
Nerd Effects



He is Kim Jonghyun. He had always been the center of attention. Judging by his looks, talent and those chocolate abs under his clothes that fill up his lack of height. But one thing is for sure, he never knew that the nerd on the corner has this effect on him. Since he saw the nerd on the library 2 months ago, he has always been on Jonghyun's mind.



Damn. There he is again. The nerd. Jonghyun inwardly cursed. He was once again left awed by him. There's like an invisible force pulling him towards the nerd. And the next thing he knew, the nerd was trapped between him and the wall.

Oh God. How the hell did I suddenly went here? I swear I'm at least 20 meters away.



"What? I-I...How?" Jonghyun looked at the stuttering mess in front of him and smirked. Damn. Those chinky eyes and the faint blush on his cheeks, Jonghyun can't help it but find it very cute. Better make use of this once in a lifetime chance.


"Kim Jonghyun." He said as he felt a sudden wave of confidence in his system.


"Kim Jong-what?" He steals a peck on the nerd's cheeks and pulls away. Looking at the name plate of the cute boy/nerd, he walks away and says, "Kim Jonghyun. Don't forget the name, Lee Jinki."



You could never imagine how red the nerd, Lee Jinki, is as he stares at the retreating figure with his hands on his cheeks.






The next day, he sees the nerd - Lee Jinki on the hallway. Once again, he was in a trance because of him. That eyesmile. Jonghyun wonders if those chubby fingers will fit perfectly with his. But all his daydreams was spoiled as he sees a person talking to Jinki. Who is that person? A boy with a mushroom haircut and a thin build. Cute, but nowhere near his Jinki's level.



His Jinki. He likes the sound of that. He brush his hair with his hands and coolly approach the two figures he was eyeing a while ago. He could see Lee Jinki stiffen upon his arrival. So he remembers. He quickly steals another kiss on his cheeks and ruffle his hair. 



"Cute." He breathes upon Jinki's ear. He walks away and mentally celebrating for making Jinki blush for the second time.






"You don't have to steal a kiss everytime you see him, you know?" Kibum says as he took a bite of his garden salad. It's lunch time and Jonghyun keeps on eyeing the table where Lee Jinki and the mushroom boy who he know recognizes as Lee Taemin, sits.


"Eh?" He replies as he broke out of his mini daydream.


"You really have no decency. Can't you see that you're scaring the wits out of Jinki sunbae?" The feline-eyed person says as he rolls his eyes. It took Jonghyun a few more seconds to process what Kibum said.


"SUNBAE? DID YOU JUST SAID THAT HE'S A FREAKING SUNBAE?!" Jonghyun slammed his hands on the table, startling everyone including his Jinki. Well, Jinki sunbae(?).


"Yeah. I just did. Lee Jinki, the one you were stealing kisses from and staring at since lunch break started. From class 3-A." Jonghyun could feel the diva rolling his eyes again.


"Are you really a pea-brained person or just slow and plain stupid?" Jonghyun just groaned and slams his head on the table while he hears Kibum mumble about something like, "Why did I get a bestfriend like this stupid Dino?". 



He didn't know what the hell he just got myself into.






Turns out, Kim Kibum isn't really kidding about Lee Jinki being his sunbae. Using his authority as the son of the school chairman, getting a copy of his school records or simply anything about Lee Jinki is as easy as solving 1+1. He stares at the folder containing informations about his Jinki and feels enlightened as his knowledge about the latter widens.



Name : Lee Jinki

Birthdate : 14 December 1989

Birthplace : Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Current Class : Year 3 - Class A

Former School Attended : Gwangmyeong Middle High

Extracurricular Activities :

- 3rd Year Representative - Student Council
- Vice President - Science Club
- Editor In Chief - School Paper
- Member - Music Club

Note : Lee Jinki is a straight A student with a full scholarship not only for his academic excellence but also for his musical abilities.



Jonghyun smirked at what he found out. So, Jinki is on the club Minho's pestering him to join. The Music Club. It's been a long time since Minho kept on bugging him to join, saying that a talent like Jonghyun is what he needed for the club. Luckily for Minho, he's willing to join right now. He dials a familiar number and waits for Minho to answer.



"Hey, hyung! What's up?" Minho's deep voice was heard on the other line.


"Joining the Music Club. That's what's going on. Any room for a new member?" He asks.

Please. Please. Please.


"Jinjja? Of course there's always a room for you hyung! I've been waiting for you for so long." Jonghyun sighed in relief as he says his thanks and bid goodbye.



If you only knew my reason, Minho. Kekeke. Now, I have to plan my schemes to be closer to my Jinki.






The next time he and Jinki meets is at the Music Club meeting. Minho had assigned Jinki throughout the club activities and help him get adjusted to it. Jinki had a bad feeling about this so he went up to Minho and asked him to give the task to another member. But Minho declined and says that he's the best member to handle and accompany Jonghyun throughout the club meeting. Little did he know, Jonghyun coaxed Minho with his Park Ji Sung signed soccer ball.



With an awkward posture, he went up to Jonghyun and pretty much mumbled, "N-nice to meet y-you, J-jonghyun ssi. I'm L-lee Jinki."


"I know. I assume you're my guide for today?" Jinki just nodded in reply and began his duty.



Jinki explained some club rules and helped him on club activities and Jonghyun listens attentively. He loves how Jinki stutters and blushes in front of him. Even when tripping over air, he still finds his sunbae cute. The day went on pretty well and before he knew it, club time is over. He walks towards Lee Jinki and says, "I had a great time, sunbae. See you tomorrow."



And then he left. Of course, after he steals another kiss on Lee Jinki's cheeks leaving a blushing Jinki and a lot of confused members of the Music Club.






Everything was fine for Jonghyun in the Music Club. In fact he's happy that Jinki is always with him throughout the club activities through Minho's orders. (He's thankful that Minho is the president for the Music Club) And everyday he gets to steal a kiss from Lee Jinki. Yeah. He got used to it.



"Earth to Kim Jonghyun!" Minho shouted from the front and Jonghyun earned a laugh from his clubmates.


"Yeah. You were saying?" Jonghyun scratched his nape. He got caught daydreaming. Again.


"I said that every member should compose a song. The most well-written song will be used for the Music Competition next month. Any questions?" Minho asked and Jonghyun raised his hand. "Yes, Kim Jonghyun?"


"What genre?" Jonghyun asked. He's pretty good with composing. He could just grab from one of his ready-made compositions.


"Anything you want. But ballads and R&Bs are well-appreciated. Anyone who still has questions?"


"None." All of the members answer in unison and Minho dismissed them.



That night, Jonghyun scanned his composition folder, searching for a song that he'll submit. But all of them seems to not fit Jonghyun's standards, so he began drafting a new one.



Look at my eyes, I whisper alone as I look at you from far away
Just smile for me once, I can endure it just by seeing your face

If you are standing at the end of my life, if I can get closer to you
I can throw away everything and run to you

Though I extend my hand, though I extend it with all my strength, I can’t reach you
It seemed like I got closer so I called you with a fluttering heart
But there’s no answer, I guess I can never reach you


Every day changes so quickly and you are warmly and brightly shining
I’ve never seen that turned back (your back) – is curiosity also part of my greed?

Since when did I start being with you? From the moment I opened my eyes and started to breathe
I was with you every night (we were together) but I can’t approach you

Though I extend my hand (hold my hand), though I extend it with all my strength, I can’t reach you
It seemed like I got closer so I called you with a fluttering heart
But there’s no answer (missing you), I guess I can never reach you

Even if you tease me by saying this is foolish, I can’t turn this heart around

I shout out loud (shout out loud and call you), I get angry but it’s no use
I’m just one out of the many people that pass by you (pass by you)
I’m not special to you

Though I extend my hand, though I extend it with all my strength, (I can’t reach you baby) I can’t reach you
It seemed like I got closer (so I shout outloud and call you) so I called you with a fluttering heart (I call out to you more)
But there’s no answer, I guess I can never reach you

I guess I can never reach you



He's pretty satisfied with the result so he decides this is the song he'll submit. He named it Selene 6.23 (The Distance Between Us) because he got inspiration from the moon, the date today, and a special person that's so near yet so far. All he needs to finish it all is to do a musical accompaniment for it.






Kim Jonghyun awed because of Jinki's composition titled Your Name. He's also curious. Who is the person behind this well-written song? A girl with a long hair? Sweet red lips? Jonghyun felt a little jealous. What? He thinks to himself. No, he's not jealous. Or is he?



"Kim Jonghyun! Your turn." Jonghyun sighed and went in front of the class.


"Uhmm. My song is about a person that seems so near yet so far. The distance between us is like the moon and me. I could see it but it's also one thing I couldn't reach. I hope you like it." And he cued the pianist to start. The sweet melody of the piano was heard and Jonghyun started singing.



Everyone was in a trance and teary-eyed by the time Jonghyun was finished. Even Lee Jinki become teary-eyed. He didn't expect this reaction from all of them. Especially from Jinki.



"As expected from you, hyung. But may I know who is the person you got inspiration from?" Minho asked as he clapped in satisfaction.



Jonghyun leaned closer and Minho waited for Jonghyun's answer. Jonghyun left a shocked Minho as the bell rings and blows a kiss to Jinki's direction. Of course, he whispered his answer.



Lee Jinki.






"Hyung! What was that for?" Minho asked for the nth time.


"None of your business, Keroro. Mehrong!" Jonghyun replied.


"But you wrote a song about him and always kiss him in front of us. I know it wasn't nothing." Jonghyun was getting annoyed. Why did Minho get so worked up because of this?


"I didn't say it was nothing. I said None of your business, Choi. So, shut -" Jonghyun was cut of as he sees Lee Jinki entered the club room.


"Wow. I should always pair you two up. I never knew that just the mere presence of Jinki hyung can shut you up." Minho chuckled as he left Jonghyun and went in front of the class.



Minho kept his word. He pairs Jonghyun and Jinki together for ALL club activities saying that pairings develops unity and cooperation. They were tasked to do a duet on the spot and picked a ballad song titled, "Please, Don't Go".



Last night in my dreams, you drew close to me
Your whispered words, your hair that brushed against my face



As Jinki sings the first two lines, Jonghyun felt weird. His heart beat fast. And he felt a weird flutter in his stomach. Is this what you call butterfly in your stomach?


When I woke up from my dream, it was all too clear
That your presence was nothing but a dream, The tears in my eyes told m



Jonghyun almost got off-tune due to the trance a certain Lee Jinki made him suffer. But as he looks at the smiling Jinki, he just wants to impress him and pours every ounce of his emotions in singing the song.


You can’t, you can’t, don’t leave like this
Please just one more time, one more time, hold me in your arms again
The next time I close my eyes to meet



And as he sang the last line, he steals a kiss from Jinki. Not on his cheeks but on his lips. This time, Jonghyun is the one who runs away, confused of his own actions.






In the next two weeks, Jonghyun skips Club meetings and avoids being in the same room as Lee Jinki. It's not that he hate his sunbae. But he gets weirded out of what he feels as soon as he sees Lee Jinki. Even hearing his name makes Jonghyun feel weird. He doesn't know what this is. But at the same time, he doesn't want to know. Kim Jonghyun isn't one for relationships.



It's Saturday and it's raining. What a fun weekend it is, Jonghyun thought. As it rains, a sudden, knock on his dorm was heard. And it's pretty surprising to see Lee Jinki, drenched from the strong rain, in front of him.



"Hi." Jinki greeted, shivering and teeth clattering from being drenched.


"What are you thinking, sunbae? It's raining!" Jonghyun scolded him from being careless.

I'm worried, sunbae.


"It's j-just that y-you skipped meetings for two w-weeks already. E-everybody's asking for you. And I t-think -"


"Get in, sunbae. You're shivering." Jonghyun said as he pulled Jinki to his room and closed the door. "Wait here. I'll get you a change of clothes and you can take a shower."


"Thanks, Jonghyun." Jinki mumbled and Jonghyun smiled as he ruffles Jinki's hair.


"You're welcome, sunbae."



I care for you, Lee Jinki.



After a hot shower and a mug of hot chocolate, he began to talk with the less-shivering Jinki. They began to catch up with each other and he learned that both of their compositions were chosen for the competition. But Jinki isn't there for that. He needs to talk to Jonghyun. About something.



"Can I ask a question, Jonghyun ah?" Jinki asked.


"Sure, hyung." They talked and decided that they should just drop the formalities.


"Is it possible that..."



Is hyung asking what I think he's asking?



" hate me?" Jonghyun blinked at Jinki's question.


"What are you talking about, hyung? I don't hate you." Jonghyun laughed while Jinki could only stare at him.


"It's just that you were kind of avoiding me for the last two weeks. Even being in the same room as me. Did I do something wrong?" Jinki asked, worried of Jonghyun's answer.



He's not asking why I keep on kissing him?



"No. It's just that....Aish. I don't really know, hyung. Sorry."


"Can we become friends?" Jonghyun stared at him and asks, "Eh? Are we not friends right now?"


"Oh. I thought we need formalities for it. Kekeke."


"Aigoo, hyung."



And with that, they continued to talk about theirselves. Sharing stories and even the recent news about the weather. The night came and it was time for Jinki to go. They exchanged numbers with the promise of texting each other later. You could say Jonghyun had a good sleep that night and he confirms, he really likes Lee Jinki.



For a couple of days, Jonghyun and Jinki were inseparable. Jonghyun would fetch Jinki from his classes, accompany him for lunch, go to the club meeting together, and even walking Jinki home. Kissing Jinki was part of his daily routine and it's really a mystery why Jinki didn't ask why he does it. In fact, Jinki would smile after every kiss and bid Jonghyun goodbye. Of course, rumors would spread around. That the popular guy, Kim Jonghyun, gone gay for the nerd, Lee Jinki.



"So, you swing that way, huh?" Kibum chuckled.


"Eh?" Jonghyun was confused.


"Oh come on. You didn't tell me you like guys. I thought we were bestfriends." Kibum faked hurt and Jonghyun just laughs.


"Just for Jinki hyung." He stood up and left a weird-looking Kibum who's eyes says 'I know'.



Everyone would now look at Jonghyun weirdly everytime he's with Jinki. Jinki would notice it And Jonghyun would just ignore it holding Jinki's hand and smile. They were more than friends but less than lovers. Jonghyun is contented of what they have right now.



2 months and counting of being in an unknown relationship with Jinki, he knows he had to make a move. Gathering courage and confidence, he planned a confession for Jinki. He wants to make this official, if Jinki permits.



"Kibum, what if he doesn't accept it? What if he doesn't like me? What if -" Jonghyun rants and Kibum is tired of it, shouting a "Those are what ifs, Kim Jonghyun."


Jonghyun thinks for a second. Is he ready for this? As he ponders with himself, he didn't noticed Kibum was gone and Jinki was here. It's time.


"Jonghyun ah. You want to talk about something?" Jinki sits down beside Jonghyun.


"Uhh. Yeah." Jonghyun is at loss for words. "About what?" Jinki asks.


"IlikeyouhyungandIcan'thideitanymore." Jonghyun breathes in and Jinki laughs.


"Easy. I could only make out the words hyung and anymore. Can you repeat what you said? Slowly." Jonghyun sighs and decided he should just get over this.


"I like you hyung. And I can't hide it anymore." Jonghyun waits for Jinki's reaction. And he's pretty surprised by it as Jinki hits his shoulder. Something like Kibum would only do.


"Pabo! I was waiting for you all along. Kissing me all of a sudden 3 months ago and doing things only a boyfriend would do. Tsk tsk. I didn't thought you were -" Jinki was cut off as Jonghyun pulled him to a kiss. Their first real kiss.


Jonghyun pulled away and says, "Sorry. It was the only thing I thought to shut you up."


"Oh. Sorry?" Jinki chuckles and Jonghyun hugs him. He never had the intention to let him go. Ever.


"Jonghyun ah. What does this make us?" Jinki mumbles through Jonghyun's tight hug.


"Uhh. What do you think?" Jonghyun laughs at Jinki's confused reaction and pulls away from the hug.


"Of course, you're my boyfriend!" Jinki just smiles and kisses Jonghyun once more.



It's nice to call Jinki, my boyfriend. My Jinki.





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The front page picture is soooooo cuteeee ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Chapter 1: jongyu forever!!!
such a sweet, fluff and cute fic
jonghyun giving a pecks as routine and finally get kiss from jinki the nerd
ranma41 #3
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!!!! How stolen kisses end up being a routine and getting them together ><
Leejinki4life #4
Chapter 1: Too cute!!!! <3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh <3 So cuteeee
Chapter 1: aahhhhhdorable ^^

oh Jongyu so sweet .. thanks for this
Chapter 1: This is sooo cute & adorable. My jongyu heart ;_;
Chapter 1: OMG this was just so adorable!!!
Love this so much!!!♥
And you even included the lyrics making the story even more beautiful!!!
Yes JongYu, you belong to each other!!xD
Chapter 1: This is so cute <3 Yes, your Jinki Jonghyun :3