

"A bet is a bet. I would've kept my end of the bargain if I had lost."
Juni was right. If she did lose, she'd do what she promised and not back off on her word. Whenever we played a game, we always placed a bet and the loser always had a punishment of some sort and when I lost, she usually liked to dress me up in her clothes. Other guys would hate it but l got so used to it that l ended up enjoying it instead. Although Juni considers dressing me up as a punishment, it became my weird pleasure. l was her life-sized Barbie doll.
" l have this great dress l just bought a couple of days ago," she rummaged through her closet. "Ah! Here it is!" She held out a pink dress with a feather pattern and an open back. It was a cute dress ; no lie. 
When l put it on, the front was quite loose. Juni was a little heavier on top. She fixed that problem,
and not going into detail; it looked great. Her fashion sense has always been eye-attracting for the 6 years I've known her. I'm actually honored to be her model. Anything for my best friend. 
"Mink-ah, how many times do I have to remind you to take it easy on the weightlifting?" Juni rubbed my slightly muscular arms, " your muscular arms will give you away." 
The real punishment Juni planned was for us to go in public with me dressed in drag.
I sighed when she started to put makeup on me.
"Minki, I don't say this enough," I opened by eyes at Juni after the eye makeup was finished, "you're beautiful." She kissed me on the cheek, "Let's go."
I never expected so many stares in my life.
"Don't you feel good? They're all checking you out. Most girls are intimidated by you and the guys think you're hot." Juni commented as we walked the streets of Hongdae.
"They're only attracted because they think I'm a girl," I hung my head low.
"Awww Minki, don't feel bad. What can I do to make you feel better?"
I peered at her for a few seconds, "Hold my hand," I held it out for her, hoping she'd comply to my request. I blushed when she took mine in hers, lacing our fingers. I was not expecting that.
"Feel better?" she bent over to look up at my face. I nodded my head and tried to hide the redness of my cheeks.
"I'll treat you to bubble tea," Juni smiled at me. "Wow, what a long line," the little café was crowded with customers. "Can you find us a seat?"
"Sure," I resentfully let go of her hand and walked around the plaza to find a vacant seat.
As I walked around,  I heard a few boys whispering amongst themselves. I was pretty sure that they found out I was a boy, but my day just got a bit
weird instead. They all stood up at the same time and one started to rap to me? WTF. Then, the shortest one pushed him aside and started to sing. The melody of his words sounded quite familiar. I probably heard it on Juni's ipod before. I walked into a little shop, hoping that they wouldn't follow me inside. Haha. They did. The one with the red shirt started rapping about uniforms, or some like that. From the corner of my eye, the one with dyed hair had his hands up,  looking as if he was about to grab me. I swear I thought they were doing a cover to some song. When we exited the shop, the dyed-haired boy held my wrist. Strange fellow. I felt their song coming to an end when they encircled me. I was just about relieved but then all of a sudden, Mr. Strange lunged forward and gave me a hug. Shocked,  I pushed him away and ran towards Juni, who was appraoching us. 
"Do you know those guys, Minki?" she asked holding our orders.
I shook my head. I protested a vast amount but I really didn't have a chance against Juni. She was the more dominant one between the two of us. As a result,  we ended up sitting with the four serenaders and having lunch with them.
"So what are your names?" Juni asked.
"I'm Jimin," the short one stated.
"Hoseok," said red shirt.
"Taehyung," said Mr. strange in a deep voice.
"I'm Juni and this is Minki," Juni patted my shoulder. 
"Apologies for earlier, Minki-sshi. I couldn't help it," Taehyung looked at me intently, kinda freaking me out, "you're just so beautiful." I blushed hard at the complement. When I turned to Juni, she was giving me a smug sheepish smile.
"That was title of the song we were singing earlier. 'Beautiful'," Hoseok added.
"Woah big step for Minki-ah," Juni rubbed my
back, "serenading the beautiful Minki. How old are you guys anyway?" she asked them.
"I was born  in '94," Hoseok initiated, "Taehyung and Jimin are '95liners and Jungkookie here is our baby '97'er."
"Awww no one my age," Juni pouted In the adorable way she does. "at least I have 3 new oppas," she giggled. She better stop or else.
"Jungkookie can call me noona," she smiled at him. That's it.
I stood up and stormed off to the restroom. I splashed my face with water to calm myself then I realized that my makeup was not waterproof. I had streaks of eyeliner and mascara running down my face. Dammit. I had cleaned off my face and put up my hair in a ponytail. I left the restroom and entered the closest clothing store in my sight. I picked out an outfit, tried it on, and paid for it immediately. Then I headed back to the restroom and changed into ensemble inside a stall.
Throughout my little tantrum,  my phone was vibrating off the hook but I refused to answer Juni's calls and texts. After I finished dressing,  I headed back to the table the 6 of us were seated at and saw the four still talking to Juni. She was  just staring into space. I could tell she was upset. I approached the quintet  confidently, hiding the dress in my shopping bag.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Juni's eyes widened at my presence. 
"No, please take a seat," she gestured.
"What about Minki?" Jimin asked Juni.
"I ran into her and she told me she was going home. She's really upset," I indirectly voiced Juni.
"Okay, but who are you?" Taehyung asked bluntly. 
"I'm Juni's boyfriend." both the boys and Juni surprised. "You said Minki was beautiful, but not Juni? You're insane. Babe, let's go," l grabbed her hand and my shopping bag in the other, leaving the four boys to pay for the cafe's bill.
"What was that about?!" Juni started to yell at me when we reached the neighborhood park. "You just storm off, not answer my texts or calls and come back as my boyfriend? Why??"
"Because I like you, Okay?!" l snapped, letting go of her hand. "You were so friendly with those other guys, doing the cute little gestures you do. l wanted to kiss you then and there but those weirdoes were there and I was afraid they'd judge us."
" I don't care what they think," Juni stated her opinion.
"I don't care about what they think of me."
"You mean?"
"Oh just shut up and kiss me already," she pulled me down by the collar to meet our lips.
"Girl or boy," Juni looked deep into my eyes, "I'll always love you and your beautiful soul."

[2013.11.26 4:30 AM]

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