Yoowon (Forevermore)

The Recognition

A/n: Happy reading! You've reached the end chapter! Thank you very much Guys! Hope to hear from you :D God bless you!

Warning!: Super long chapter ahead :D hehehe



Yoowon (Forevermore)


The sound of Gaeul's laughter was ringing around the corners and although he was some kind of disappointed, he had no heart to get upset of her. Slowly, Yi Jeong composed himself and let his wife laugh at his expense.


"Stop now Gaeul-yang." He uttered in a low, slightly embarrassed tone.


His brows were furrowed together. And sensing his embarrassment, Gaeul stopped laughing and hugged Yi Jeong tightly. "I'm sorry", she apologized.


Her husband returned the hug, took her hand and intertwined their fingers together. "Let's just sleep, okay?" He said as she nodded.


Gently, Yi Jeong dragged his wife along and towards their dim lit room. At a second, he noticed Gaeul was tugging him, gesturing him to pause in a while. "Jongie, I need to tell you something. I... I'm just kidding." Gaeul said, smiling sheepishly at him.


"It's okay. Let's just sle-ee--p." At first, he did not actually comprehend what she had uttered, until Gaeul dropped her head, flushes of red were on her cheeks. "What did you say?" Yi Jeong whipped back at his wife when the thought came to him.


Gaeul sighed a little, "I said. I was just kidding a while ago. I... I don't have it now."


In a blink of an eye, Yi Jeong's expression changed from sulking to bright. And Gaeul noticed how Yi Jeong's hands were in her shoulders, all of a sudden.


"Really? You were just kidding a while ago? That you don't really have it now?" Yi Jeong couldn't explain how happy he was when he saw her nod her head.


"But... But you said it's okay and that we're sleeping already... " And there it hit him, her trail on her words - she was teasing him and had laughed at his silliness a while ago.


Huh! You're such an evil sometimes, he thought.


But Yi Jeong, knowing it all, has no plan on backing out. Even if his wife had laughed at his expense and more that she didn't have that period he hate. With a glint of mischief, Yi Jeong pushed the surprised Gaeul until her back was rested against the hard wall. With both his hands on each side of her, he trapped Gaeul in. And in response to his sudden change of mood, Gaeul gulped, thinking about what's running inside Yi Jeong's head.


"Tell me. Tell me my dear evil wife why did you decide to abort your act? Hmm?" He asked in a low husky voice while bringing his face just an inch away from Gaeul, making her look at him straight in the eyes.


"It's... it's because..."


To Gaeul's disbelief, Yi Jeong brought his face even lower that his lips were just a centimeter away from hers, and if she decided to move, they will touch. Gaeul lowered her head even more that her chin had touched her clavicle, still, Yi Jeong followed.


"Yi Jeong-ah... I can't breathe." The words came out to her like a whisper.


However, her husband did not move an inch; instead he gently blew at her neck which caused cascading goose bumps all over her body. Gaeul had then realized that it's not good to make some teasing on her husband, especially when it's about their weeding night. Though her husband never mentioned anything to her, she knew he had been looking forward for it. She shouldn't have stained his pride an ego a while ago because it was taking a toll at her.


Yi Jeong didn't like to taunt his wife up until what he was doing, but his pride wouldn't give in. He needed to at least make her feel uneasy for him to call it a draw. His evil wife had laughed at his tantrums and it stained his status as a patient husband. Did she know how much he had endured just to have her his and then she would just laugh at him?


Gaeul was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Her breathing had turned shallow and her heart was accelerating for the close proximity of Yi Jeong. This will not end if you insist to be as stubborn as your husband. With a small sigh, Gaeul was left with no choice but to deal with her childish husband.


Yi Jeong's eyes widened in surprise when his wife held his face and kissed him. It wasn't what he had expected; he had thought of her to slap his arm or pushed him away from her. But his wife had become bold and kissed him sweetly.


He closed his eyes as he let himself get lost with her innocent and gentle kisses, and then suddenly, she stopped. With his eyes remained close, he felt her lips again, but then pressed on his cheeks, then his nose, then his eyes and then back to his lips again for a soft chaste.


"There, there I'm sorry." He heard her say. And as he opened his eyes, she showed him her guilty looking face and her cute pout. By that Yi Jeong concluded that his teasing was enough and that his wife had surrendered for a draw. A small sigh of defeat graced in his lips, well, in the end, he could not resist her.


Gaeul saw how Yi Jeong loosened, gave her enough distance to breathe, but also noticed that his arms were still against the wall, trapping her. "I guess we're even then." It wasn't a question, it was a statement directly given to her by her husband. "Gaeul-yang, if you're not ready just say so... I will never force you. I'm willing to wait. And I'm... sorry for being so immatu..."


"Shhh" She stopped him and placed her fingers on his lips to prevent him from speaking. "It's my fault no need to apologize." Gaeul uttered in soft and sweet tone.


Abruptly, Gaeul tiptoed, closed their gap and kissed him again shortly. "What was that for?" Yi Jeong asked, stunned by the boldness in his wife.


"You don't like it? Okay, so let's just sleep."


Her way of speaking sound nonchalant, it wasn't direct, yet it's her way of being open and bold towards him. And before she could even push him away, with furrowed brows and confused face, Yi Jeong had trapped her back to her previous spot.


"Tell me that you mean what you said." He wanted to clarify her remark to confirm what he had understood.


"I mean what I mean, but you're not anymore interes..."


In a flash Yi Jeong claimed her lips after she had failed to ratify her claims.


"I am! I am interested!" He exclaimed after the kiss which made Gaeul chuckled.


"You're such an impatient brat, So Yi Jeong." Gaeul stated as he gave her another peck on the lips.


"Only to you my wife. I love you so much, Bumpkin.사랑해." She giggled at his confession before Yi Jeong shushed her with a searing kiss.




Drowning himself as she too went lost with him in a place that both of them only knew. A secret place reserved just for the two of them. Within each other’s world, ready to consume the chance they both had anticipated. He locked her into his arms not wanting her to escape anymore.


Yi Jeong ravished Gaeul's lips, making it flush red, it was sweet and the craving was irresistible to wanting more. With a playful smirk, Yi Jeong bit her plum lower lip, part it a little to which she had acceded. With an utmost respect he gently savored his wife's mouth as he went to explore it.


Gaeul tightened her hand around his neck when she felt Yi Jeong claiming whole while his tongue was doing its wonders. Everything went fuzzy and swirling in her head. Gaeul's knees turned weak and she could barely stand on her own - it seemed as if her feet weren't supporting her anymore.


Her immediate need to catch some breath was a failure because Yi Jeong's kisses kept her in. Being clueless on how to properly respond to her husband's consuming kisses, Gaeul went mimicking his act, as she tried her best to return what he had given her.


Yi Jeong couldn't help, but gave a sound of delight the moment he felt her responding to his kisses with eagerness. Just by that kiss he realized the reason to why he couldn't get enough of his wife. It's because she haven't unravel everything to him yet. Her innocence and pureness intrigues him so much that he wanted to patiently wait as he slowly cast down her secrets, one by one.


Yi Jeong reluctantly left and gaze at his wife lovingly while gasping for air. Her hair was all messed up; some strands were sticking on her delicate blushed face. The lips that turned him an addict were all swollen from his kisses. How could she look even more beautiful? Seeing Gaeul's face void as the soft light from the room brushed gently against her skin, Yi Jeong was in awe of how divine she looked.


Gaeul slowly opened her eyes and saw Yi Jeong gazing back at her. She felt his fingers touched her face as he leisurely caressed it. Yi Jeong's eyes were fixed on hers and it was showing those wide glints of love and passion.


How could he be blessed with such a perfect and beautiful wife wherein the past, all he had done were crush other women's heart? Yi Jeong couldn't help but ask and the answer came rushing through him without second thoughts. He loves her as much she loves him and from the very beginning she was meant to be for him. Although his past carried hurtful and unwelcoming memories, God had planned it even before to send and give Gaeul to him, so she could heal and fix him.


"I love you so much."


"I love you too."


If the moment wasn't so intimate, she would just have hit his chest and utter an 'Owwss?!' before she would say 'I love you'. But then, the moment had won over her, making her bold to answer him lovingly. She pulled him closer and kissed him again. Gaeul wanted to show Yi Jeong that she meant every single word she uttered and that there were still a lot more thoughts in her mind for him that could only be deliver nonverbally.




Gaeul's mind was clouded with all the thoughts she have of him that the next thing she noticed was a soft and smooth surface against her back. Yi Jeong had blindly guided her towards the king size bed and with liberty, lifted and laid her down, under him. She felt herself being pushed a little more towards that soft surface as a heavy weight covered her.


Him over her, his lips still claiming hers and his gifted hands slowly making its way to clear off the straps of her negligee, exposing her soft and delicate shoulders. Leaving her lips, Yi Jeong trailed kisses down Gaeul's neck and to her bare shoulders, eliciting a shiver from her. Her lavender scent became more prominent in his nostrils that he had settled there. It was that scent that's driving Yi Jeong crazy, turning him more curious of her.


He traced kisses up, just below her jaw and blew gently, before nibbling her earlobe, causing a soft moan to escape from her sweet lips. Gaeul pulled some strands of his hair in response. Trailing back on his previous spot, he parted her lips again while he held on both her straps and gradually pulled down the silk covering, until it revealed the only two most intimate clothing she have. 


He halted on his spot and let his eyes wonder over her. Gaeul's such a beauty to behold to. With her soft delicate skin, angelic face and the mind blowing body that he never imagined she actually have. Yi Jeong had given in and let his eyes marveled on those teasing mounds which was studded with tiny y moles. They were perfectly covered and he was so tempted to release and feel them in that instant. He's damn sure that those mounds would fit his hands perfectly.


His gaze then wandered down to Gaeul's tiny waist and flat belly that had discrete trace of muscle bump. For someone who eats a lot, Gaeul was being unfair to have such body wherein fact she's too lazy to even jog. Yi Jeong was totally amazed. And then his musing had caught the sight of those honey thighs which he the most. God! He really loves fleshy and rounded thighs.


With Yi Jeong leaning at his right, he allowed his left hand to travel at Gaeul's back, feeling the deep curve that would slide down to those perfect behind. Oh! Those perfect #8 of her which he couldn't keep his eyes away every time she's wearing jeans or body hugging dresses.


Please don't accuse him of being a ert, imagining lustful pictures of his wife because he's just an alpha male that knows what's great to see in a woman's body. His woman's body. And at least it's his wife who he lusts for, right?


Yi Jeong was nothing but in awe of how Gaeul look with all her glory. She's devastatingly making his hormones rise extremely high and turning him on even more, unable to deny how the sight of her was causing his pants to tighten. Of course, even though she still got her pieces of clothing barely covering her body, but seeing just the reflection of her was enough to make Yi Jeong lose control.


"God you're so beautiful!"


Gaeul's hands had went and grabbed some strands of Yi Jeong's hair when he kissed her again with the sense of urgency - consuming her whole and teasing her with that playful tongue of his. He heard her mumbled something and noticed her being responsive to him, Yi Jeong was almost drowning.


Arching his torso a little, giving a slight gap between them, Yi Jeong pulled Gaeul with him as he sat on the bed while she straddled on him. "Take it off", he whispered against her lips as he took both her hands and guided them on removing his shirt and then his belt. He was holding her hands firmly, enough to keep it from shaking. His shirt was cleared away and when his belt was out he guided her hands up, placed them against his chest, and pushed her down the bed again while he made his way out his lower garments.


To his amusement, Gaeul's eyes shot open, looking straight at his face drawing down to his torso and to his abdomen. She gasped at the sight of him in flesh. He could fell her gaze boring straight at him, those gazes that could shoot holes and even beam up to the dresser behind him.


With a playful smirk he . "Am I that good looking?" Yi Jeong asked, only to feel the surge of blood flow going right there south when he saw her smirk then bit her lower lip. ! She looked so innocent and so y at the same time that it made him swallow hard, causing his Adam's apple to move up and down against the thin skin of his neck. And if that wasn't enough as a surprise, Gaeul then became a little bold and pulled his neck as she sealed him close into her kisses.


She was kissing him, acting oblivious of her own feelings. Gaeul had diverted her attention from her frenzied heart and total nervousness to kissing while caressing her husband's . She could feel him shudder in her touch and hear him groan from her kisses as she traced her fingers from his chest down his toned abdomen. She couldn't explain why she's feeling such surge of emotions drowning her more and more. His touch and his lips, Yi Jeong was driving her euphoric to the point wherein she couldn't even control her own hands not to deepen her nails on Yi Jeong's back or clutch the sheet covers of the bed as she bite her lips preventing herself from going crazy.


He heard her gasp an audible sound between his kiss when his hand traced her upper garment. Leaving her lips again, Yi Jeong had trailed below, kissing her moles down to the inner edge of her lacy brassier. His other hand went to her back, unhooking her bra, and then slowly pulling it down using his teeth while he allowed his other free hand to feel the mounds of flesh alone.


"Yi Jeong-ah!"


Damn! That voice!


That lazy, low, husky and almost breathless voice he badly wanted to hear again. Yi Jeong reacted almost like a lightning bolt. His skin broke into goose flesh while his whole body warmed up. Gaeul's voice, depending on her mood, has different effects on him. And he could testify that what he just heard was a cut above the rest. He loves the way she utter his name in that voice. Yi Jeong pushed her hard against the bed, and claimed her lips again, groaning on her fiery touch and tiny protests.


Can he still hold on to reality?


While Yi Jeong was focusing his attention on those perky fleshes, he felt Gaeul's hand holding his wrist as if reprimanding him of his acts, but he pulled it off and placed it back against his chest. He wanted her to know how much crazy she could turn his heart into and how much love and sincerity it holds for her.


His heart was beating insanely between her palms and then she felt her heart's current pace doubled in response. Is this how it feels? Being loved by the person you love and creating what is best out of that love?


Her thoughts were then again cutoff as she felt Yi Jeong lips tracing down her neck, then down her chest. Her nails dug deep on his when his lips stared claiming those sensitive peaks, a moan escaping from her lips. Gaeul jerked after curving her back against the mattress gasping for air. Gaeul was near meltdown, feeling something warm flood all over her body.


His hands wondered on her soft curves and chasing them with trail of sweet kisses as he was moving down, his hand stiffened on its act when it reached her flat belly. He knew that if he'd continue, he would be feeling her last remaining garment and would be ready to take it off from her, but he didn't know if she'd allow him to do so. Towering over her, Yi Jeong gazed back at her with worried expression.


"Gaeul... I..." He felt her fingers on his lips, stopping his thoughts.


"I know. It's okay."



With no more barriers hindering and flesh met the flesh. Both of them could only sigh at the feeling of their skin against each other, getting their senses overly excited at the touch that's almost burning. For how long he had abstained for such a routine, only God knows.  Oh yes! Four years abroad and another year in his homeland. A total of five years, six months and four days of celibacy to be exact. Yi Jeong could not even believe that he had lasted that long. Amazingly, the call for bodily desire had suppressed because the will had plastered the caution, bribing him that everything's worth the wait making things run natural to normal. However, this was way too far from the entire suppression, since the intimacy was vigorously chipping him down that being lost in control scare the hell out of him.


Yi Jeong was holding unto his last string of control before he let go of his grasp of reality. Keeping her warm as he covered her with his own ness, Gaeul's breathing spiked up when she felt him shifting her position, carefully imposing his dominance.


"Gaeul, honestly... I don't think I can keep myself anymore if... I would go any further. Just tell me to stop now because I'm not going to force you if you don't want to." Gaeul saw Yi Jeong looking at her with worries clearly drawn all over his face and she couldn't help but feel valued and loved by him. She reached for his face and pulled him closer for a sweet chaste.


"This is something bound to happen between us..." Her fingers traced his lips. "I trust you", she uttered honestly.


Gaeul pulled him back into her arms, claiming Yi Jeong, hers again. She was giving him the permission to own her whole and his. Letting him feel how much she appreciates the love and respect he have for her. She had responded equally to what he does to her and to have her in his arms, after all the things they went through before was beyond his imagination. It's exhilarating to be covered with her kisses; the unexplained heat sensation from her touch that pierced down his bones, surprisingly pleasurable to his entire senses.


Yi Jeong was dreading at the edge of insanity.




Yi Jeong whispered to her when he settled himself and with the utmost respect, he gently eased his way in. Gaeul shut her eyes as the pain went piercing her from the inside. The pain was beyond what she had ever expected. Her tears went streaming down her cheeks as she made herself get used to the pain while he had remained immobile on top of her, seeing her tearing up from discomfort.


"Honey, please look at me?" Yi Jeong dried her tears with his kisses and almost reluctantly, he saw his wife open her eyes gazing back at him.


"I'll make the pain go away. I promise..."


She grabbed him into her embrace and clung to his promise. He kissed her forehead before having her lips again, showing his selfless love with his own art. Yi Jeong initiated the act and guided his dear wife through, patiently fulfilling his promise to erase the discomfort and replaced it with euphoric feeling which both of them had reached together.


"I love you so much." He tirelessly confessed, kissing her softly and sweetly.


Thus, they both consumed their first milestone as husband and wife.


Him, who made his hands, marveled to every part of her body, memorizing every detail, eagerly giving her his attention as he opened her eyes to avow the love that he's giving her solely in a dance with exquisite rhythm made just by both of them.


And she, who had innocently learned the newly taught art, imprinted every detail in her memory and kept that certain familiarity she has with him while securing it firmly as she acknowledged being one with the man she loves.



Reaching for the other side of the bed, blindly feeling if the other person was still present, only to feel a pillow placed securely at her side. Gaeul's eyes creek open, slowly adjusting to the bright light coming from the outside. She folded up in a sitting position and raised her arms up to stretch like a lazy cat. She got out of bed, took the comforter to tuck its edges neat under the bed then lightly patted the pillows dust free before placing them back against the headboard.


Gaeul held her head up to check the glass clock, it was still six AM in the morning, enough time for her to prepare. Making her way to her dresser, she pulled a drawer open and got her hair brush. She kept her black and shiny hair neat before pulling it into a chignon. Right after fixing herself in front of the mirror, her muscle memory led her to the walk-in closet where she grabbed a pair of casual clothes. She decided to get a baby blue polo shirt, white trousers, a white handkerchief and a white pair of socks. Carrying it gently, preventing the clothes for getting crumpled as she one by one laid it on top of the bed then went back at the closet again to have herself a dress to change and another one to be worn later.


Gaeul closed the closet properly and laid her dress on the other side of the bed. She grabbed a towel and a robe at the bedside drawer and went inside the bathroom. A few minutes later, she emerged out from the walk-in closet dressed in a modest white dress which she loves to wear when at home. It says fifteen minutes before seven AM and she decided to go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. She was glad that she didn't need to cook a lot. Her parents had come to visit yesterday leaving the fridge packed with homemade dishes.


She took some beef curry and placed it on the table while she reached for some onions and garlic at the spices' basket. Gaeul wanted to make some beef curry rice, scrambled eggs, some ham and sausages and have a freshly made orange juice. She whipped the breakfast ready within thirty minutes before she decided to go upstairs.


Now where is that man?



There was a warm and tiny hand that had touched his face while slightly tapping it, but then he pretended to be fast asleep. The hand has now traveled down his chest, pulling his shirt lightly, yet he did not even stir, until Yi Jeong felt a pair of lips brushing against his cheek. That was enough to wake him fully out of his pretense. He smiled lightly, but his eyes remained close and even tighter after he felt being poked by a finger. There were also tentative footsteps coming nearer before he heard the door went open. Yi Jeong did not dare move on his spot and had shut his eyes even tighter, simply knowing the person who just went inside the room.


It has been two and a half years since their marriage and just this later six months she had notice a change in him. Whenever he's at home, away from his business deals abroad, she would usually wake up with a pillow beside her. She would sleep undisturbed all through the night while he sneaks out from their room. And like any other day in those six months, Gaeul would always find her husband sleeping inside someone else's place.


"So Yi Jeong?"


She made a few steps towards her sleeping husband and patted his chest lightly. "Honey? It’s already seven fifteen; you need to wakeup up, Jeongie?" Gaeul felt a tiny hand mimicking her gesture, surprised to see that she had woken first. She smiled lovingly at the little thing who had now sat on her bottom, tapping her hand on Yi Jeong's chest while poking his eyes with her free fingers.


"Yoowon, don't poke Daddy's eyes."


Gaeul reprimanded, her finger wiggling in front of their six month old daughter who responded to her with an incomprehensible gabbling. She was too preoccupied with her daughter's gabbling that she failed to prepare herself when Yi Jeong suddenly pulled her in.




She exclaimed, and landed on her husband's chest. It was too abrupt that she failed to register that mischievous grin Yi Jeong made. To her surprise, Gaeul felt her husband, wound his arms around her immediately. And although startled with her mother's voice, the little chubby bundle, plastered a bright face as she smiled, seeing her parents cramped in the bed with her.


"Yah! Yi Jeong!" She nudged him, but her ogling husband had buried his head on her nape.


"Let's sleep more." Yi Jeong uttered in a raspy voice.


Gaeul slapped his chest lightly and tried to push her body out from his embrace, but Yi Jeong tightened his hold ending up for Gaeul being caged by him.


"Yah! Yi Jeong!" She hit him once more, a little harder than the first one.


"Yah!" A tiny voice came, followed with a slapping hand over Yi Jeong's torso.


"Yah! Yah! Neeey... Jooong! Yah!" Yoowon started again. Yi Jeong abruptly opened his eyes and looked at Gaeul who's gazing back at Yoowon with so much amusement.


"Ahhney... Hannney up up!" It was another statement from their daughter and the couple smiled.


"She calls me Honey! Hon, she said 'Honey', right?" Yi Jeong held Gaeul's face making her turn to him while he grinned at her. Both sat up and faced their daughter who sported a blank expression looking back at them.


"Strawberry, please say 'Daddy'."


Yi Jeong gazed at his daughter who tilted her head and pouted. She would always remind him of his wife when she's thinking. He loves looking at her chubby cheeks and brown round doe eyes which she got from her Gaeul. Yi Jeong would never fail and brag about how beautiful her daughter is, with her shiny hair, beautiful face and white smooth skin. Gaeul would also tell him that Yoowon resemble him a lot than her, except from her cheeks and eyes and that he wouldn't deny.


"Say Daddy, Strawberry", he said again.


Yoowon opened her tiny mouth and pointed her finger to Gaeul. "Mom! Mom! Ahhney up up!" She yelled with enthusiasm and Gaeul clapped her hands and cupped her daughter's face, feeling her soft blushing cheeks against her palms.


"Aigoo, our Strawberry calls Mommy. How about Daddy? Come on Strawberry, say 'Daddy'." She urged Yoowon.


"Dada?... Dad up up! Ahhney!?"


The couple laughed and clapped their hands happily, hearing their baby speak in coherence at a very young age was amazing. "Wow! Very good! Daddy's Strawberry is so smart!" Yi Jeong hoisted his daughter and kissed her cheeks. "She smells like a freshly baked cake." He uttered, kissing and sniffing the chuckling baby that made Gaeul laugh heartily. They had some moment of playing and tickling until Yoowon crawled towards her mother, surrendering from her hyper father.


"I think she had enough of you." Gaeul laughed looking at her husband who's been wiping his forehead from sweat. She took a towel and dab her daughter's back and changing her into another set of shirt.


"Hey! By the way, you did not wake me up last night." She stated after the having Yoowon in her arms. Her husband had sneaked behind, hugging her and resting his chin just behind her shoulder.


"You seem so tired and I don't want to wake you up." He answered, brushing his lips against Gaeul shoulder.


"Hmm, thank you! I did sleep well." Gaeul responded gratefully while allowing Yoowon to lean on her shoulder.


The baby cooed seeing Yi Jeong, she was peeking on Gaeul's shoulder, face to face with her Dada. Yoowon suddenly chuckled, seeing Yi Jeong making faces as she reached and poke his nose. He did the same to the baby - poking her nose, but Yoowon grabbed his finger and was about to put it on . Yi Jeong laughed again at his daughter's expression - her eyes so wide when he started to wiggle the finger she's been holding.


"You two can play later. You need to take a bath now Honey, so we can have breakfast because we can't afford to be late at Minho's party."


"Oh? Daddy's taking a bath first. Bye bye!"


Yi Jeong stood up from the bed and shuffled Yoowon's hair which naturally returned to its previous state.


"Hon?" He called while shuffling in his slippers, Gaeul turned to her husband with an expectant look.


"Hmm?" She asked and saw Yi Jeong step back beside her.


He bent a little and brought his face near hers, before sealing the gap between them. With wide and curious eyes, Yoowon looked at her parents with a very happy expression. The kiss was short, yet sweet ending with peck on Gaeul's forehead.


"I just forgot to say 'Good morning'!" Gaeul smiled at Yi Jeong sweetly.


"Good morning too! But you really need to go now before Junpyo send a chopper to fetch us." She literally pushed Yi Jeong out of the room, because he seemed reluctant of leaving them.




"Cat! Want cat, Dad! Draw cat!"


Junpyo tightened his grip on the pencil; he was trying so hard to draw a cat which ended up into another scribbling disaster.


"That's not a cat, Dad. I want a cat!"


"It is a cat."


"No, it's not!"


Before his last string of patience snapped out, Junpyo raised both of his hand surrendering to his two year old son. "I give up! I can't draw that cat you want."


His son scrunched his face and turned back to her observant mother. "Mom? Dad can't do it...!"


Feeling that it's her time to intervene, Jandi handed the little Jinhye to his mother, Minsoe. "Minho, Dad isn't that good at arts and you can't force him to draw a perfect cat. Why don't we wait for Uncle..."


"Oh? Yi Jeong! Yi Jeong!"


Junpyo instantly glided his way to his best friend, wiggling a pencil in front of Yi Jeong, who covered his daughter's ear from Junpyo's loud voice. "Thank God you weren't late! I need you so badly. Now, draw me a cat."


Yi Jeong pointed at himself a bit confused on Junpyo's request.


"He's asking you to draw a cat for Minho." Woobin -in while gently snatching the sleeping Yoowon from Yi Jeong.


"Ah... Arraso!"


Junpyo grinned at Yi Jeong when he saw him snatch the pencil and went towards the table sitting beside Jiho and Minsoe. He greeted the couple and pinched the cheeks of the little Jinhye. Jiho instantly swiped away Yi Jeong's hands, who habitually pinch his son's cheeks.


"Yi Jeong-ah! Yah! Jinhye's cheeks are red!"


Jiho reprimanded, but the doer just ignored his statement.


"Yah! If you want to have boys then make your own and don't pinch my son's cheeks every time you see him."


"My strawberry is still young and sorry I can't help. Well in fact you too do that to my Strawberry." Yi Jeong pointed out. "It's not my fault you got a cute looking son. Right Minsoe?" He stated, raising his brow to his best friend who did not retort hearing a compliment for his son.


"He took your compliment, Yi Jeong." Minsoe uttered making Yi Jeong and Jandi who returned and sat across him, chuckled.


"Mianhe Sunbea. He really doesn't know how to draw anything for his son." Jandi smiled at Yi Jeong in an apologetic way, feeling a bit embarrassed about how immature his husband is, even after becoming a father.


"It's okay, Jandi. I know that for so long."


"By the way, where is Gaeul?"


"She's..." He whipped his head towards the entrance point. "There she is. She just made a call back home." Jandi nodded her head and stood up to greet her best friend.


"Oh? Gaeul, you didn't visit me at the hospital yesterday! You promised me!"


"Mianhe Jandi, I forgot to tell you that Umah and Appa will be coming home yesterday..."


"Aunt Gaeul!"


Minho, the seemingly tall for his age curly haired kid with bright round eyes and pretty face yelled out loud, as he noticed Gaeul walking inside the living room and talking to his mother.


"Where is Yoowonie?!'' He asked in a loud voice, missing the sight of his favorite girl who's asleep in Woobin's arm. Suddenly hearing her name being called, Yoowon scrambled awaked on Woobin's arms which the later immediately a peace.


"Yah! Minho-yah, don't shout. You had woken up Yoowon." A neat charming boy with brown doe eyes and cheeky smile, Woonri, reprimand Minho, while pointing to the then awake Yoowon, who was still clinging on his father's arms.


"Oh?! Yoowonie!" Minho excitedly skidded his way towards Woobin. "Uncle, put Yoowonie down floor." He asked Woobin still having a hard time on his words.


"Uncle Woobin cannot put little Yoowon down the floor, Minho." Minsoe said to the kid as she settled her four month old son on Jiho's lap.


"Ah okay! I play with her later Auntie... Woonri hyung!" Minho spun on his feet calling Woonri who went to the kitchen where his mother Jaekyung was, the drawing he had asked totally forgotten.


"Aigoo! Uri Jinhye is so healthy." Gaeul complemented the little bundle who was seated comfortably on Jiho's lap. She then hugged Minsoe and sat beside Jiho while brushing her fingers on Jinhye's smooth cheeks.


"Can I hold him?" She asked and Jiho nodded instantly.


"Of course. Here you go." Jiho gently handed his son to the giddy Gaeul who held the child carefully.


"Ah... How is our Jinhye doing? Huh?" The baby cooed happily to her as she granted him a kiss on the cheeks. "Do you know that you look like you mommy? Hmm?" Gaeul went on, talking to the angelic half-moon shape eyed baby and not noticing how Yoowon had pouted seeing her mother being affectionate with the little Jinhye.


Holding the pouting little princess, it was Woobin who first noticed how Yoowon had scrunched her face while sporting an adorable pout. He let out a laugh, earning the attention of the kid who was then looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. A bit alarmed, Woobin signaled Jiho, pointing at Gaeul and then looking back at the adorable Yoowon.


It was a relief that Jiho was fast to grab the message. He tapped Gaeul's shoulder and then pointed at Yoowon. "I think she's kind of jealous with my boy, Gaeul-ah." Jiho chuckled and gently hoisted his son from Gaeul's arms.


"I just think so too." Discreetly laughing with Jiho and Minsoe, Gaeul later stood up and went to Woobin.


"Look at how that kid mature so fast. She knows how to show her jealousy." Minsoe said to her husband who gladly nodded his head before laughing.


"I just know where she inherited that." Jiho pointed at Yi Jeong who's making some finishing touch on his drawing. The couple shared a laugh, both agreeing to Jiho's conclusion.


"She's dying of jealousy." Woobin grinned widely at Gaeul. He's totally amused on the display of expression on Yoowon's face.


"Be careful on what you say Oppa. She have the tendency to get whiny if she feels being talked about." Gaeul uttered in a whisper to Woobin.


"Ow! Just like the father. So much like the father." He stated while laughing that also made Gaeul laugh. As both Woobin and Gaeul were suppressing their mirth, Yoowon looked at them, blinking her eyes several time.


"Look at her. Aigoo! This kid is really something." Woobin tapped Yoowon's nose, which the latter had scrunched.


"Told you so, Oppa." Gaeul raised her arms and taking her daughter from Woobin.


At the meantime, there was a loud announcement that caught every one's attention. "Oh! Food is already!"


Jaekyung emerged from the dining hall, smiling in excitement as she made her way to Gaeul with Woonri and Minho trailing behind her and Jandi. "Oh my, my cute Yoowon." She kissed her pink cheek. "Grow up more beautiful and lovely, okay? I'd love to see you with my Woonri." She stated frankly causing Woobin's eyes to bulge out of its sockets, even Junpyo and Jandi had some misgivings at the thought, while Jiho and Minsoe was partly amused by Jaekyung's statement.


"Unnie!" Gaeul exclaimed.


"Yoowonie is mine, Aunt Jaekyung!"


"Minho, Yoowon is not a thing."


"But Woonri hyung!"


"My Strawberry is not going to be anybody else’s' girl. My goodness, she's just six months old!" Yi Jeong sighed in frustration hearing the remarks of Jaekyung and the kids. And an echoing laughter had bounced all throughout the corner after Yi Jeong's statement.


"All right! Kids and adults let's stop this commotion. All proceed to the dining hall." It was Junpyo who stood in the middle to settle the crowd.


"Neh!" Everyone exclaimed sounding like bunch of toddlers as they all stood and went towards the directed place.


As the entire crowd head straight to the dining hall, Gaeul made her way beside Yi Jeong. "Don't take it too seriously Honey. Unnie is just joking." Gaeul wrapped her hand around Yi Jeong's arm.


He did not respond to his wife in an instant, he was too engrossed watching his Strawberry on Jaekyung's arms being hovered by Minho and Woonri. Yi Jeong had thank God the Jiho's son; Jinhye isn't capable of sticking at his daughter yet. "I don't think Jaekyung is joking, Honey." Gaeul stifled a laugh seeing her husband's scrunched face, filled with all worries. 


"Aigoo! I can just imagine you building your walls around your daughter when she grows up. Don't be such a jealous dad... Yoowon is still a baby."


"I'm not!"


"Yes you are and your daughter is learning to act like you when she's jealous and upset."


"She does?"




"Dada! Up up!"


The chatter went silent, all heads whipped to the little thing comfortably sitting on Jeakyung's lap.


"Haneeey! Up up!" Yoowon raised her arms towards her father asking him to carry her.


"Arasso." Yi Jeong said, gently making his way towards her. "Did you miss me already?" He asked after lifting Yoowon and kissing her pink chubby cheeks.


"Haneeey...!" She said, cooing to her father.


All the while, Junpyo had watched the interaction between Yoowon and Yi Jeong, suddenly feeling envious of how a gentle baby girl could be affectionate to her father.


"Yah! Yeobo, let's make a baby girl." He said to Jandi who abruptly hit his shin under the table.


"Yah! You're so inappropriate! The kids are here."


At the right end of the long table Woonri turned to his father, tilted his head and asked, "Pap? How do you make a baby?"




Woobin looked at Jeakyung and back to his son, Woonri. His wife shook her head rigorously as if telling him to just pass through the question. Woobin held Woonri's shoulders smiling awkwardly before he diverted his attention to the Shinwa leader.


"Yah! You Gu Junpyo!"




Later in the day, the couple had retreated back at their home. Minho's party was a little exhausting, specially having hyper kids around, humping, yelling and while the adults had kept them on their toes. Still, it was one endearing and special gathering.


Yi Jeong was seated in his office chair; he was in his workplace at home, checking some papers for Woo Seung renovation. As he was about to reach a folder, when his eyes traveled on the set of photos neatly arranged on his working table. An unscratched smile broke into his lips as he took and feel the glass of the frame brushing against his fingers. It was the very first photo he had placed on top of his table, ever since he could remember. The very first photo he and his wife had after they learned that they're going to be parents. It was a four dimensional ultrasound result of his wife who was two weeks pregnant at that time.




She was busy doing her lesson plan, face fixed on the laptop's screen. It was Saturday morning and he had expected to see her relaxing and taking some rest, howbeit she's already working her early in the morning. Yi Jeong scrunched his face, looking at her while lying on his chest on top of their bed.


Sleep had failed to visit him last night, his biological clock was disturbed by the four days of staying in Denmark for his auction. He had been living his married life a year in a half already, and he had gotten used of having Gaeul beside him every waking hours, until work had demanded him to fly overseas. He could hardly sleep in that four days having his mind drift to how Gaeul was doing or whether she had some trouble sleeping like him.


And simply right after his event, he had wrapped up everything as fast as possible and flew back home with a plan of visiting her first in the University.


It was during lunch break when she decided to go with her colleagues at the University canteen since her husband wasn't there to fetch her and have their lunch at his office. Ever since she started teaching at the Shinwa, she hadn't gone to the University canteen for a year. She was so amused unto how crazy the students were, squealing along the line of the food stalls. The exact scene had reminded her of her late teenage years where girls her age go gaga every time the legendary F4 would be around the corner. Shaking her head and laughing to herself, she turned to her co-teacher to have some random chats, consuming her waiting time.




Her co-teacher pointed to something or rather to someone behind her. She had first registered the whisperings and squeals before she turned her body and whipped her head towards the direction being pointed. Her eyes widened in surprise, seeing him standing a few meters away from her, poised and proud with his hands in his pockets, not minding how the crowd had gone crazy of his presence.


She being a married woman was something known in the university, most importantly she being a wife of a prominent person. Though she's been shown to the public being the wife of the famous art protégé and Korea's one and only So Yi Jeong, they had managed to keep being discrete from the public eyes whenever they are together. Thus seeing him in front of her with people around them seemed too inconvenient to her.




She smiled back at him, obviously awkward and hesitant. He understood the reason behind her behavior, and that he's sorry, but he couldn't help it when he needed to see her first so badly.


"Hi!" Gaeul managed to speak without faltering.


Yi Jeong turned to her colleagues, bowing his head a little and paid them his greetings before standing beside his wife. "If you'll excuse me, can I snatch my wife for lunch?" He uttered as he held her shoulder protectively.


"Of course, Mr. So. We'll have lunch with Gaeul Seongsingnim next time." A co-teacher answered him with earnest facials.


"Thank you ve..." Gaeul tapped his shoulder halting his words.


"Ani. Ryeowon Seongsingnim." Yi Jeong looked at her, confusion painted on his expression. "Can we just have our lunch here with them? The food here is fine."


Seeing her eager eyes, he was left to nod in agreement. "If you say so." Gaeul smiled at him, pressing his hand tightly, while maintaining her behavior in front of the young crowd. "Thanks!"


She then turned to her colleagues and uttered. "We'll join everyone for lunch. So shall we?"


After the unusual lunch they had, he bid her goodbye as she went through her afternoon schedule. Yi Jeong had told her that he’d be fetching her after her schedule which she gladly agreed. Since then, he was all beaming as he spent his usual routine with her again; eating dinner together, chatting and having her beside him, sleeping soundly and comfortable. Yi Jeong hadn't slept the whole night keeping an eye on her as she stuck herself so close beside him. He couldn't believe that he had actually become so dependent to her, to the point that he couldn't concentrate properly not seeing her for a day. And until she had stirred awake in the morning, he stayed there silently observing her.


"Good morning!"


She heard him greet her before feeling his lips brushing against hers. Gaeul was still in the brink of waking up and dreaming that she was a bit confused seeing him beside her. When she realized that it was really Yi Jeong, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight.


"I thought I was dreaming!"


He chuckled at her childish remark and that he knew she had missed him as much as he had missed her. They stayed tangled together spending some chats with regards of his successful auction in Denmark before they decided to have their breakfast. They spend few more talks about random stuff then went back to their room after.


And from there, he stayed observing her doing her work, slightly feeling left out. Unnoticed to Yi Jeong, Gaeul had been eyeing him all the while, seeing how he sported an annoyed look, darting his piercing eyes on the laptop she's been using. She stifled a chuckle at her husband's failure of masking his obvious tantrums and remained looking nonchalant over him.


Still feeling rejected, he diverted his attention on the television which was flashing different types of entertainment somewhat screaming for his time. He then found some sense of interest into the show flashed before him. Not until he caught a sight of his wife, she was lifting her hair behind, trying to tie it with a band. She wasn't sporting any significant expression, just plain and calm one, with her eyes fixated on her laptop. Unconsciously, Yi Jeong his lips; his attention was all drawn to herd again. He couldn't explain why, but Gaeul seemed glowing, looking more beautiful than ever, if that's even possible thus to him she does.


Yi Jeong felt something familiar stirring inside him, though strangely more dominant and prominent. Could he be attracted to his wife more than he already is? Yes, he had noticed that there was something in her that could make him feel a sudden increase in the surrounding temperature, yet he has no idea to what it was all about. She possesses a different vibe and aura that he himself couldn't explain.


Staring straight on her laptop, Gaeul had focused her eyes on her calendar. She had missed a week of her period, but she wasn't that surprise since she's not too keen about it, as long as it come she would deal with it without concern. However, these past few days she was feeling something strange about her body which she couldn't clearly pinpoint. Being too occupied with her thoughts, Gaeul failed to notice that her husband had made his way behind her. Her attention was then cutoff feeling his presence as he s his arms around her waist. Yi Jeong planted feathery kisses on her shoulder.


"I need some attention." He stated with a sad face right beside her ears. Gaeul laughed and immediately turned her body, cupping his face while sporting a sorry look at him. She saw him pout and by that Gaeul felt obligated to erase it in an instant. Lifting his chin, she cupped his face again before she gave him a soft kiss.


"Mianhe", she said, however, Yi Jeong just smirked at her and delved down claiming her lips again, his way and more eager and passionate at that.


He took the laptop from her and placed it at the bedside table without leaving her lips. Taking his chance on his wife's willingness, Yi Jeong had managed to push her gently down the bed; towering over her while he continued his deed. She was kissing him back and she had totally brushed her work aside. Feeling his hands traveled down her chest, slowly ing her pink sleeveless top, she pulled him in closer receiving his weight covering her.


Gaeul had traveled her hands under his shirt feeling his skin against her palms. 'God! How he missed her touch.' Yi Jeong then made a gap between them, lifting his shirt up and throwing it somewhere. He kissed her again most demanding and consuming. He had never felt this total rush in him when it comes to making love with his wife. She was exuding a different vibe with a strong bewitching effect on him. It felt so different, a bit more scary and extreme. Yi Jeong didn't want to frighten Gaeul, but he was slowly snapping out of his gentleness. Trailing kisses on her neck to her shoulders down her chest, Gaeul could always makes him crazy, but this time it was more... even more addictive. He covered his way back to claim her lips with him...


"Wait!" Gaeul mumbled against his lips, but Yi Jeong didn't seem to hear her word.


"Wait Honey... I just... I am feeling dizzy... Ummmmp!" Gaeul covered , suddenly turning nauseous.


She was blinking several time to Yi Jeong who stiffened on his spot with pure confusion and worry. "Are you okay? Honey, are you sick?"


Gaeul shook her head. "No. I'm fine. I'm not si... Ummmmp!" She pushed Yi Jeong aside as she stormed inside the bathroom.


Alarmed and in fear, Yi Jeong abruptly jumped out of the bed and followed his wife to the bathroom. He saw her leaning on the sink, head down with her other hand fetching some running water to flush . With light and gentle touch, he patted her back and held her shoulder for support.


"I'm fine now." She turned to him with a slight smile and grabbed a face towel to dry her face and hands.


"I don't think so. The last time you said that, you ran from me, storming here and vomited. You're sick... I'm calling Jiho."


"I'm not sick, Jongie. That's what I'm sure about." She held his arm preventing him from getting his phone.


"You are sick, Gaeul. You're all pale and cold..."Yi Jeong insisted, yet he saw her waving her hand to him as if saying 'no'.


"I am not sick and I somewhat feel this is something... I need to make sure." Gaeul spun on her heels and hovered in the medicine cabinet in search of something.


Yi Jeong's eyes widened in an instant, seeing the thing that his wife was holding and before he could say a word, Gaeul had gently pushed him out of the bathroom. "Just give me a few minutes." She said before closing the door.


Yi Jeong was left staring at the then closed door, blinking several times before the thought knocked him awake from his trance. All of a sudden, his pulse rate doubled and his palms became sweaty and clammy. Confused, worried, happy, excited, expectant, amazed and more emotions mixed together which summed up to extreme anxiety. He started pacing back and forth in front of the door, impatiently waiting for his wife to get out. And when the door gently creaked open revealing his wife who had sported puffy eyes, Yi Jeong could only sigh, it was enough to tell him that she had cried.


His heart sunk deep seeing her cry of disappointment and in a swift; he reached for her and pulled her into a comforting hug. "Shhhh... it's okay don't be upset. We'll just try... " Gaeul pushed him a little, gazing back at him with baffled expression which he find strange.


"I'm not upset, Honey." He caught her saying.


"But why are you cryi...?"


Gaeul raised the kit in front of his eyes which he had gazed over with curiosity. "What does that mean?" He asked, still confused and clueless.


Gaeul threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in into a kiss. "I'm not upset. In fact I'm so happy. I'm very happy because.... we're going to be parents soon! Its positive, Jongie!" She failed to control her voice from reaching into an enthusiastic yell while her tears went streaming down her pretty face again.


'Parents soon? Parents? As in mom and dad? I'm going to be a Dad!? I'm a Dad?' He asked himself then realizing after how stupid could he get.


For Gaeul, she didn't know what to feel when Yi Jeong did not show any expression of delight, but more a shock and a confused one.


"You're pregnant? You mean I'm going to be a dad?!" He asked her with eyes wide open. Gaeul nodded at him rigorously, very much expectant of his reaction.


"Really?! I'm going to be a dad?!"


And just as Gaeul nod her head again to affirm him, Yi Jeong felt his heart almost bursting of happiness and other pleasant feelings he never did felt before. He grinned at his wife, and all of a sudden, he pulled her again into a tight hug that turned her breathless. Gaeul was so relieved with his little confusing and delayed reaction. She's so glad that her husband was as happy as her. She felt so blessed and well valued by the heavens for giving her and Yi Jeong such a great blessing. They've been waiting to have a little bundle ever since they got together; howbeit it was just then, after a year and a half that their prayers were granted.


Gaeul was then all too overwhelmed because when they pulled out from the embrace, she saw Yi Jeong's eyes were b and moist. Reaching for his face, she dabbed his eyes with her thumb and wiped his tears dry. "Yah! Why are you crying?" She asked also starting to collect another set of tears in her eyes.


Yi Jeong shook his head and pulled her again into a hug. "Nothing... I'm just so happy. Thank you so much!" He then cupped her face and kissed her sweetly.


"Thank you! I love you so much Gaeul!"




"Slowly... Is our Strawberry that hungry?"


Gaeul lightly patted her daughter's back to a peace her. "Please be gentle Strawberry, you're hurting Mommy."


The little bundle blinked her eyes and cooed at her mother before continuing her business, in gentler manner.


"Good girl." She smiled at her lovingly, tracing Yoowon's nose with her finger.


Gaeul loves seeing her daughter blinking her eyes, slowly fighting the tempting sleep as she her pretty nose lightly. She couldn't help, but gently pinched Yoowon's nose which she obviously got from her father. And there they were, she was holding her safe. From the very beginning, Gaeul had considered feeding Yoowon as their most intimate bonding together. Although, she could be a handful sometimes, Gaeul had learned how to deal with the stubborn lovely buddle who looks exactly like her husband.


Yoowon's nose, ears, lips, dimple, the shape of her face and the way she stretched her lips when smiling were all identical to Yi Jeong. It's not that she's upset having Yoowon look more like her husband, because obviously Yi Jeong is devastatingly gorgeous and having a daughter who looks exactly like him was more than she could ever love to have.


"Our hungry Strawberry fell asleep."


Gaeul chuckled, seeing the little thing still busy with her act, but totally asleep. She raised her arm a bit, lifting her daughter's head and she gave her a peck on the forehead.


Yi Jeong stood contented in his spot. He was leaning against the door frame, silently observing his girls spending their own bonding together. He still couldn't believe that he's already a father, finally understanding the mixture of emotions a child could cause to any parent. Yi Jeong would never forget the rush of feelings he had the very first time he held Yoowon in his arms. He could not believe that he's capable of bringing such a blessing into the world alive, breathing and tangible. And now that he's seeing her as she's growing and slowly exploring the world in her own little ways, Yi Jeong could only feel gladness and excitement on what the future would bring to his child. He and Gaeul had prayed every day, thanking the heavens by giving them Yoowon and also they're not too keen on asking some guidance from above on how they would mold her into a good person in the future. 


"Fast asleep?"


Gaeul smiled at her husband who stepped behind her, wrapping his arms on her waist.


"Asleep and full."


Letting out a sigh of content, Yi Jeong buried his head on the crook of Gaeul's neck. "She is turning seven months on Wednesday. She's growing so fast and more curious about things around her."


Gaeul nodded her head in agreement, looking at their daughter sleeping soundly. "For a six month kid, Yoowon is quite observant and like you, she's extremely stubborn. Oppa was so amused seeing her vividly showing her jealousy with all the pout and scrunched face she sported when I was playing with Jinhye."


Yi Jeong chuckled aloud, imagining the scene in his mind. "She's just like you." Gaeul continued, whipping her head to him and seeing him grinning at her so proud.


"Of course I'm her dad!" She shook her head and stared back at Yi Jeong, and then suddenly they burst together in a discrete laugh.


"By the way, Grandma already sent me the invitations for Strawberry's birthday. I just thought she couldn't be more excited." Gaeul could only laugh at Yi Jeong's statement.


"Halmoni just love Yoowon so much. Ah... Abojie also called this morning telling that he'll be here tomorrow early with Umah because they couldn't make it on Wednesday. He said they'll have to leave for Denmark in the evening."


"But Soorin Umha and Seunghun Appa will be here right?" Yi Jeong asked hopeful for an answer.


"Neh, they'll come, so don't worry." He nodded with a satisfied smile.


"I think we are all set for the event."


Untangling himself from his wife, Yi Jeong made tentative steps towards the sleeping bundle.


"Time to say goodnight to my Strawberry." He kissed her tiny forehead inhaling her pleasant scent before letting Gaeul have his place.


His wife had tucked the little thing comfortably, kissing her goodnight before setting up the cushion side rails to keep her safe. Gaeul then turned the lights out leaving a bedside lamp in a low light. She went towards her husband who was patiently waiting for her at the connecting door.


Slowly closing the door, she felt a light tug on her wrist, and saw her husband pointing at his lips.




Yi Jeong sheepishly smiled at her still having his finger on his lips. "How about my kiss?"


"Could you even be more ogling and flirtatious, So Yi Jeong?"


Eyebrow rose accompanied by an oh-so-devilish smirk, Yi Jeong pulled his wife, bending a little to her ear and whispered. "You do know what I'm capable of, Mrs. So."


He hooked his finger on her chin and delves down to her level. "Do you know that you look devastatingly gorgeous tonight?" A playful smirk was painted on his lips after seeing a pink blush creaked up to his wife's cheeks.


"See? You are blushing. Affected too much?" He teased.


Gaeul instantly shook her head. "Blushing is normal to me, Mister. I think the Casanova lost his touch." She stated in a factual manner showing that she's immune of him, though she is not.




"What? I'm definitely telling the truth."


"Yah! Chu Gaeul!"


There she saw the ever whiny side of him. Even if he's already a father and had reached the age of maturity, Yi Jeong still possessed the behavior of a toddler every time they are together. It may sound weird, but she likes it more if he's like that - whiny, cheeky and childish than being suave and flirty. When she's with him, it felt like she's taking care of a dozen of Yoowon slump into one body.


Gaeul let out a laugh seeing the male version Yoowon turned his back on her. "Awww... I was just joking, Honey." She made some steps and faced him.


Yi Jeong watched as his wife held his shoulders and tiptoed to give him a kiss. "There. Good night!" Yi Jeong did not move nor made any reaction from her kiss. Gaeul tiptoed to kiss him again, but he stayed catatonic, still sporting an adorable pout on his lips.


"Yah! Honey, you are making it hard for me."


"You started it!"


"Aigoo! You are such a huge stubborn baby."


Gaeul threw her arms around his neck to pull him to her level as she trail kisses on his lips, nose, eyes and cheeks. "There. There and there." Holding both sides of Yi Jeong's face she sighed and uttered.


"Mianhe Jongie." Yi Jeong nodded his head with a blank expression then she saw a glare of smirk crossed his lips before he suddenly hoist her up.




Gaeul automatically covered suppressing her scream while holding to him tight. "Yah! So Yi Jeong! Put me down!" She ordered but Yi Jeong just gave her a smirk and stormed inside their room causing Gaeul to close her eyes and held to him tighter.


Her mischievous husband stopped right at the foot of the bed and laid her gently, laughing at how she looked so alarmed. "Hahaha... That's the price for calling me a Casanova. And this..." With wide eyes, she saw her husband stripped down in front of her leaving only his boxers and placed his hands on his waist.


Automatically, Gaeul threw a pillow to him and covered her eyes. "Yah! Put your clothes back, So Yi Jeong! How could you be so inappropriate?"


Yi Jeong looked so amused at his wife and chuckled. He walked near to more. "Yah! I still can't believe you remained as a Bumpkin."


It struck her right bull's eye, and she shot her eyes open just to be welcome by the sight of her husband toned chest. "No! I...I'm not!" She said blinking her eyes several times, keeping her focus out from Yi Jeong's abs.


Yi Jeong let out a laugh seeing her adorable reaction. He really loves to tease his wife until he could see a blush creek up her cheeks. "See who's blushing immensely. Lost my touch, huh?"


Gaeul furrowed her brows and looked straight at her smug and laughing husband who raised his left brow at her. She wanted to retort back, but then her lips had twitched, slowly braking into a shy smile and totally betraying her thoughts. Letting out her feelings, she just cracked a laugh with him surrendering at his teasing.


"So fool of yourself!"


"Not when I'm sure about it." He said bending down to claim her lips. "You just know you need to pay the price of ignoring me, right?"


She shrugged her shoulders. "Is there any option?"


Yi Jeong grinned. "No."


"Such an insatiable man."


"I'm sorry, but you promise to spend your lifetime with that man."


"I know that and that's already given." She said sounding like she's upset.


"Hmm... How about forever?" Yi Jeong suggested expectant of a positive answer.


"Forever? I think I like that better. No. I love that and I love you." She said and poked his nose like how she always does before giving him a soft and gentle kiss.


"Forevermore. That's a deal Mrs. So and I love you more."


Yi Jeong uttered a verbal contract before sealing their gap with a sweet and passionate kiss.



"The end"


A/n: Hi again, this s author Yuri :D. Actually, I had a few one shots post that I made as a 'continuation' of this story. They were fairly made as one shots yet it is in sequence. If you're interested, please click link below :D

No.1 SYJ   http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/581858/1/syj-kimbum-kimsoeun-soeul-bumsso

No. 2 My wife doesn't like me anymore! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/581858/2/syj-kimbum-kimsoeun-soeul-bumsso

No.3 On a mission http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/581858/3/syj-kimbum-kimsoeun-soeul-bumsso

No. 4 Versus http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/581858/4/syj-kimbum-kimsoeun-soeul-bumsso



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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!