Pot got my Name

The Recognition

"The Recognition"


Pot got my Name


"YAH! Geum Jandi, where were you huh? Why aren't you calling me back? Are you sneaking again from me? Huh?" Junpyo exclaimed and ranted on the phone.


"Yah! I'm at home with Gaeul. At home. Okay? If you are not stupid enough, come and check us yourself. " She pressed down the call button and trailed behind Gaeul.


A descent size room painted with cream and blue, with a large white two-door cabinet, one huge glass window with neatly tied sky blue curtains and a queen sized bed covered with fresh white bed coverings were seen the moment Gael went in her bedroom with Jandi trailing behind.


Flopping down her bed, she faced her dear friend who was looking back at her with both hands on her hips. "Tell me dear Princess... where was you the whole day?"


"Jandi, Jiho Sunbae already told you that I'm with him the whole time right? Haven't you heard him say so?" She offered her answer to Jandi with her arms folded together in front of her chest.


"I did hear him say so. But I need details, Gaeul."


"Aish... Fine." She stubbornly obliged.



Someone standing near the information desk caught his attention. That person's back was turned to his side. Right after he was given the envelope he needed, he bid the museum secretary good bye and went towards the familiar figure that was now standing in front of the century old pot.

His lips curved upwards when he realized who the familiar person was. He made his gait slower as he went nearer; the he stuck his pointing finger out as he taps that person's back. And in a swift that person turned towards the tap having her right cheek poked with a finger.


"OH!" Her eyes were wide but it changed into a slit the moment she recognized the one who had poked her.


"Yah! Sunbae! You scared me!" She said and handed him a slap on the shoulder.


"Yes. I did." Chuckling, he said while trying to ease the pain at his shoulder. "So, why are you here Princess?"


"I went to take some photos for my new subject. And Sunbae, will you stop calling me that. You know it gave me goose bumps." A request accompanied with a sticking of her tongue.


He gave her a nod and another chuckle as his reply. "Okay, so I guess I'll settle with calling you 'Gaeul-ah' then?"


"That would be great. Thank you, Jiho Sunbae. Oh!? By the way why are you here? Are you off at the hospital?"


With a nod, he answered. "Hmm. I merely got hold of the funds they granted to the infirmary. Are you heading somewhere?"


"No. I'm actually heading home; maybe to watch something, why?"


Jiho gave her a smile and suddenly grabbed her hand and led her towards the exit. Gaeul was not given a chance to agree or refuse to a never spoken invite. She was just shoved inside the car and was driven somewhere with Jiho beside her.



"That's it?"


"Hmm. He took me to the hospital at the Children's ward and asked me to assist him with the kids."




"Then Sunbae was thoughtful enough to teach me some first aid. After that we went to the snack bar. He regaled me with ice cream and cookies and then we headed home."


"Are you sure? Isn't he doing a cover for you?"


"Of course not, Jiho is honest. He will never cover me if I did another crazy stuff."


"Well of course. I'm only getting things clear because if I can clearly remember, Woobin Sunbae had covered for you when you started skiing with him and without my consent. "


Gaeul made a face in front of Jandi then changed her expression into a sly smile. "I promise it won't happen again, Jandi-ah."


"Absolutely. So where is it?" Jandi brought her hands in front while repeatedly opening and closing it.


"The what?"


"The camera. I want to see the photos."

She immediately shoved into her bag and took her camera out. "Here" She said as she handed it to Jandi.


Jandi flopped on the bed beside her and began scanning the pictures. "Wow! Did you really take all these? Oh?! I like how you took this pot. It's really pretty."


Gael leaned closer to her and crooked her head sideways to view the picture. "Yeah. That's actually my favorite." She took the camera from Jandi and pressed some buttons. "Here... look. See the pot got my name on it." Then she proudly laughed at her silliness.


''More or less you got the name of the pot"


"No, it's the other way around, Jandi. The museum in-charge told me that the pot was newly made and was shipped yesterday. So it got my name." Then she laughed softly again.


Jandi only shook her head on her friends' foolishness and continued scanning the pictures.


"You know what, Jandi. That museum really got its edge from the others. I'm not being bias just because of that pot but they really got some exquisite ceramic and painting displays. Especially the pots I'm somewhat drawn to them. Woo Seong really is a world-class museum."


Nodding her head in agreement, Jandi said. "Yeah. Woo Seong is real...WHAT? WOO SEONG? YOU WENT TO WOO SEONG? WHY DID YO...?"


But she was suddenly cut-off. "YAH! Geum Jandi! You're so loud. I can hear you all the way from the intersection." Great Gu Junpyo exclaimed then he settled himself at the corner of the bed beside Gaeul.


"Gaeul-ah hi! Can you still hear me? She's too loud, right?" He said to her while pointing to his girlfriend like an inanimate object.


"YAH! Gu Junpyo why are you here?" She countered.


"My my my... My girlfriend is so stupid. You told me to check you up a while ago that's why I'm here. Pabo!"




She manages to recall their latest conversation then the realization of Gaeul being at the museum went to her. She abruptly got up and dragged Junpyo out of the room and out of the house, leaving Gaeul dumbfounded inside the vast room.



It has been just a few second hug but it means so much for him. Maybe he is still not that open about how much he longed for a father to hug him but at the moment he was grateful.


"You do realize you have to leave, right?"


"Of course, Abojie." He shyly smiled at him when they broke the hug. "Father, I... I'll be waiting for you at home... See you soon"


Hyun Sub, was elated at on the sudden gush of feelings; he taps his son's head and gave an affirming nod. "Go ahead. I'll call whenever I can."


With that Yi Jeong went off.


"Any news?"


"No. Not a single useful data. But one report said about him boarding in Germany. I'll still have to check it though."


"I see. He's indeed good at hiding. "


"Yah! You two. What if he really has a good reason about this? Maybe it's really him who made the pot, right? And that's really for her, right?" Junpyo -in.


"That's why I'm searching, remember? To know what is his goddamn reason behind all of this." Woobin retorted.


"Why don't we just leave him alone? Maybe he doesn't want us to be in his life anymore. We don't need him here anyway." An icy comment coming from Jandi.


"Will you just stop this childish thing, Jandi? Yi Jeong is a friend and no matter what had happened before we need to see him and end this wreck once and for all." It was Jiho's turn to enlighten his friends. Though he doubted about Yi Jeong's reason, they still have to search for him after all he is still a dear friend to them.


Woobin just shook his head and pressed his phone back to his ear. "That's enough guys. By the way I called just to tell you I'm coming back soon."


"When? Next year?" Jandi sarcastically asked after he snatched Junpyo's phone again.


"Jandi, you don't have to sound like that if you mean you misses me. You know? Just say so." With a hint of teasing, Woobin declared.


"Miss your Richard Simmons, Woobin." The reply came straight to the great Gu Junpyo who manage to stir his girlfriend and locked her into his embrace.


A loud laugh erupted from Woobin's line. "Okay. Fine. All of you, I actually have to go right away. I'm hanging up guys. Bye"


*All passengers for flight 108 Air Austral. Saint Denis, France to Seoul South Korea is now open for boarding*


"I guess I have to go." Woobin said to himself with a smile as he walked towards the departure area.


"Let me go, Junpyo." Jandi stirred to get away from his boyfriend's embrace. "So, tell me. What do you think is his reason why he had been away that long, huh?"


"I don't know. Maybe he has some kind of plans."


"What plans?"


"Having Gaeul back?"


"Wow. Leaving her like this then getting her back? And four years of preparation? You're a genius Gu Junpyo."


With a smug and wide smile he said. "Of course I am."


Jandi just made a face to him and shook her head on how stupid her boyfriend was. But unknown to her Junpyo was just making the mood lighter because he himself didn't know how to defend his own friend at the moment. He too was not sure of what really was the reason behind Yi Jeong's absence. With that, he just went and trail behind Jandi scratching his nape.


The door opened and there came her friend getting in. ''Oh... There you are. How about dinner tonight? I made some Bulgoggi and Curry." Gaeul said and noticed Junpyo went in after. "Ah... Sunbae you're still here. Hop in and have dinner with us, I made a lot of curry." She added thoughtfully.


"Really? Oh sure, I do miss home cooking."



"Do you need anything, Sir?" A smiling stewardess asked.


"None. Thank you!" He replied courteously.


He still got 6 hours before the plane would land but he couldn't manage to settle himself on his . Even if he made such a comfortable seat at the business class, Yi Jeong still kept on shifting side by side.


All he wanted to do was have some nap so he could focus more on thinking what will he do first once he arrive. But no matter how he tried he was incapable to ease his heart that kept on ramming on his cage.

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!