Too Eventful

The Recognition

Too Eventful



She whipped her head to the direction of the voice, and her gaze seized a view of a widely smiling young man carrying a very familiar box. Her eyes went cloudy at the sight of him. She saw him run to her spot and throw his small frame for a hug. With a heart full of joy, she wrapped him with her warm embrace and held him protectively.

"Yah! You took too long. I've been waiting for you. You made Noona so worried, Woonie." The boy pulled from the hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"Will that make up from my absence Noona?" He is widely grinning at her with a smug looking face.

"Yah! Lee Siwon, don't act like an adult in front of Gaeul. She's not your girlfriend." Junho reprimanded while meeting the gaze of Gaeul who's been looking at him wide-eye after what Siwon just did.

"I almost feel for that, Woonie." She uttered amusingly with a smile.

"So how was everything?" She asked as she shifted Siwon and let him sat on her lap.

The boy looked back at her sideways and said, "Dr. Geum said I still need one last test and evaluation. She said my infection might get back if I won't take care more. But I promised her I'll be healthy. Noona, thank you for referring me to Dr. Geum, I really like her... Dr. Yoon is also nice to me. Thank you Noona!" He hugged her again.

"Wow! I'm getting a lot of hugs now. I'm so energized." She turned to Junho who's seated across them stretching his long legs out. They are all seated on grass ground under the shade of the tree beside the football field of ShinwaUniversity. He was just watching them talk and chuckled together.

Junho felt so happy to see both being so close again after what had happen to Siwon. He couldn't help but admire the close bond Gaeul and Siwon got that he hope to also have with her. But they're just friends and he’s not her savior like his brother is. Junho, in all his heart, was amazed of how great Gaeul is as a person and a friend. She's just perfect, isn't she? He thought.

He didn’t have any reason to deny the fact that he harbor a special adoration for her and that she's also important to him. She’d always brighten up his days with her silly jokes and expressions. For a year of friendship they had, Junho hadn't seen any flaws on her. Gaeul is definitely and undeniably, beautiful even if you ask random people walking on the streets, they would surely agree. She got high IQ despite the fact that she got amnesia, she's polite, hardworking and her heart was undoubtedly pure and kind. But then the people around her are all extraordinary, it would be very hard to penetrate more into her life. One more thing was that he treasures her that much and he didn’t want their friendship be thrown away if he ended up pursuing her. Being her close friend was enough for Junho. He wasn’t that blind not to see that Gaeul got her eyes on someone, it was something which he didn't want to pry on any more.

"Yah! Your Hyung might be daydreaming already."

"I'm not, Gaeul-ssi."

She just smiled at him and took the box beside her. "Now, shall we open this before the school bell rings?" Gaeul asked the kid.

"Of course! One."



And then, Siwon pulled the box cover revealing a finely knitted 'pea-in-pod' plush toy which was his favorite Toy Story character.

"Watashi no mame!" Siwon exclaimed happily and surprised at the same time.

"Is that Japanese?" Gaeul chuckled at how loud his response was. "There's more." Gaeul took the pea from the box showing a photo card with a signature and a message written on it. Siwon's eyes went wide as a saucer and his jaw dropped in shock.

"DAEBAK! SO NYUH SI DAE TAEYEON NOONA AUTHOGRAPH!" He yelled his delight with all his might, causing Gaeul and Junho cover their ears before laughing out loud. "Noona, is this really for me? Really? Really? "

"Of course!"

"How did you have these? Did you go to their fan signing event just to have this?" She heard him inquired, but Gaeul just gave him her sweet smile and stick her tongue a little. Junho caught her expression making him conclude that she might get a special request to have the photo card.

"Woonie-yah, this Unnie is wishing for you to get well so better be healthy, arrasso? I heard from the pretty Unnie you have here that you also love peas. I promise to give you one of my favorite peas if you'll wake up fast... till then. Be a good boy!

PS: Taeyeon Unni jjang!


Taeyeon Unnie ↖(^▽^)↗ fighting! "*

He read the message out loud, beaming and overly glad about Gaeul’s. "Noona, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you for a million times. I'm so happy." He excitedly and joyfully said.

Meanwhile, there was a lady watching the whole scene, sticking her eyes on Gaeul.

"Is that her?"

"Yes Madame."

"Bring me to the School Administrator."

Walking to the gates, Siwon was holding onto Gaeul's arm and was happily hopping on his track.

"Gaeul-ssi thank you! You really made him happy." Junho uttered to her sincerely.

"Anything for him, Junho-ya, I think I'll be up to here. I still have my last class for this morning." She said to them.

"It’s okay, Noona. I'll just see you soon. I'll be the one visiting you again Noona. I promise."

"Neh, I'll remember that."

"I'll just see you at the studio tomorrow, Gaeul-ssi."

"Okay! You both, be safe okay? Bye!"

"You too, Noona, byeee!"

Meanwhile, an odd pair was in for some unusual day.

With long strides, he walked back in forth seemingly intolerant waiting outside the female fitting room. He kept on looking at his wrist watch checking for his ticking time. "Hey! Aren't you done yet?" He keenly asked with marked irritation.

"Wait there. This is something too complicated to fit. Why would you even make me fit this?" He heard her rant from the inside.

"Why? Is it too tight? Do you want me to help you?" He responded to her with concern.

"Yah! How could you say that?" She yelled back.

"What? I mean what I said... oh?! You got that different..."

"Yah! Song Woobin, don't dare accuse me!"

"Fine, fine, so will you step out now? I'm already after my meeting."

She emerged from the door wearing a black knee length tube dress with laced cropped top and silver embellishments generously adorned on its body hugging bottom. "Isn't it too short for me?" She asked instantly while roaming her eyes down her dress that she just miss how the man in front her flashed an astound look.

Woobin cleared his throat and said, "Not bad. We're taking that."

"You're buying this for me?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I can pay for self, Woobin. I'm Ha Jaekyung."

"I know, but you don't have any choice. So take that off will you?" He pushed her in yet, she resisted and glared at him.

"I said I'm paying for it. And why do I even have to wear this?"

"Aren't you getting in? Or do you want me to help you remove it?" He calmly uttered.

Jaekyung was shock by his bold statement; she pushed him hard and slammed the door before him.

"Stubborn woman" Woobin made a gesture to the attendant and handed her his card. "Please include that shoes over there and deliver it straight to this address. Thank you!"

Jaekyung went out from room carrying the dress on her arm.

"Are you done?" She nodded to him, and then Woobin took the dress, gave it to attendant and held her hand dragging her out of the boutique. "Hey! What's with the dress? You haven't told me about it yet." She breathlessly asked him while keeping up with his pace.

"You'll know later."

"Will you slow down a bit and stop dragging me like this. Are you Gu Junpyo?"

"Well my dear. You took too long fitting those dresses that I'm almost late for my meeting."

"Hey you Mister, it was not my fault. As far as I can remember it was you who piled twenty pieces of dresses and order me to fit those. Why did I even obey?"

"Because you have no choice", he opened the passenger's door and shoved her in smoothly before he went on to the driver seat. "And now you're going to behave well because you're coming with me to my office. Arasso?"

"And what if I won't?"

"You would if I were you. You'll suffer the consequence. Remember what I did?" He taunted her and his statement was then responded with a deadly glare.

"Better be Miss."

"Okay classes dismiss." Sighing in relief, she fixed her things and placed her notes back on her bag. She stood up from her seat and hung her bag on her shoulder.

"Ms. Chu?" She turned her head to her professor.

"Yes Sir?"

"Will you go with me at my office? I have to tell you something important."

All of sudden she felt so nervous about the notice. Digging her brain cells, Gaeul searched for any actions she did to even get such order from her teacher. "Yes Sir." She followed her professor to the faculty area and inside his office.

"You may sit down first. I'll be out in a minute just relax and wait for a bit." She smiled and nod at him.

The moment her teacher went out of his office, Gaeul unconsciously drummed her fingers on top of the office table. She drew a sigh and blew air up her forehead. Did I do something awful this time? Her reverie was halted by the sound of the opening door. Her eyes widen in surprise when she saw a beautiful women aging between late forties or early fifties. She was wearing an elegantly chic looking business suit; standing superiorly and intimidating in front of her.

Gaeul was all worried; she stood up from her seat and gave the visitor her greeting. "Good noon Madame." She bent backwards and slightly smiled at the woman who returned her greeting with a nod.

"Is she the student?" She heard the visitor asked her professor who just appeared from the office.

"Yes Madame L."

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you Chu Gaeul-ssi."

Gaeul saw the visitor smiling beautifully to her. She just noticed how the lady became more beautiful now that she was smiling. Right at the moment, Gaeul started to admire the lady and the anxiety she felt were all brushed aside.

"By the way I am Madame L and I'm here to have an important talk to you."

The sound of the doorbell snatched her attention from reaping her cabinet searching for a descent dress to wear.

"Coming!" She yelled as she dashed to the living room and instantly opens the door.


Her eyes went all wide when she realized who the person standing at across her.

"How did you know...?" She was about to ask, but then she realized that he had just asked for her address.

"Oh? Where's my manners? Come in Dr. Yoon." Minseo offered.

"Thank you!" Jiho stood beside her. She saw him carrying a lot of paper bags, but she just kept herself from inquiring since they're not that close for her to pry on.

"Oh by the way, this is for you." Jiho raised the shopping bags to Minsoe who just scrunched her brows in confusion.

"Wear these for the party this evening. I hope it would fit perfectly. I won't be staying for long since I still have my last scheduled surgery this afternoon." He held her hand and hung the paper bag handles on her palms.

"A chauffeur will be here around seven to fetch you. I'll see you later at the party, Minseo-ssi." He smiled and walked towards the door when she grabbed her arm in a swift.

"Wait Dr. Yoon! I just can't accept these things from you. They're uhm..."

"Take those as a gift and don't even try to refuse or I'll make you pay for everything. It's quite pricey, Minseo-ssi." Jiho uttered with a smile. Her eyes went wide and she gulped hard. She looked down and read the paper bag labels.

"Chanel, Tory Burch. Tiffany and Co." She uttered before sporting a jaw drop. "I... I can't acc..."

"You're welcome, Ms. Kwon. I have to go. Bye!" And then after, she saw Jiho vanished from the door leaving her with nothing to say.

"You are for an outstanding recognition on the near Graduation so you need to think about this very well Ms. Chu. Tell me immediately after you decide."

It's her eight time sighing after she went out of her school premises and now her head was floating absolutely confused. She decided to take a walk along the streets so she could ease out her thoughts and that maybe she’d be able think of a decision. If her parents were with her, they would definitely help her make up the best conclusion. And knowing them, they would practically approve and support her fully. Will he agree about this? She thought and then sighed again.

"Good afternoon Ms. Chu! I am Mr. Choi Jeasuk. I am here to send you to Shinwa Hotel." She heard a man speak to her in prompt right after he went out from a black luxury car which was parked across her.

"Excuse me?" Gaeul was a bit taken aback.

"I was ordered by Young Master So, Miss Chu."

"Yi Jeong? So Yi Jeong?"

"Yes Miss. So please..." He gestured her to get into the car.

She was reluctant to accept the invitation, but her curiosity won over her and there she obeyed. Half an hour had passed and they were able to arrive at one of Shinwa’s five star hotels. She was escorted by the chauffeur up until a designated room where he told her to occupy and wait. It was a Presidential Suit reserve primarily to Shinwa's special guest and the usual accommodation taken by F4. She's been to the place for many times before so you could say that she's somewhat used on staying in such a rooms.

Gaeul went straight to the other room across her which was enclosed with a huge mahogany door and opened it slowly. However, she couldn't find Yi Jeong, instead she saw a huge box lying on top of the king sized bed. Curiously, she came to it and saw her name written on a note place on the box cover.

"What's with this?" She uttered as she slowly opened the lid cover.

"Wear this" – YJ

Gaeul read another note written on top of the folded dress. She lifted the dress with a gentle and delicate touch, afraid to make any damage. Her eyes widen by the sight of the whole dress, it fell completely for her view and she was amazed.

"This is so pretty!" Gaeul exclaimed with amazement.


She heard her name being called and when she turned towards the voice, she was instantly greeted by the widely smiling Ha Jeakyung with her army of assistants.

"Unnie? Are you with them? Do you know what's going on here?" She immediately asked her which earned a negative response form Jaekyung.

"Ani, Woobin told me to wait here and that he said to let these guys do what was order to them. I don't know what it is all about. I'm confused." Jaekyung uttered with vivid irritation in her voice.

"Unnie, relax, I think it's another party this time. And those people there, I think they are here to keep us ready for the event. I'll call Jandi for this and asked her…"

"She's not answering her phone. I've been calling her since this morning, but still she won't answer. And those guys… what's with them? I mean Song Woobin has been acting weird this morning… he bought me a dress and now this!"

"I think we can't answer that now, but I know they got something about this event, look Unnie." She pointed at the dress lying on the bed. "Sunbae, ordered me to wear that dress. I mean this is something very eventful I must say… I don't know."

Later in the day, the ball room of Shinwa Hotel was booming with classical music and the place was flocked by guest from different sectors of government and most members of the social circle.

"Here goes the dashing Doctor with her pretty Nurse." Woobin elbowed Yi Jeong in the arm.

"Who's that girl?" He asked without looking back at Woobin.

"The Nurse working at his hospital whom Jandi invited at Junpyo's charity fair, isn't she pretty?"

Yi Jeong nodded his head as he saw Jiho walking towards them with the pretty nurse at his side.

"Yoh, My bro! What a pretty date you have there." Woobin slapped Jiho's back and turned to Minsoe, "Nice to see you again Minsoe-ssi!"

He flashed his killer smirk and a wink at her, causing the nurse to blush abruptly.

"It's nice to see you again Song Woobin-ssi." She bowed her head to him and caught Yi Jeong looking at her with a slight smile.

Jiho then noticed the curious glance that Minsoe gave over to Yi Jeong. "By the way this is F4's Maknea, the infamous Casanova, So Yi Jeong." His introduction caused Minsoe's jaw to drop.

"Nice to meet you So Yi Jeong-ssi, finally I've seen you in person. I'm Kwon Minsoe." Her frank notion earned a raise of eyebrows form Woobin.

"I'm sorry Minsoe-ssi, but I'm not a Casanova anymore…" and the Woobin cut him off by a statement.

"This man here is taken already." He stated throwing his arm around Yi Jeong's shoulder.

Jiho was about to ask Woobin about what he said, but the crowd suddenly made some chattering noises before it divided, revealing the dashing and widely grinning Gu Junpyo.

"Look how happy the idiot is."

"I still could not believe it even until now. I think he's too confident about it to even arrange this party in advance. I would have missed his reaction if he was turned down."

"Better not stain his pride now guys."

"Hey!" Junpyo greeted them with inerasable smile and delighted face.

"Congratulations, My bro!" Woobin greeted him first.

"I think Jandi should have denied it first this time." Yi Jeong teased.

"Better be ready for the storm Junpyo-yah" Jiho threw in.

"Yah! Are you even my brothers? But whatever you say it can't make my evening low." Junpyo retorted and the three erupted a laugh.

At the verge of their mirth, they heard another loud chattering from the female guests and remarks of admiration from the male guests. And all eyes went straight to the enormous stairs, arching down to the center most part of the huge ball room.

Gaeul’s heart went double and her hands were all sweaty, right after she was thrown glances from the crowd. She was holding tight to Ha Jeakyung's hand and seemingly reluctant to walk down the stairs.

"Unnie wait..." She pulled Jeakyung's hand slightly making the later turn to her.

"It's okay I'm here. Don't worry, they aren't going to eat us whole, they're just throwing admirations." Her Unnie confidently assured her. 

Why did she even choose this spot for an entrance? Gaeul thought, yet she followed Ha Jaekyung.

Seeing the source of the crowd’s amusement, Woobin pulled Yi Jeong beside him and pointed at the spot that was making the crowd go gaga. Almost in an instant, Yi Jeong’s breathing hitched up to his throat the moment he saw her. He held her jaw after he noticed it dropped the time he laid his eyes on her. Gaeul was undoubtedly the most beautiful lady form the crowd even placed beside the infamous Ha Jaekyung. She was mesmerizing and absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous with her dress.

Gaeul was wearing the dress he picked for her; it was a royal blue tube dress with a short cut bottom that could fall right half her thigh. To keep it from being too revealing, the tube dress was ornated with thin sheer see-through royal blue cloth hanging from the open cut from the lower back wound up to her shoulders and down to the bottom. Her hair was pulled up in a messy-elegant chignon and was adorned with a silver round pin matching the belt securing her dress. 

I just know you'll look great with that dress.

Yi Jeong’s smile grew wider when he saw her look his way, smiling at him. He noted the sudden shift of his heart beat the time she smiled, suddenly missing her after not seeing her for the whole day. And with that, his feet moved on its own and glided up to her spot. "Good evening beautiful Miss." He uttered when he reached her spot and instantly offered his hand.

"Sunbea stop that!" She whispered to him. Gaeul looked at his eyes as if saying something before he caught Woobin escorting Jaekyung along with them. "They look good together, don’t they?" Gaeul asked him.

"Yeah they do, but you look the best for me." Yi Jeong remarked honestly which only earned a slap from Gaeul.

"You don't look bad either, Sunbea."


"Okay, okay, insatiable Sunbae, you look great, always great So Yi Jeong."

"Thanks! I love you!"

"Wee?" She stuck her tongue to him and just smiled sweetly. "By the way Sunbae, what is this party all about?"

"You'll know."

They reached the presidential table especially reserved for the whole gang, and by then Gu Junpyo's mother went up the stage greeting all the guests. They all made greeting to each other especially to Minsoe who's seated beside Jiho. They introduce her to Jaekyung right after Junpyo went on stage to his mother.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very much honored to have you with us in this very special occasion. I am very thankful that our family will be able to share such an important event to all of you. I am here to present to the nation, my Son's on an only Fiancée, Ms. Geum Jandi."

Gaeul's eyes bulged from its socket the time she was able to process the statement Mrs. Gu had said. "Is this serious?" She asked and whipped her head to Woobin who's just standing at her right, "Oppa is this really true?"

The latter tapped her back slightly and smiled. "We made this a secret for a surprise. And I guess you are, right Princess?"

Jandi walked down the stairs and was finally escorted by the all smiles Junpyo. She was introduced to the whole crowd before she was able to reach her friends. Jandi was all exhausted for the random greetings and introductions she had, but then she still looked stunning.

"Gaeul!" She called to her best friend and hugged her too tight. "I'm sorry I did not tell you." She pouted when she released her form the hug.

Gaeul couldn’t help but chuckled at her friend’s sorry face. "Jandi-yah, I thought we're best friends, but then you never told me a teeny-tiny bit of hint about this." She pretended to be upset, then after a while, she smiled and puledl Jandi again in a hug.

"I do understand and I'm so happy for you."

Jandi sheepishly smiled. "Thank you Princess."

"I also want a hug", Jaekyung butted in sounding envious of the two. Jandi hugged her after.

"Thank you Unnie!"

"I too want a hug." Woobin said.

"Me too", Yi Jeong and Jiho chorused.

And then everybody crowded to and hugged both Junpyo and Jandi. The group hug was full of laughter and teasing at the side and everybody went oblivious of the eyes the crowd was giving them. Satisfied smiles were painted on the lips of the older people close to them as they observe how delighted and happy their young once are.

"They got really good friends, right Hyun Sub?" Junpyo's mother uttered.

"Yes they do."

"It's nice to see them behave like that. I haven't seen my Son that happy before." Woobin's Dad noted which earned a soft tap at the back coming from Jiho's grandfather.

The gang now was then seated on the presidential table, the girls were chatting while the guys were teasing the now engaged Gu Junpyo. And then all of a sudden Jandi noticed something sparkling on Gaeul’s neck.

"Wait!" She uttered, abruptly stood up from her seat and went to the boys. She grabbed Yi Jeong’s right hand and pulled him towards Gaeul’s direction.

"Yah! Jandi-yah?" Yi Jeong uttered, but then followed Jandi's pulling.

 The three guys curiously stood up their seat and followed Jandi and Yi Jeong's way. The moment they reached Gaeul’s spot, Jandi lifted Yi Jeong's right hand and placed it near Gaeul's neck.

"Yah! You two explain this." She exclaimed. Jandi was pertaining to the similar looking jewelry that Yi Jeong and Gaeul were wearing. She noticed that Yi Jeong's ring was undoubtedly similar to the ring pendant that Gaeul was wearing; it's just that the former got a wider band. Gaeul swallowed hard and looked straight to Yi Jeong, however, he just smiled at her. He took her hand and intertwined it with his, before pulling her gently to stand beside him.

"Jandi-yah, Guys, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Chu Gaeul."


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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!