul to move a little. She kindly obliged. He settled himself beside her but with his back facing her side.


"'F4 are such brats. They do things over the top and showing off is just for their entertainment.'" He started. "That was the very first time I heard someone speak her mind too loud for everyone to hear. We know what people think of us especially how we brought ourselves but not a single person had dared to say it out loud. Not one until Jandi. I had thought she's dumb to even say it out loud in front of us. But then later, she became constant in our lives."


Gaeul smiled at the thought.


"But then it was not even enough for her as she dragged another someone into F4's life, which is quite a handful as she. And that someone's first target was F4's Casanova So Yi Jeong." A grin broke into Woobin's face as he remembered how pissed Yi Jeong was that time.


"That was the very first time I saw someone immune to F4 Casanova's charm. ’Are you telling me to tell my friend to stop climbing such a tree because she would only end up suffering? Excuse me! But she's not interested to climb that tree and be played by such stupid brats who find it amusing to play with people's emotion and throw them after like garbage of their disposal.' What a frank and harsh comment coming from such a cute and fragile- looking girl." He paused and turned his head to face her. She too was looking at him at the moment. "Do you know who that someone is?" He asked her.


She simply nodded and then he shifted his sight back on the roadside.


"Princess... I admit we've been like that before but just so you know... we all have change. You and Jandi changed us or more like turn our world upside down and let us see it on both sides with clear eyes. Both for your hard work on changing us has earned your spot into our lives. And the way we treat you is not because we like to toy with your emotions and just be entertained but because... you're special." Looking back at her and locking his gaze on her, he continued.


"You are special. So please don't doubt or worry anymore. "


Gladness was evident on her pretty face as she gave him her honest nod. "But Oppa...” He shook his head to stop her for going on.




"Okay! We're good. So?"


"So?" Heading out of the car and closing its door behind her, she asked.


"I'm hungry so cook for me. And I want to continue watching RED.”


"Oppa we've seen it thrice already, the first time was with Jiho Sunbae who ended up sleeping, the second time was with oh-so-quiet Jandi and the third time was with Junpyo Sunbae who has nearly slammed the TV because it has no subs."


"So, let's just watch it again together."


"No way am I going to watched it the fourth time. Let's just watch A Gentleman's Dignity while you help me with my portfolio. What do you think?'' With her controlling eyes and puppy face, how could he refuse her?


"Arraso" What else could he do?


"Come on'' Here he was again being dragged into another predicament by the recharged hyper active Gaeul.



It's a little late now and backing out was not an option. Here he was on the road heading to that place, hoping to have a tiny chance of seeing her face for a second. He missed her a lot but at the moment seeing her in a second would really make him happy.


"Stop the car here" The driver parked the car a few meters away from the patio.





Woobin was rubbing his hand for comfort, he hissed in pain after she slapped his hand away from her project.


"It's not how you do it, Oppa." Irritation was evident on her face. Immediately, she slapped his hand away when she saw him placing glitters on top of the pasted photo. She couldn’t believe he had just sprinkled glitters randomly on her project.


"You told me to help right? I wanted it to look cute that's why i sprinkled it..."


"You're doing it wrong. And it will look dirty if you do it that way." Her hands were already on her hips and her lips were formed into thin line. Gaeul was upset, again.

With nothing left to do, Woobin just lowered his dead and pouted. F4's Don Juan and the renowned Prince of Underground had no power against the tiny Chu Gaeul. All his life being with girls he had never acted so under them but not with Gaeul, also Jandi. Both of them have the vibe of superiority over males even with their tiny built.


Seeing the distress into his face, Gaeul suddenly felt guilty on slapping and nagging at him. It was her suggestion for him to help her with her project. And what he did was just to make the project pretty and cute but with his not so artistic hands, all the effort he gave will never look that presentable.


"I'm sorry, Oppa."


He shut his head to look at her then found her twisting the helm of her blouse. Guilt is clearly seen on her face and Woobin felt guiltier about it. Mood swing so suddenly


"Gaeul-ah, it's my fault. I'm sorry." But she remained looking guilty.


Standing up from his seat he made a way towards her. Then he extends his hand and lifts her chin to face him. "Let's move on with it, okay?" She looked back at him and smiled slightly.


"How about let's eat some ice cream before I went home?"


With that he dragged her out of the house.



Three hours went by but he stayed there patiently waiting to have a glimpse of her. The lights at the porch were suddenly , at that time the person he badly wanted to see emerged from the front gate.




They said 'blessings for those who wait'. But it's more than a blessing for Yi Jeong to just see her in a second. For how long he had not laid his eyes on her, he would be happy to even see the tip of her hair.



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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!